How to make money with epn. Aliexpress affiliate program. How to make money on an affiliate program. How the affiliate system works

In the course of today's article, we will consider with you registration in one rather interesting project, which gives the maximum interest rate in cooperation with the assistance program for the sale of goods from a well-known store selling from China.

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What is

So what exactly is EPN? So, this affiliate program gives us the opportunity to make money selling on the Internet, from a well-known online hypermarket, I think you have heard a lot about such a store. If not, then be sure to go to it and look at the availability of offers and prices that are much more profitable than others.

But I am not advertising the store, I am telling you the main benefit, which plays a good role when selling from this store. And so, itself offers us the opportunity to make good money with it (of course, earnings will depend entirely on your efforts and the search for buyers). For these buyers, the affiliate program gives the opportunity to earn 8% of the sale of each item. We will calculate the amounts later.

Registration in the EPN.BZ program

GO TO HOME FOR REGISTRATION, after the transition, it will be much easier for you to register step by step and consider the basic tools for working with the program.

To start earning, you need to register in the program and become a partner. Registration is not difficult. We fill in the mail data, first name, last name, enter the username, password and confirm the registration. We go to the mail, there should immediately come a letter and there we are looking for a link that needs to be followed in order to confirm registration in the program. Have you switched? Great. Now you are a partner of the program and you can start earning.

Where to begin?

The question before us is where to start? And we need to start by choosing how to offer products. For example, I use Vkontakte, facebook and google + groups for this. Social networks are now overcrowded with users and it is a sin not to use traffic from social networks. And I would advise you to create a Vkontakte group for you. If you have a group, great, you can use it for advertising.

It is not difficult to create a Vkontakte group, it is completely free and does not require the help of masters. After creating a group, you need to add it to the SITES category, program administrators should know about the traffic source from you

How to use the affiliate program

And how do you use the affiliate program? It's pretty simple. To do this, you need to log into the program under your account and find the TOOLS tab and go to the MY CREATIVES tab and click the CREATE DEEPLINK button. Next, you need to go to the site, find the product you want to offer to people and copy its link. We need to insert this link into the field when creating DEPPLINKa - a link to the product, in the SUB field - we write the digits of the number (I do this so that later I can see which links I ordered. was more beautiful, you need to click REDUCE and we get a beautiful link, which we copy and offer to people. That's all, this is the end of the link creation. , we use one, so that later we do not search among the thousands of created links, we just change the links to the product and that's it.

How much can you earn on

Earning on the program is entirely up to you. How much you sell, how much, and 8 percent of the amount in your pocket. To buy from you, you need a target audience, you must fill your group with subscribers who shop in this store. And make you interested in your offers so that people follow your links and buy. That's all you need to know.


My opinion is that it is quite possible to make good money on this affiliate program... Let's calculate how much you can get on sale through this affiliate program.

Let's say you sell a beautiful dress, for 1000 rubles, from this thousand you will receive 80 rubles, this is only from one purchase, but based on practice, people do not buy one product, as a rule, several inexpensive products are bought. It's another matter when a person buys a product worth 10,000 rubles. For example, here's my screenshot of one person's purchases, 4 products are bought at once, from these four products I get 2 dollars and 36 cents, this already turns out to be somewhere around 140 rubles, which is not bad at all from one person. In general, your decision to start working with this affiliate program or not, partnership is very good view earnings without investment.

By the way, I forgot to say, in order to copy a picture in the AliExpress store - you need to click on it and then just transfer it to the desktop from the browser

Thank you for the attention. That's all for today, subscribe to blog updates, there is a lot of information ahead of you.

Best regards, S Vasiliev

EPN.BZ is an affiliate program of several online platforms (about them below), which allows you to earn money on invitations to these stores for both new and existing customers. Webmasters, owners of groups in social networks and YouTube channels, "affiliate marketers", and in general ... anyone can participate - we will analyze the possible sources of traffic and earnings within the framework of this article.

By the way, I'm ready to open some interesting cases and personal secrets, so you can stock up on popcorn and a piece of paper with a pen.

