Windows 8 basics. Minimum system requirements

Just a month ago, users all over the world had the opportunity to see and try out the test Windows Consumer Preview. It should be noted right away that the production of operating systems by the company resembles a roller coaster - up and down, good or bad. For example, Windows 95, despite its revolutionary nature, was crude and unbalanced. Windows 98, which follows it, is good, fast and convenient, and after the appearance of the next versions, many users long time continued to use it. Windows Millenium, apparently, was released under the influence of a huge number of rumors about the coming end of the world and itself resembled a global cataclysm. On Windows 2000, the developers improved significantly, but they did not last long, because Windows XP was raw and unsuccessful. And with the advent of SP2, this version surprisingly turned into one of the best in the entire line of operating systems, and even after the release of the seventh version, many users and programmers preferred to use it. Windows Vista despite attempts to innovate in design and create something revolutionary, it turned out to be bad, slow and full of holes. But the seventh version of Windows turned out to be just great, perhaps, Vista is just an unfinished "seven", which had to be released to the market and called a separate name because of the tight deadlines.

But with the eighth version, a completely different story. Microsoft is not doing as well today as it used to be. Sales of personal computers have declined for a long time, and with the advent of an abundance of laptops, ultrabooks, smartphones and tablets, the level of the PC market collapse is simply amazing. Thus, the developers were forced to come up with, create and try to implement a cross-platform operating system, with the ability to manage, excuse me, with a finger. It was for the implementation of these tasks that Windows 8 was created. It should be noted that, according to statistics, for the first day after opening access to trial version, it was downloaded by about a million users. And in 7 days it was installed on almost 6 million gadgets.

Minimum system requirements.

First of all, it is worth voicing the minimum system requirements:

As you can see, everything is not as scary as one might think. In fact, it will work tolerably well on almost any laptop (from 2009 onwards), smartphones (from 2011 onwards) or tablets. You can try to bet on the old Personal Computer instead of Windows XP.


The installation itself is even more convenient and faster than in the previous version. On a laptop with an iCore3-2330M processor and 4 Gigabytes of RAM, the complete installation cycle took a little over 20 minutes. It is worth recalling that this is only a test version so far. Windows 8 "got up" well, neatly and flawlessly - everything is available, everything works. Despite the absence of any problems with the drivers, if any arise, Microsoft itself gives standard recommendations - look at the manufacturer's website. Manufacturers, on the other hand, are dutifully and quickly release updated versions.

Initial impressions after running Windows 7 on this same laptop are pretty good. It seems that the eighth version is even faster. Although the "seven" stood a little more than six months and was quite busy. If you remember a certain surprise after the first Windows startup 7, then something like nostalgia awaits you. There are many unusual innovations here. But more on that later. While it is worth describing the broader flexible and convenient file copying options. In the same window, you can concurrently monitor a certain number of processes - the choice of location, priority or order of copying, pause, cancel, and so on. The notification system has been deeply updated. V Google could not be wrong with the introduction of remote " hard drives for the user". Microsoft picked up this wave and made active support for "cloud" services. Even with a small screw volume, you can save data on network service... In addition, there is a branded online store for free download applications. Perhaps they cost nothing as long as there are minimum applications and you have no choice. The routing system for network channels has also been updated.


Now let's get back to the innovations. The interface is unfamiliar and unfamiliar. Everything is beautiful, clear and neat, but incomprehensible. The name Windows has ceased to correspond to reality, because there are no more windows. In addition, you will not even find the familiar Start button - neither round nor rectangular. To call the list of programs, just move the mouse to the lower left corner, click and in no case move, because at the slightest movement the preview of the start list of programs disappears. The active zone of the list is incomprehensible, because periodically activation occurred by mistake and unnecessarily. When you hover and click in the upper left corner, a list of the used application appears, with further movement of the mouse down, the list expands and you have the opportunity to select the required application from complete list running applications. The screen is filled with "touch" buttons, similar to applications in the iPhone. The buttons aren't randomly placed, but swap places without issue by simply moving the mice (and should be with your finger).

A little surprising is the horizontal scrolling, which is used to scroll the buttons. To activate the application, just click on the button. To turn off, what would you think - swipe the mouse from top to bottom or activate the list of running applications through the upper left corner and only then close the application. Apparently, the developers are trying to pull users to a more advanced level, since the default hotkeys have to be used quite often. It was very inconvenient to use everything that happened on the screen, at least for the first time. Probably after a few months daily work in the environment of the eighth version, you can find incredible convenience and beauty in everything. Or perhaps it was uncomfortable only because the screen is not touch-sensitive. By the way, already now you can download homemade add-ons that will return the standard one for previous versions Start button. Internet Explorer has always been a problematic and inconvenient program, even the appearance of the tenth version did not improve the situation at all, despite a couple of interesting solutions. In fact, its only purpose is to provide the user with the ability to download and install a convenient browser, and then forget about Explorer until the next reinstallation of the operating system.

