Nofollow why they are closed from indexing. How to close a link from indexing. Nofollow and noindex tags. Closing external links with noindex and nofollow tags

In this post, I decided to write about how to close external links from indexing by search engines and why this whole thing needs to be done.

The article is intended mainly for novice webmasters who have only recently started promoting their website. This topic, I think it is paramount when promoting a blog or blog article to the Top.

Therefore, I decided to highlight a few questions on this topic:

  • Why do you need to close external links from indexing.

  • Closing external links manually with noindex and rel = "nofollow" tags.

  • Automatic closing of external links by WP-NoExternalLinks plugin.

  • Service for checking outbound links.

Let's deal with the first question. You should close other people's links from your site in order not to transfer the weight of your page to other resources to which you link. Each page of the site has its own weight. The more sites link to her, the more her weight in the eyes. search engines.

Almost all webmasters engaged in promotion close external links in order not to give the authority of their web pages to other people's resources.

It also largely affects the trust of the site. Site Trust- this is a certain level of trust on the part of search engines to the site. This is why you need to monitor outbound links, so as not to simply squander the authority of your blog pages. And subsequently, all this will have a positive effect on such indicators as TIC and PR.

But this does not mean that absolutely all external links should be closed. For example, if the site is authoritative and highly trustworthy why not link to it.

There is an opinion on the Internet that if there are no links coming from the site, then the search engines consider it dead.

I don't know if this is true or not, so I won't argue. But the fact that a huge number of open external links will not help a young blog in promotion is a fact. By the way, you can check the trust of your site on this service.

Close external links with noindex and nofollow tags.

In any case, when you never have to refer to another web resource. What can be done to prevent the search robots of such Internet giants as Google and Yandex from indexing external links?

This attribute can only be used for links, i.e. in the tag and no where else. A closed link will look like this:

Earnings on the Internet

After closing, it looks like this:

Earnings on the Internet

Everything, search engines Yasha and Google will not index it. This attribute must be inserted into the article when it is written in a text editor.

Some webmasters still use the tag noindex for links i.e. like this:

Earnings on the Internet < /noindex >

It doesn't make any sense to do this now, since noindex prohibits indexing only text. That is, in this case, only the anchor of the link is closed - “Earning money on the Internet”, and the link itself remains open.

I came to this conclusion after reading. Although some counter scripts I tagged noindex closed.

Automatically close outgoing links from indexing by the WP-NoExternalLinks plugin.

I liked this plugin. It is very easy to configure, and its job is as follows: it masks an external link as an internal one. You can download the plugin.

After uploading and activating it on the blog, we proceed to setting it up (edit in the “Parameters”). Yes, there is nothing special to configure.

Link separator "Goto" can be left as it is or changed to "Link"... In an empty window, you need to register the addresses of sites that you do not want to close from indexing. Here is an example of how it works: we want to link to Yandex and the open link looks like this

After the plugin is running, it takes the form (on the example of my site)

The most important thing that I like about this plugin is that the whole process is automated.

Service for checking external links on the site.

Very good service In it, you can check every page on your site and analyze it for the number of outbound links. Closed links are marked in red exclamation mark... It shows both tags: noindex and rel = ”nofollow” .

You probably know that if you link to other people's sites with an open indexed hyperlink, then your dynamic weight will go away. By the way, this weight contains authority in the eyes of a search engine, as well as indicators of puzomerok, and this is TIC, TRUST, PR.

There is a solution, and it is not one.

Let's talk more about this, namely the following:

  • What is noindex;
  • What is nofollow;

So, let's begin!

What is noindex and what is it for?

This title HTML tag... It is intended to include a link in it, which must be left closed from indexing by the Yandex search engine.

When can the "noindex" attribute be used:

1. In order to issue attendance counter scripts. You have installed a counter on your blog, be sure to close it with “noindex” tags. Try to use all the methods to close links to other sites and blogs;

2. To close plagiarized content, copy-paste, for example;

3. In order to cover the way for the robot for the index of the subscription form, the same feedburner;

4. Pay attention to closing banners from the index;

But I can tell you that the tag should sometimes not be used. Here is a list of these points:

1. Do you use Google Adsense? If so, do not take any measures to close its windows from the index of search engines;

2. Beginner's mistake. close internal links... Don't do this.

3. When you write an article to your blog, you do not need to circle it in tags. One case where you can wrap up the noindex is when the article is not unique;

We figured out the noindex tag, now let's figure out the Nofollow attributes. How is it different and what it is.

What Nofollow and what is it for?