I started working with the EPN affiliate program about 2 years ago at the invitation of my friend. Then they worked only with the Aliexpress platform (Alibaba), now they already have 5 popular stores in their arsenal:

How to work

There are two options for cooperation:

  1. Direct invitations to store pages and product cards. Simply, in your affiliate account, create links to pages with descriptions of specific stores, search queries, promotions or directly to the home page. When clicking on it, a cookie is set on the visitor's computer and if he orders some product, then you will receive a certain percentage (usually 8-9%);
  2. Invite new users to. If a person follows your link and signs up with the cashback service, then you will receive 1.5% of their purchases for life.

Let's take a closer look at each of the points above, but first ...

Partner account registration

First you need to register. To do this, go through and register, everything is simple, I will not describe the simplest elementary things.

Adding a site

After registration, you need to log into your account and add sites. These can be sites, blogs, groups in social networks and channels on video resources (all images are clickable):

Arbitragers can specify the type contextual advertising, which they plan to use, and for doorways you need to add one of the doorways and write in support that this is a network. In any case, always contact support, they will help - time-tested and numerous calls.

If you do not have any of the above and you do not plan to create it, then you can only use the "" cashback program, or create your own Vkontakte group today ...

We create creatives

Creativity is a kind of tool for attracting customers and users, from whose purchases partners receive their percentage. Here are the main ones:

  1. Links;
  2. Banners;
  3. Landing pages (landing pages);

There are others, but they are rarely used or not used at all, so I will not dwell on them in this article.


This is perhaps the most popular tool. They can be placed anywhere: under an article describing a product on a website or under a video on YouTube, in posts and comments on Vkontakte, just send them to friends - there are a lot of applications.

To create it, go to "Tools" -> "Affiliate Link":

We fill in the fields:

  • "Creative name" - any. It is used only for your personal convenience, so that you don’t forget where which link leads to and can then view the statistics of clicks on different links;
  • "Offer" - a platform to which a visitor (store) will be directed. By default, it is always AliExpress;
  • "Link to any page" is the most important point. Just put the initial link to any page of the selected offer, it can be the main page, the product section, the product itself, the seller, the pages of various promotions, the search page, and so on;
  • Pay attention to the checkbox " Use to attract Cashback ePN users". At this stage, we do not put it, a little later there will be an explanation and examples of a case when it can be used;

Here you can find out the landing page, the name that we gave when creating, but where is the link itself? You can get it by clicking on this icon, you can also shorten it there:


This tool is relevant only for the owners of their sites and traffic affiliates. If you are a webmaster or an affiliate marketer, then you yourself know what's what when working with banners. I will only note that not all sizes are presented in Russian versions and there is the possibility of creating Smart-banners, which are many images that change randomly.

To create a Smart Banner, just click the button:

And select the banner images you want.

Promo-landing pages

Landing pages or "landing pages" allow you to interest users in specific sections, offers, promotions, etc. There are really a lot of them!

In fact, this is just a very nicely designed page with bright titles and interesting product offers. Here are the options:

There are a variety of topics: sports, clothing, baby, school, health, home, decor, phones, etc. You can choose for any traffic and interest the visitor in any case.

For example, do you have a sewing and handicraft YouTube channel? Direct visitors to. Or maybe a Vkontakte group about fishing, give a link.


Extremely effective tool... Well, who doesn't like discounts and discount coupons, when you can buy the desired product much cheaper than the regular price?

Here's an example of coupons in your account:

Select the coupon (they can be sorted by subject and store) and click "Get Code", the following window will appear:

When you click on the coupon link at the top of the page, a special frame with a code will be added, which, however, does not always work. That is why it is necessary to check them first. The direct link will only open a page in the store with offers.

In general, as with landing pages, it is quite convenient to use it to direct visitors to certain niches: auto, children's, summer, school, etc.

Placement of creatives

Again, if you already have your own sites on the necessary topics or other resources, then you yourself already know everything and will figure it out without me. This paragraph of the article was created, first of all, for novice partners.