To summarize briefly, we can say that despite the presence of a large number of unusual functions, inability to the usual mouse and the absence of the Russian language, Windows 8 looks interesting, beautiful and truly new, does not at all upset the speed of work and even allows you to store a significant amount of information from small hard drive.

If you are a Windows 8.1 user, then these tips can make your life a lot easier when working with the OS. The computer will work without any problem and the system is protected. So, here are 6 tips for working with Windows 8.1.

Installing the latest updates

The operating room has already been released Windows system 10 and Microsoft is doing its best to ensure that as many users as possible migrate to this platform. However, for Windows 8.1 they have been releasing updates for a while. Though Windows support 8 and Windows 8.1 ends.

If you are still using this operating system, then be sure to install the most Latest updates which fix various bugs in the system and add new functions. You can download them from the Update Center. Several updates improve performance and fix security issues.

Installing driver updates

Most often, some components in Windows do not work due to the fact that they are not installed required drivers... This also applies to Windows 8.1. If you do not know how or where to install the drivers, then where is it described how you can quickly install the drivers. If they are already installed, then update them to the latest version. Also, you can go to the website of the manufacturer of your laptop or computer and install the necessary drivers for the components: video card, sound card and other.

Update Apps

Installing apps from the Windows Store? Then be sure to update them. You can do this just in the Windows Store. Push Application Updates, after "Check for Updates" and then select the apps you want to update.

This is not the only thing that you can do. It is advisable to install latest versions and programs that you download from the Internet or install from disk.

Installing antivirus

V Windows versions 8.1 there is already a built-in antivirus called Windows Defender... If it does not suit you, then you can install another at any time, for example, or. Windows Defender will be disabled.

Cleaning the hard drive

If you installed Windows 8.1 from scratch, then there is nothing to worry about yet, and if not, then most likely copies have been saved on the disk previous installations... To remove these files, you can use the standard tool Disk Cleanup... To use it, open "My computer", then click on system disk right click mouse and select "Properties", now we choose Disk Cleanup, just below, select "Clean up system files", choose required files, including temporary settings files and click OK.

Making a backup

If you do not, then when the system "flies", you will not be able to return anything. To make a backup, you need to open "Control Panel", then go to item "System and safety"... Next, open "File history" and you need to click on the item « Backup copy system image ", which is in the lower left corner. Then everything is intuitively clear. Alternatively, you can use third party software.

If you have used Windows XP, Vista and 7 the last 10 years, then anyway you will need some time to get used to Windows 8 - but over time, you will have fun and you will like the new OS more and more, that's for sure.

Don't worry, the transition is much less painful than you think it will be.

Windows 8 keyboard shortcuts or Windows 8 keyboard shortcuts

First of all, if you have not yet been a fan of hotkeys, then in Windows 8 you will have to memorize combinations, which will further facilitate and speed up the process of working with Windows 8. By developing an interface more pleasant for the user, some functions - for example, the power button - in Which is now much more difficult to reach with the mouse. Fortunately, Microsoft has added several keyboard shortcuts to help you make your work easier and faster, but you can also use keyboard shortcuts used in previous versions of Windows.

Start by pressing the Windows logo key, which helps you switch between the Start screen and the program you are working in.

Windows‌ + C → Open Charms Windows‌ + Q → Open "Search" to find applications Windows‌ + Z -> Display the commands available in the application Windows‌ + K Opens "Devices" Windows‌ + Q "Search" to find applications Windows‌ + W "Search" to find options Windows‌ + Z Display the commands available in the application Windows‌ + SPACEBAR Change the input language and keyboard layout Windows‌ + CTRL + SPACEBAR Change previously entered data Windows‌ + TAB Navigate between open applications Windows‌ + CTRL + TAB Navigate between open applications (except desktop) and pin them as you navigate Windows‌ + Shift + period (.) Dock the app to the left

Alt-F4You can close the Metro interface, shut it down, put it to sleep, or restart it with a keyboard shortcutAlt-F4!

Use these keyboard shortcuts as often as possible, until they get instinctive.

Just using windows 8 with keyboard and mouse will teach you a lot of how you can interact with the environment underground.