Nofollow hasn't gone far from noindex. However, it is valid for all search engines, both Yandex and Google. If you remember, noindex is only suitable for Yasha.

I'll tell you right away Nofollow is not a tag, but a tag parameter. However, it makes no difference.

Don't be fooled and build some unimaginable pyramids out of noindex and nofollow. Everything is simple enough. Both attributes are suitable for Yandex, and nofolls for search engines. I say this for those who are deluded.

At the beginning of the post, I already mentioned dynamic weight, and also said that an open link takes it away from you. Now in a little more detail.

You have a large number of pages on your blog. This is me, for example. So, each of them has a certain mass. If you put a link to someone else's site from one page, that weight goes away from it. In order not to go away, you need to enclose the link in nofollow or noindex tags.

In this way:


here anocr or hyperlink text


link text

Now let's draw a little conclusion: noindex closes the text or its fragments from indexing in Yasha, but nofollow makes it possible not to give the page weight.

I hope everything is clear with this and there should be no questions.

How do I add attributes to meta? Why is this needed?

Meta tag robot.txt allows you to enable or disable the robot from indexing new post on the blog. Noindex and Noffolow contribute to this.

There are four options for the direction of the search robot. For this, 4 attributes are used, namely "index", "noindex", "follow", "nofollow".

I think there is no need to explain what these tags are.

Now it's time for showcases.

Let's say we want to prohibit indexing of the document:

To do everything at once, that is, prohibit indexing, and also prohibit the transfer of dynamic weight, use this meta tag.

Now I want to make a ban on indexing articles and all page content for a search engine from the search whale Google. At the same time, all other search engines, or rather their robots, will be able to grab the pages of my blog.

To do this, we will use:

The process of prohibiting indexing of images and pictures will be simple, but at the same time the entire page is fully accessible for the robot.

Many people may have a question where to insert all these scripts, well, or at least some of them. They must be inserted between tags. and in the site header, you can see in the source code of the page where these tags are located.

To write some line between and open your header.php file. You can find it in the admin panel wordpress, appearance - editor header.php, or in the root directory on the hosting. By the way, in order to connect to the root directory, you can use the FTP client FileZilla or TotalCommander.

That's all there is to download about nofollow and noindex. Let's move on to other tips for closing links from indexing.

How else can you prevent external links from being indexed?

Guys, now I will tell you about effective ways to close a link in an article from indexing, while an anchor enclosed in a hyperlink will perfectly contact search engine.

<a href = "#" class = "link" data-link = ""> external reference</ a>

This shortcode will handle the link:

Why this method of closing links from indexing is good. Yes, the fact that you are not required to make additional inserts in the styles. Another important advantage is that the anchor is indexed, but only the link is closed. I have already mentioned this above.

2. Here's another good option to close the link from indexing. To do this, we will work with the code of your blog. Open the WordPress admin panel. Go to appearance - editor - footer.php and find the closing tag... We insert in front of it.

After performing this action, save the changes and go to style.css, it is located in the same place as the footer, only at the very bottom of the list. Insert the script at the very end of the file:

Alink (color: rgb (70, 175, 158); cursor: pointer;) .alink: hover (color: rgb (61, 214, 185); text-decoration: underline;

This is how it should look:

External site

To do this, at the end of the functions.php file, before "?>", Insert the code:

Function replace_link ($ content) ($ pattern = "/\(.*?)(.*?)(.*?)\ [\/aspan\\\\\"; $ content = preg_replace ($ pattern, "$ 1 $ 6 $ 7 ", $ content); return $ content;) add_filter (" the_content "," replace_link ");

After inserting the script, it is possible to enclose the link in tags like this, and then the hyperlink will not be indexed. After insertion

here is anchor

But this also makes it difficult for many. Therefore, we got to the bottom of the truth and found another interesting option that, again, will simplify our work.

Now it's time to set a special button in the edit panel when adding a post.

To do this, download this archive ... Then we unpack it to the desktop. Open a file manager on a hosting, or use an FTP client.

We pass along the path http: // When you open the theme, place the downloaded file there.

We leave from there, go to the admin panel, open functions.php and again, before the?> Tag, insert:

Require_once (TEMPLATEPATH. "/Aspan/aspan.php");

That's it, the button is installed. Now we can easily circle any link and make it non-indexable.

I think the information was new to all of you. For some, no. In general, after reading the article, you should have understood how to make any link non-indexable.

Goodbye friends!

Sincerely, Zhuk Yuri.

How links are closed from indexing. Nofollow and noindex tags.