Signing up for the EPN affiliate program and creating links / banners / landing pages is pretty simple, but you can't expect any income from this. It is necessary that interested people go to creatives.

To do this, you need to have your own sources of traffic (visitors = traffic) or be able to buy ads from others ...

Own traffic sources

The most profitable way to make a profit, since after working and spending a little money on promotion, we can use it for a long time in the future. It can be your own Vkontakte group, YouTube channel, website, blog, forum, various communities, etc. By the way, after successful promotion, if you wish, you can sell such a source and / or create new ones in unlimited quantities, if only there is enough time, spirit and money.

Vkontakte community

The easiest way in technical terms, besides, many already have their own account and they can use the basic functions.

First of all, you need to create thematic group... It doesn't have to be the "All goods from Aliexpress" or "Many goods from China" group, it needs to be given a certain direction. For example: "Goods from China under $ 2" or "Funny goods with Ali", or "Rare goods with Ali".

In general, think for yourself, you can simply type in the VK search the query "Aliexpress", "Goods from China", etc., look at the groups already created by other people and come up with your own theme. Spend more time on this step, since the success of the whole undertaking will depend on it.

Be sure to create a beautiful setting for the group. If you can't do it yourself - order on freelance (for example), they won't take a lot of money for this, and the effect of the colorful theme design during promotion will be very noticeable! Do not postpone the design until later, like: "This will be the first result and I will do ...", so you will lose quite a few new potential subscribers to the group.

When the group is created, it's time to start filling it ... The first 10 posts at least you must create BEFORE you start promoting, otherwise no one just wants to join the community.

Find interesting products on your topic, design a post by inserting your link. Here are a couple of examples of posts (CLICKLY remind):

The more effective the posts are, the more interesting the products in them and the more memorable the design, the better! You can create a post template and save it somewhere to yourself, so as not to constantly spend a lot of time on the design of each individual post.

Be sure to add your EPN affiliate link to each post, and not directly to the product card in the store, otherwise all the work will be "wasted".

Promotion of the Vkontakte group on Aliexpress- this is a separate and most important point that you need to spend a little (or a lot) on. Only your friends and friends of friends - will not give a ride! Do not expect that subscribers will gradually "grow" themselves - this happens only with already popular and promoted groups.

Promotion methods:

Write in the comments under the article about your methods of promoting VK groups.

YouTube channel

This item is already more difficult than the previous one, it is harder and longer to untwist, but the efficiency is much higher. 1000 YouTube subscribers can bring in more profit than 5000 who joined the Vkontakte group.

Here are the YouTube channel options:

  • Review and unpack the received goods. A very popular trend, but you need to constantly order goods. However, many reviewers then resell these products in their own country with a small mark-up. That way, they get both material for new videos and profits from resale. You will need a high-quality video camera, microphone, diction, basic skills in working with any video editor. Can be unpacked both at home and in a car, garage, etc. interesting places... Here .;
  • Review of goods in stores without buying them. The owners of such channels simply take photos of products from stores, looking for other reviews and reviews to get additional information and then talk about them in detail. This is how videos of the type "Top cool goods from Aliexpress" appear, etc., you can find them in the YouTube search;
  • Overview of various previously purchased products,;
  • You can combine all the previous points.

As in creating a VKontakte group, here you need to seriously think about the topic of the channel. However, a channel like unpacking various categories of goods from China is fine, just break down different categories by playlists.

How to create a channel, how to edit and upload a video - you will find all this on YouTube itself, there is a lot of information. Just before watching videos, use filters so as not to study outdated or non-targeted information:

Promotion comes down to buying ads on similar channels. Find them through a search, then study the quantity and quality of the videos, how often they are uploaded, the number of subscribers, their activity (comments, likes, etc.). By the way, dislike is also activity!

If everything is fine and the channel is developing, go to the description section "About the channel":

And read in more detail, often in the description they indicate the cost and nature of possible advertising. If not, then see the "Advanced" item and the item "For commercial inquiries".

Use this data for communication. If there are no such coordinates, try to write a comment on some popular video, leaving information for communication.