  • Remember, everything that worked in Windows 7 works in Windows 8. Almost everything you could do in Windows 7, you can do in Windows 8. Superbar (tasks) is your friend! Attach everything to it. The superbar miniatures are still there. The System Tray is still there. The original control panel is still there. The essential difference is that you have to use the application search in the metro interface (which is a bit strange in my opinion, but perhaps Microsoft will provide another option later).

  • Don't be afraid of the Metro start screen, but if you don't want to put up with the lack of a Start button, then then use that return the Start Menu to Windows 8.
  • Press any key on the lock screen.Windows 8 has a new (touch-oriented) lock screen. You can drag it up with your mouse (not very convenient) or press any key on your keyboard (much easier).
  • Run as administrator. Right-click the context menu, there "Run as administrator." You can use the arrow keys to navigate in context menu... From the same menu, you can pin applications to the Superbar taskbar.
  • You can navigate Metro using the keys. You can also use Page Up / Down to quickly move between groups. It is much faster than panning with the mouse.

Task Manager

The task manager has been updated, it also shows which applications and services are consuming computer resources. To open the task manager choose Search → Task Manager

If with a mouse, then you can click in the lower left corner of the screen with the right mouse button and select it from the menu of additional commands.

When you first open it, you will see a simplified task manager that only allows you to close applications.

Open Windows programs do not slow down your computer, i.e. it is not necessary to close them. If the program is not used, then Windows will leave it in the background and, if not used, will close it itself after a while. You can close the Windows application by simply dragging it down the screen. (If using a mouse, click and drag at the top of the application.)

To view All details, click the Details button. Here you can manage everything that works for you. Each line contains information about a specific program and the resources that it will consume. The more resources it consumes, the richer the color in Task Manager, allowing you to quickly compute resource-intensive applications.

For several years now, many users have been using an outwardly completely new operating system from Microsoft - Windows 8. Instead of the usual desktop and the Start menu, the developers have presented a completely new concept... At the same time, those users who have worked with previous versions for a long time cannot immediately get used to the new interface and understand where and what functions are located.

Some elements of the "eight" are quite clear and there are no problems with them, but the rest of the type of operating system recovery or any controls are quite difficult to find. Some novice users, upon first acquaintance, cannot even turn on the computer.

Therefore, it would be nice for such users to familiarize themselves with the instructions for using the operating system of the eighth version, as well as about the possibilities new system... It takes a lot of research, but you need to do it, because this way you can make your life easier when working with Windows 8.

Power on and off, login and logout

After turning on the computer with the eighth operating system or waking it from sleep, the "Lock screen" will appear. It will display the time The current date and data about the connection and outstanding or missed events. When you press the Enter button, click the mouse or click on touch screen there will be an entrance to the operating system. Sometimes, if there are many accounts on the PC, or just to log in, you may need to enter a password. To do this, you need to specify account, under which you will be logged in and prescribing a password, if the operating system requires it.

When compared with the "seven", the keys to exit the OS, power off and restart are located in completely different places. If you want to exit the operating system on the start screen, you must click on the username at the top, which will lead to a menu through which you can exit the operating system, lock the PC or replace the avatar.

Locking means activating the lock screen and the need to write a password for further work with the computer, if it was installed by the user. If it is not there, then you can enter without it. In this case, all programs continue to function and do not close.

When you select "Logout", all programs are closed given user and exit from the operating system. In this case, the Windows 8 lock screen also pops up. If you are doing some important work with documents or something like that, you need to save before using this function.

To shutdown, restart or put the PC into sleep mode, you must use new function, which is only in Windows 8 - the Charms bar. To go to this panel, you need to move the cursor to one of the right corners of the screen and click on the "Options" icon. After that, you need to click on the "Shutdown" icon. There are also buttons for "Sleep", "Shutdown" and "Restart".

Application home screen

The G8 home screen is what appears immediately after starting the computer. This screen has the inscription "Start", the name of the user who works on the PC and Windows tiles 8 Metro.

Users may notice that the initial screen of the G8 does not bear any resemblance to what was seen in past editions of Windows. In fact, the "Desktop" of the eighth version is a separate program... Moreover, the operating system has a separation of utilities. Familiar legacy utilities will open on the desktop just like in previous versions.

Those utilities that were specially developed for the G8 are slightly different applications and will open on the home screen in full screen mode or in pinned mode.

How to open and close the G8 utilities

On the initial screen, you can open utilities, including those that are part of the "eight". Among them are "Mail", "Calendar", "Desktop" and more. To launch an application, you need to click on its tile. Often, all G8 applications are launched in full screen mode... But there is no cross to close the window.