Hello dear guests!

In this article, I want to talk about the topic, how to close a link from indexing so that it does not transfer the weight of the site to another site. I will also talk about tags nofollow and noindex, which are directly related to the closure of text and links from indexing in search engines. You will find out why, on the one hand, it is desirable to use the nofollow tag, and on the other hand, it is not desirable.

First of all, let's talk about why it is generally necessary to close all outgoing links from the site from indexing them in search engines. Let me give you an example that I hope will give you a general idea of ​​why you need to close outbound links.

I'll take a regular pool of water as an example. Suppose, in order to fill it with liquid (water), you need a source of this very water, as well as how this water will get into our pool. The first thing that, of course, comes to mind is the pipes through which water will be filled into the pool from another source. So, these pipes will, in our case, be incoming links from other sites to our site, which is accordingly very good and the site will increase the link weight, which is good for increasing the site's position in the search engines, that is, the site will rise to the Top SERPs.

And here it also matters that this water is clean, so that you can swim and swim in it, and all incoming links should also be high-quality, fatty, trustworthy, that is, those that have good authority with search engines and are located on high positions.

Therefore, it is very important to have not just a large number of incoming links, but their quality. Since, if low-quality resources link to your site or blog, then there is practically no benefit from them, but on the contrary can harm your site, especially a young one. Due to inexperience, you can grab a lot of low-quality links, so it's better to rely on proven methods and buy links, for example, through SeoPult, which strictly filters any slag and selects the most trustworthy donors.

So, let's go back to our pool and let's say we filled our pool with clean water to capacity. Now imagine this situation. Another pipe was brought to our pool, but this time they will drain water through it, and in this case, if the pipes with filling water stop pumping water and filling the pool with water, then it will begin to decrease and go out through the down pipe and the more such pipes and diameter , the faster all the water will flow out to another source (in our case, this is another site to which there is an outgoing link from our site) and in this case the link weight of the page and site will decrease, which will lead to an underestimation of the site's position in search engines.

Therefore, to prevent this from happening, and the static link weight of your site does not go away, as they say to your uncle - you need all outgoing links that lead to external sources close from indexing nofollow tag. Moreover, there is a difference between a bold link and a regular one.

An example with our pool. There is a pipe with a large diameter, and there is a small one, while, for example, one pipe with a large diameter will be equal to 5 pipes of a smaller diameter combined. So in the current links - one bold link with good puzomerki will be equal to 5 outgoing links and then it turns out that the link weight will be 0. Therefore, you need to have more incoming links with good puzomerki (puzomerki are indicators of Tit, PR) and preferably fewer indexed outgoing links to an external resource.

If you want to place an indexed link to another site, then it is desirable that this site be authoritative, for example, Wikipedia. But, another interesting thing happens here, which has not been proven, but the publishers suspect about it - this is the factor that if you close all outgoing links from your site to external sources, then in this case the weight will not be transferred to these sources , but it will be transmitted to nowhere (into the air) and the same situation occurs, and the link weight will still leak out of your site. This fact has no confirmation, but many are already talking about it. Therefore, as little as possible use outbound links that need to be closed from indexing.

Let's see with an example how the tag nofollow close the outgoing link from indexing.

Link to external source

But, what are the differences between the nofollow tag and the noindex tag, you ask?

Let me tell you about tags nofollow and noindex in more detail and I will give examples, and you will understand how they work and what is the difference between them.

Noindex tag- This is a tag that serves to close duplicated and unwanted text from the eyes of search engines from indexing, and this text will be visible to people. Previously, this tag was used for Yandex, or rather, to close outgoing links from the site. But then Yandex stopped taking it into account in terms of blocking links from indexing and assigned it a new function - to block text from indexing on the site.

Let's say you want to cover some part of the text that is a duplicate of the original. It can be any text, with any character size, that was taken from another site or from your own. So, as search engines do not like copied text and punish those sites that have this text, even if this text is yours. Any passage or all of the text must be unique on every page of the site.

Where can I see duplicate text on the site?

First of all, the copied text can be seen in the text itself. The author simply took this text, copied it on another site and did not bother to close it from indexing in search engines. Also, this text is placed in site bars.

What is a sitebar?

Sitebar is a specific place on each page of the site, which contains articles with brief descriptions of these articles that have already been written on this site. That is, the title of the article is taken in the form of a link and a piece is copied from the already written article. And the more such texts in the sitebar, the worse it affects the promotion of the site in the search engines. Therefore, it is advisable to enclose such sections of duplicated text in the noindex tag.