Start promoting a channel when there are at least 5-10 videos on it. Be sure to create a screensaver (Intro), beautiful design. On home page post either the most successful video or a special video to attract new subscribers (promo video).

When you have a sufficient number of subscribers, exchange videos, ads in them and links with other channels of a similar topic.

Often, a group of Vkontakte and YouTube are created at the same time on the same topic, related to each other. Links to new videos, channel subscription links and new finds in stores are posted in the VK group.

YouTube simply mentions the group and its benefits.

If you have the opportunity, time and money for the simultaneous promotion of both of these areas - that's just fine! But if not, then it is better to start by creating and promoting the group, and then connect the video channel as well.

Your website or blog

This is the most difficult and time-consuming resource for beginners. But once an article is written, it can bring new users for months or even years! So, for example, the Vkontakte group needs to be constantly supported, otherwise it will quickly become inactive, the users themselves will forget about it, and some will leave the community altogether.

On the YouTube channel, things are a little better. Uploaded videos can also last for years, but the number of subscribers and their activity are also very important there. In terms of making money in this article, I will talk about this.

At the same time, a good site can be filled periodically, not all the time. And even an abandoned or poorly populated resource can bring traffic from search engines for a long time.

Well, and besides ... This is your own resource and how exactly it will work / look, where exactly to insert the advertisement will be up to you!

Creating your own website is a rather time-consuming process; many different video courses, books and forums are devoted to it. If you start learning and creating, here are some of my tips:

  1. Do not create sites on free hosting and constructors. They will never really be yours, and unnecessary advertising and other restrictions will only get in the way. Moreover, now hosting and a domain can be bought very cheaply;
  2. Immediately come up with a sonorous and memorable domain (site name). It is advisable not to use very long names, as well as the "-" sign and numbers in it. Example? site:);
  3. Create a website on cms WordPress... This is the most popular engine for today, it will save a lot of time, you will find many different plugins, templates, training materials and communities in social. networks on it. The site that is now open is also powered by WordPress;
  4. Knowledge of at least basic HTML tags, whatever the "super-gurus" who promote their products say.

Promotion of CashBack service

The EPN affiliate program gave us a great opportunity. When we make partner links for products in Chinese stores and we promote them in the ways described above, we can only get temporary profit.

The fact is that when switching to a direct link to the same Aliexpress, the user installs a special file on the computer - Cookie (cookies), which is stored until he clicks on someone else's link.

In other words, on whose affiliate link the buyer clicked at the last moment before the purchase, the profit is accrued to him. And such a client can review a bunch of reviews on the Internet, review many videos, unpacks, read a lot of articles, etc. And almost every one of them will have an affiliate link. They study all this content especially in detail before a serious expensive purchase, from which the most tasty income comes.

There is a way out: to tie the client "under you" for life!

Just tell him the opportunity to use the cashback from EPN, return part of the cost of goods to his wallets and, if he has not used it before, signs up for the cashback service and starts using it, then he will forever become your referral.

In this case, you will receive only 1.5% of his purchases, but all the time, unless, of course, he stops using or switches to another similar service.

According to my own statistics and experience, I can say: it is much more difficult to attract cashback, the income is much less, but it is more constant. In other words, if there is a desire to immediately earn more, then do not use cashback, and if there is an opportunity to invest more funds and, as it were, invest them for a long time, then just the same.

Direct attraction

And there will be several options for ref-links, choose them at your discretion:

All new new attracted users will be indicated as referrals, and the income from them can be observed in the " Referral statistics":

Income in dollars by day:

I don't know why, but the column " Income"I always have" zero "in this section, although funds are stably credited to the balance. In my experience, 85-95% of" Income awaits "goes to the balance.

Attraction to CashBack through links

And again, from my own experience, I can say: this method is more effective than direct cashback advertising "head-on", which was mentioned above :).

It's just that many people, for one reason or another, do not want to use and understand the work of cashbacks. Working on attraction through links, we "kill two birds with one stone":

  1. The visitor goes to the page of a specific product in the store and can buy it immediately, or go through other pages;
  2. At the same time, he sees the possibility of receiving cashback benefits through a special frame (such a window at the very top). You can.