You can press the keyboard key to return to the home screen. Alternatively, you can grab the top edge of the window and drag it down the screen. This will close the program. In addition, you can close the Windows 8 program by moving the cursor to the left corner of the screen, which will open a list of active applications. After that, you need to click RMB on the desired one and select "Close", which will lead to the termination of its work.

Work table "figure eight"

As stated above, the desktop appears to be separate Windows application 8 Metro. To start it, you need to click on a special tile on the home screen, as a result of which the usual desktop, taskbar and "Trash" will be displayed.

The difference between the G8 desktop and previous versions is the absence of a Start button. Initially, it contains icons to open Explorer and launch a web browser. This is the most inconvenient innovation of this operating system, so many users install themselves software to return the "Start" button.
To return to the initial screen, you must press a special key on the keyboard. Alternatively, the bottom left hot corner can be used.

Windows 8 Metro Start Screen Programs

The eighth version of the Windows operating system has its own programs for working on the start screen. This screen contains a number of square-shaped tiles that are separate applications. You can add here own programs from Windows Store, delete useless ones and perform various other manipulations with them to create the appearance of the initial screen as needed.

As mentioned earlier, the G8 home screen programs are not the same utilities that were used in past editions of Windows. Other than that, it is not the same as version 7 widgets. We can say that Windows utilities 8 Metro is unique software. You can run no more than two of them at the same time, they immediately open in full screen mode, and you can only run them from the start screen.

You can also launch them from the All Applications list, which is represented by a component of the Home screen. Even when the Start screen is closed, the data in the tiles is still refreshed.

In addition, if necessary, use the programs with which you worked before and
install them in Windows 8, tiles will be created on the Start screen, but they will not work. When you click on it, the desktop will automatically open, in which the utility will start.

Search for utilities, files and settings

In previous editions Windows users practically did not work with the search for applications. In the eighth version, this option has become clearer, simpler and more convenient. In this system, to launch any utility, search for data or go to specific settings of the operating system, you just need to type text directly on the initial screen of the figure of eight.

Almost immediately after you start writing, the search results screen appears, which will display all the items found for the "Applications", "Options" and "Files" items. Windows 8 programs will be located below them. Here you can search in any section. For example, in the "Mail" program, you can search for the required letter.

It turns out that the search in the "figure of eight" is a very convenient tool that provides an opportunity to significantly simplify access to programs and parameters.

Installing programs of the eighth version of Windows

In the eighth Windows OS, all programs must be installed only from the application store. To search for and install utilities, you must click on the "Store" tile. The screen will display a list of popular programs, which are divided into groups. The store has a huge number of programs. If you need to find any program, you need to start typing the name in the store window and the search will be performed only among the utilities that are located in the store.

There are a huge number of free programs among the programs, but there are also paid ones. By specifying a program, you can read data about it, reviews of other users who have already used this utility and the cost. Here you can also install applications, purchase or download a trial version of a paid program.

If you click on the "Install" button, the download of the program will start. After the installation is complete, a tile for this program will appear on the home screen. To exit from the initial one, you need to press the keyboard key or use the left corner at the bottom.

Actions with programs

It is quite simple to launch the utilities in the G8, you just need to click on them with the mouse. Everyone already knows how to close, however, not everyone knows what other opportunities there are to work with them.

If you click on the RMB program tile, a panel will appear at the bottom of the initial screen that allows you to perform various manipulations with them. You can unpin apps from the Start screen. In this case, the tile is removed, but the program remains on the computer. You can use it in the "All Applications" section.

The "Delete" button allows you to completely uninstall the program from your PC. There is also a button that allows you to change the size of the tile, i.e. make a rectangular square or vice versa. In addition, you can turn off updating information on tiles. If you click on the "All applications" button in this panel, then a menu will open, which is a bit like "Start", where all installed programs are displayed.

There is one nuance here, which is that not all items may be available for some programs. For example, disabling dynamic tiles can only be used for those that natively support this feature. In addition, if the developer provided for one variant of the tile shape, then its size cannot be changed either. In addition, it is impossible to remove the backbone tiles of the "Store" or "Desktop" type.

Switch between Windows programs 8

To quickly switch between active programs, you can use the upper left corner. To do this, move the mouse cursor there and when a thumbnail of another active program appears, click on it, which will open the next application.
Open if necessary a specific program, you need to move the cursor to the upper left corner and move the mouse down. A list of all active programs will appear, among which you can select a specific one.

These are the main features of the eighth version of Windows. It's not all that difficult. After spending some time working on this operating system, you can quickly get used to all the innovations.