Here is an example of how to hide duplicate or unwanted text from search engines with a tag noindex.

The text to be closed from indexing

If you want to close from indexing in search engines and text and link at the same time, then here's how to do it for example.

Text Link text and the link itself

This concludes this article. Here I told how to close text and links from indexing with nofollow and noindex tags.

Now I hope you already have an idea of ​​why your positions are not growing and you cannot get Tit and PR. Use fewer outbound links whenever possible. This method will keep your site afloat.

Thank you for reading the article and looking forward to your comments.

Good day, dear readers. I often come across the fact that many novice webmasters and bloggers have a complete mess in their heads about the use of noindex and nofollow. Let's figure out what it is, what they eat and dot the i's.

It is worth starting with the fact that in the future you never have any confusion in your head, which is what noindex and nofollow use in two relatively different meanings in a web document.

The first is inside the ROBOTS meta tag (not to be confused with the robots.txt file) in the value of the content attribute. This meta tag applies to the entire document as a whole. Second, only nofollow is used - inside the tag and is related to a specific link. The noindex tag is a slightly different story, and we'll talk about it today. It is also worth noting that I will only consider the use of nofollow and noindex in two search engines - Yandex and Google.


The meta robots tag is responsible for the entire page. Through this meta tag, you can prohibit or allow indexing of the page content.

Noindex is responsible for prohibiting the indexing of text on the page.

Nofollow is responsible for prohibiting the indexing of links on the page.

These values ​​are used as follows:

which means - this page cannot be indexed at all.

There may be such values:

you can index content, but ignore links on the page, i.e. don't index them.

You can read more about the robots meta tag in my article.

NOFOLLOW in links

Nofollow is used as the value of the rel attribute in the tag ... And is responsible for indexing each specific link on the page.

The rel attribute indicates the relationship of a given document to the linked document.

In this case, by setting the rel attribute to nofollow, we ask the search engine not to follow the external link, and also emphasize that we are not responsible for the content we link to.

Links with this value do not transmit the authority of our page, in other words, TCI and Page Rank are not transmitted. However, it should also be borne in mind that in the case of PR, the weight still goes, but not to the site to which we link, but to nowhere in the literal sense of the word. Regarding the TCI, there is no exact information about whether the weight is leaving or remains on the site.

Let's take a closer look at the distribution and transfer of weight to Google.

So, it doesn't matter at all how many links you have an attribute, and how many without it. If there are 10 links on the page, then each link will receive a part of the authority of your page, and each of them will transfer this weight, but if in one case the weight is transferred to a specific site, then in the other case, the weight will simply go nowhere.

Let's imagine a little how a search engine sees the world wide web. All sites are linked by links, absolutely everything. The first one refers to the second, the second to the third ... the thousandth to the thousand and the first and some million in the end will necessarily refer to the first.

Thus, the chain is closed, all sites are in a cycle, and the weight transferred by the first site always returns to it through hundreds and thousands of other sites. Also, do not forget, and I already wrote about this in, that this weight is transferred not once, but constantly, while over time the weight only becomes larger, increasing its authority more and more. It is on this principle that the site linking is built.

Now, let's say the first site has closed its links with an attribute. The weight will not go to the second site, but will flow to nowhere, and the second site will not receive the part of the weight that it should was to transfer the weight to the first site, will transfer it in a significantly smaller amount than it could. So, every time you do not receive that part of the weight that you yourself let go nowhere by closing your links with an attribute, the site cannot transfer it to you, from which it follows that by closing your links, you yourself are depriving yourself of weight gain, and such an indicator as PR.

To make this easier to understand, imagine that each link passes a weight of one.

Thus, if the first site did not close the link with an attribute, then at the end of the cycle it will receive more weight from incoming links than if outgoing links are closed.

Closing a link is unprofitable if you really, truly recommend to your readers the article you are linking to, your page on the social network, to your RSS feed. It is foolish to close links to your own pages on social networks when you recommend your readers to subscribe to blog updates through them. After all, these are your own pages, your own RSS feed, which broadcasts your own content. Aren't you yourself responsible for it?

But there are situations where you really need to close links with nofollow. Referring to the sources, Yandex and Google, what do they say about this?

Additionally, Google recommends labeling selling links with the attribute. Google also writes that using nofollow, we can point the robot to the closed sections of our site, but clarifies that there are other ways to indicate this.

I would also like to pay attention to one more point. Some ardent fighters for closed links put not only in the links themselves, i.e. in the tag , but also everywhere, for which there is only enough imagination. And in the tag