    The standard system commission is 2% for WebMoney dollars, 5% - WebMoney rubles, 6% - Qiwi and Yandex Money. Quite a lot, but Bank transaction the minimum commission is as much as $ 85, and the maximum is $ 135 (it can be convenient only with very high incomes, I hope to grow to them).

    However, there is a possibility of withdrawing in $ without a commission to the Epayments system. This is the payment system of their own company.

    About ePayments

    This is a payment system created in 2011 in London. They have various obligatory certificates of regulators, and also issue debit cards with their own brand of the Master Cart system (c). The site has a Russian-language interface and SSL protection, issued by a fairly serious company "Electronic Payments Association", which specializes in the protection and security of online payment systems.

    As I wrote above, the withdrawal to this payment from EPN is free of commission, but we, as partners, are interested in the withdrawal. And here an interesting situation is drawn: withdrawal in different directions with the same commission as directly, but:

    • Withdrawal to Yandex Money - only 2% instead of 6%;
    • Withdrawal to WebMoney currencies: dollar, euro, rubles the same - 2%;
    • Withdrawals to Visa / Master Card / Maestro cards - only 2.9%, but there is not a high minimum.

    So, if you need to withdraw by any of the above methods, except for WebMoney WMZ, then it is more profitable to carry out through ePayments. I think they do this on purpose to popularize their payment. Like: "Withdraw through us and it will be cheaper, and at the same time get used to it", but this is just my personal opinion.

    By the way, they even withdraw to cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Litecoin without a commission in $, although I do not yet know at the rate of which source. Blockchain?

    How much do i earn

    Not much at the moment. Last month I got a little over $ 236 on my wallet, and the year before last - about $ 305.

    But I must say that for a very long time I did not create anything new at all and did not advertise in any way, but this site was created only a month ago and it still needs to be promoted and filled with interesting and useful content.

    And it all began like this ...

    About 2 years ago, we created a Vkontakte group and a YouTube channel with a friend. They spun them up a bit and soon ... abandoned ... it just so happened: a friend had to leave and we could not continue.

    Nevertheless, the channel was alive, the video was watched, albeit a little, but there were views. All the income went from there.

    Eh, if we had not "scored" then, now the income would have been an order of magnitude, or even several orders of magnitude higher.

    Important! Don't quit your job "half way". Even if after a month or half a year you will have a very modest income, when it seems that the game is not worth the candle, you should not quit! The road will be mastered by the walker, but abandoned channels and groups are quickly forgotten!

Using modern Internet technologies, it is easy to create a stable source of passive income. Affiliate programs of major portals AliExpress (Aliexpress), Alibaba (Ali Baba), etc. etc. with the right approach will bring you decent money.

The AliExpress affiliate program is a good way to increase your income

The principle of operation of any affiliate program is quite simple. I think that many of you have already encountered them. And for those who hear about it for the first time, I will give a definition.

This form of cooperation is beneficial for both sellers and partners. Sellers do not have to look for customers, and partners, without purchasing products, receive income.

AliExpress is the largest online store. The store's product range contains tens of thousands of items. The reach of potential buyers is almost limitless.

I first got acquainted with the site in 2015, and still remain its regular user.

I can highlight two main advantages of an affiliate program:

  1. Stable passive income, which does not require serious financial investments. The only resource you have to spend is time. The more time you devote to work, the more your earnings will be.
  2. Refund of a certain percentage of the purchase price(cashback). This function is available to both ordinary buyers and partners of the site. Cashback is distributed with the purchase of almost any product.

How does the AliExpress affiliate program work?

To successfully deal with any kind of earnings on the Internet, you need to know the basic principle of operation. I would like to briefly tell you how the affiliate program works.

Each product has special referral links that you post on the pages of your website or in social networking groups (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki). When a user clicks on your link, he is assigned to you for 30 days. If he buys something immediately or during this period, then you will receive a reward.

Who can become a partner

With the help of the world platform Aliexpress, you can profitably buy goods, as well as get a good income from selling products yourself. The functions of the site are available to everyone - you just need to go through a simple registration procedure. The main task is to fully understand all aspects of the work, as well as follow all the rules of the system.

To advertise / sell store products, you need to have your own platforms (website or blog, group in VK, YouTube channel, Instagram). The more popular your resources are, the more likely it is that someone will buy from you. Without your own resources with a well-thought-out strategy for promoting referral links, you will not be able to do much.

Remember! Miraculously, nothing is sold on the Internet, everything takes an effort. If you think that just post a link on your VKontakte page with a call to buy a cool product, and the next day you will get a bunch of sales, then this does not work that way.

How to become an Aliexpress partner and earn - step by step instructions

So let's get from words to deeds. Now I will tell you and show you how to become a partner and start getting your first money.

You have to complete three steps, there is nothing difficult about it.

Step 1. Choose an affiliate program and register

When I started, I was faced with the question of choosing a suitable AliExpress affiliate program. There are several dozen different platforms... I tried many of them, but I selected 5 sites for myself that I was completely satisfied with. I will describe them in more detail in the following sections.

When choosing, pay attention to:

  • percentage of commission payments;
  • the terms of participation;
  • reviews.

After choosing an affiliate program, register on it. The registration procedure on all resources is free and approximately the same. We will analyze everything using the example of the ePN site. This is the site that I have been using for the last year.

This is the site that I have been using for the last year.

We register as a webmaster. We come up with a login, password, fill in all the necessary fields. We indicate your real email address. We put a tick on the agreement with the terms, press the button "Register".

Important! Please include your real name and surname because you have yet to bind electronic wallets to withdraw earned funds. If these data do not match, you will have problems with the output.

To confirm registration, go to your mail, look for the corresponding letter and follow the link in it. After that, we log in to the site and get access to Personal Area.

Step 2. Get a referral link and place it on your resource

Now let's start setting up our profile. In the upper right corner there is a link to your profile.

Here you specify the wallets for withdrawing the earned money (Yandex Money, WebMoney or Qiwi wallet). You can link your social. networks, plus customize the delivery of notifications.

Now we add the site. To do this, go to the section "My sites", add all the resources you have for advertising.

Add resources of your choice:

  • your personal website or blog;
  • pages or groups in social networks;
  • YouTube channel.

Once added, they are sent for moderation. Special people check your links and approve them.

To get affiliate links, go to the "Tools" section.

There are many functions here, but I only use the first three:

  1. Affiliate link... Here you will form referral links for any product.
  2. Deeplink The option will help to generate links not to one unit of products, but to entire categories or even the entire store as a whole.
  3. Banner... A function to create a banner that you place on your site. You just add a picture, and at the output you get the banner code.


I have a travel themed blog where I cover countries, resorts, and places of interest in specific places.

In parallel, in the text, I talk about accessories for tourism (bags, special clothes, various accessories, thermoses and dishes) and give a small recommendation with a partner link. The percentage of purchases from the blog is quite high, with every 1000 visitors about 15-20 sales.

Step 3. We are waiting for clicks on the link and withdraw profit

Spamming in other groups, sending by mail are ineffective activities that will take you a lot of time, but will not bring profit. In the affiliate program itself, you can be banned forever for such actions.

After each sale, money will be credited to the account in the system. You will only have to withdraw them to the payment details you specified. As for the ePN site, here the withdrawal is performed from the 1st to the 3rd day of each month, as well as from the 16th to the 18th.

A little life hack:

The system does not have a direct way to withdraw money to the card, but you can withdraw money directly to the card through the ePayments payment system, which you connect on the site. First, you need to link the card to your ePayments account.

Now, after each withdrawal, the money will go directly to your card. All these transfers will be charged a fee.

How much can you earn

This is the most important question that worries all beginners.

Earnings on Aliexpress directly depend on two important indicators:

  1. The quality of your ad space... Quality is understood as the totality of the activity and attendance of the resource. The higher the traffic to your site, the more sales there will be.
  2. The time you devote to work... If you put links once and start waiting, you are unlikely to see serious sales. Advertisements must be posted regularly. If you post in a group in VK, then pick up a high-quality description and image. This is a full-fledged job that requires creativity. The more time you spend, the more your sales will be.

Therefore, to unequivocally answer the question "how much can you earn?" it is forbidden. Someone earns about 1,500-2,000 rubles a month, while someone else makes 50,000 rubles or more.

I get about 10,000 rubles a month using the following sites: three sites (each with more than 1500 visitors per day), two Vkontakte publics.

Review of affiliate programs from AliExpress

As I wrote above, there are several dozen different affiliate programs, each of which has its own pros and cons.

Official affiliate program of AliExpress

There is an official affiliate program through which you will directly cooperate with the largest online store. The remuneration is 8% of the value of the goods.

The interface is completely in English, which causes difficulties among Russian-speaking users. When withdrawing funds, the system charges a certain tax, which is about 500 rubles. Newcomers who are just starting to make money are outraged by such a tax.

In general, it is possible to work, but there are certain drawbacks due to which many users do not want to cooperate with an official affiliate program.


The ePN service is a professional affiliate program made specifically for Russian-speaking users. Convenient and intuitive interface, there are many additional functions for statistics and analysis.

The system offers a reward of 8.5% of the cost of any product, as well as a cashback of 7-14%. Fast and convenient withdrawal of money. There are no taxes on payments. I use this resource, and I recommend you try it too.


A large platform that works with several stores, including Aliexpress. Convenient interface, there is a Russian language, many functions. Fairly high reward. For some goods, the remuneration reaches 45% of the cost.

The only drawback is the long payout period. Under the terms of the system, it takes about 70 days for various checks. To withdraw your earned money, you will have to wait a couple of months, and sometimes even longer.


Another popular system that I happened to work with. There are strict requirements for sites. Only sites with a second-level domain with traffic of 1000 people / day are accepted. The site is completely in Russian with a set of all necessary functions.

The remuneration is 8%. For withdrawal, there are more than six popular payment systems.

Where is the elephant?

It is a large portal that cooperates with all popular stores. The main plus of the project is the availability of additional tools that you will not find in other affiliate programs. Affiliate remuneration - 8.5%, as on most sites.

There is a special plugin for blogs on the WordPress engine, which allows you to make a mini online store from a regular site with all the necessary functionality. There is a special TOP of the best-selling products that will help you choose products for your sites.

How to choose an Aliexpress affiliate program - useful tips and tricks

From the right choice affiliate programs will depend on your income.

If it is inconvenient for you to work with the system, and the goods are not adjusted to the domestic user, then you will not see sales. I have tried many platforms in due time, so I want to give you some tips for choosing them.

Tip 1. Choose programs that are adapted for the Russian-speaking user

Many programs do not have the Russian language, and all products are presented in such a way that it does not meet our standards at all. Therefore, Russian-speaking visitors are unlikely to buy such products.

The commission for withdrawal is different everywhere. On some platforms, it is so high that it reaches about 10% of the money you earn. Therefore, try to work only with the program where the minimum percentage of commission fees.

Tip 3. Find out the size of the minimum withdrawal amount

Almost all popular systems have a minimum limit on the amount of withdrawal. Somewhere the minimum wage is 10 rubles, and somewhere 1000 rubles. If you do not have sufficiently popular advertising platforms, and also do not intend to immediately make big money, choose a program with a minimum threshold for payments.

To make sure of the honesty and quality of the site, read the reviews about it. There are several major review portals.

Good day everyone! In this article I will introduce you to the Aliexpress e-commerce affiliate program.

We all know what Aliexpress is, and that you can buy tavars there for almost nothing. But not everyone knows how to make money on aliexpress using the official affiliate program. To do this, it is enough to have traffic on your resource, be it a site, or a channel, or whatever.

Meet the official aliexpress affiliate program - ePN.

How to use ePN

First you need to register. I will briefly talk about how to register in the Aliexpress affiliate program and the most important thing.

For this, be prepared specify traffic source, without specifying the site where the traffic will come from, the Aliexpress affiliate program will not accept you. I will give a screenshot of what traffic is allowed (for more details, see the account of the Aliexpress affiliate program in the section → Rules of the affiliate program in the basement of the site).

When adding a site, traffic must come from it, otherwise, you will be given a warning, and if you do not correct it, the ePN affiliate program will disable your account.

I had a similar situation, indicated in the sources - Youtube, and the traffic went not directly, but through a redirect from the site. As a result, I was given a warning with the following content:

But after writing in support and explaining the situation, everything was solved without problems, since using 301 redirects is not prohibited by the rules of the Ali ePN affiliate program.

Do not try to act in the "dark", moderation monitors this, do not break the rules and you will work long and fruitfully with the Aliexpress affiliate program.

The main thing when registering:

  • check out the permitted sources;
  • add your site, if traffic is from 2 or more sources, then add a site for each separately;
  • don't break the rules.

How to make money on the Aliexpress affiliate program

After your site is approved by the moderation, it's time to start making money on Aliexpress!

We pass to the section "tools".

Here we see many different tools, let's figure it out for a start, with a simple link to products from Aliexpress. Click on it.

In the window that opens, we come up with a name (this is for us). At the bottom, open the landing page.

Here we see all the variety of a Chinese site with cheap goods.

note, which for our convenience:

  1. All landing pages are categorized.
  2. There is a choice of language. We leave Russian or change to English.
  3. Each landing page has a table of contents, we view the landing page by clicking on the link and decide whether it suits our target audience or not.
  4. Having selected a landing page, put a check-box opposite it, and click "create link".

And in the window that opens, copy it, or shorten it, if we want to give it in this form.

affiliate program ePN has flexible settings, and no doubt helps to target your audience as accurately as possible.

We look at other tools, maybe you need a banner, then select it.

We select the right tool for ourselves and promote it on our site. ePN, the official Aliexpress affiliate program, is well implemented and allows webmasters and advertisers to work efficiently and comfortably.

Pros and cons of the Aliexpress affiliate program

For a short period of time of my work with the aliexpress com affiliate program, I have identified strong and weak sides. Do not forget, this is purely personal, my point of view.


  • The Aliexpress affiliate program in Russian, although a plus is not obvious at first glance, but still, it would be a problem to deal with it, for example, in Chinese, or in English.
  • There are a lot of targeting in the form of product categories and landing pages / banners, which is very convenient and increases earnings on ePN at times!
  • A completely understandable office, it is not difficult to understand it.
  • Responsive support, though not always fast.
  • The interest rate is 8.5% for the sale; in the future it can be increased.
  • Recently, the Aliexpress com affiliate program pays a reward for the sale of absolutely any product.


  • Very strict rules. A step to the left, a step to the right, by negligence, and that's it, the office will be banned.
  • Very long hold. The delay in transferring money to the balance is more than a month. Not everyone is ready to wait so long for payments.

The advantages and disadvantages of the Aliexpress affiliate program can be different for everyone. Therefore, do not trust the reviews too much, but try it in practice.
how many real earnings in the Aliexpress affiliate program? For each case, the answer is individual. It all depends on the type of traffic and its amount.

I will list a few more important points ePN is the Aliexpress affiliate program that advertisers usually pay attention to. I don’t undertake to judge whether these are positive aspects or not, it is individual for everyone.

  • The minimum payout is $ 10 after the money is released from the hold.
  • Payments twice a month, according to the schedule.

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Is Admitad cool?

Undoubtedly, but ... Since March last year, I have been working with AliExpress through the popular Admitad affiliate program. I will say right away - it was not traffic arbitrage, but the sale of all sorts of small goods from their sites with high traffic. The total traffic on these 2 sites is about 25-30k unique per day, but up to 500-700 people get to the affiliate program every day. So it was more of a part-time job rather than real earnings. Nevertheless, sometimes it was possible to earn very good money.

As a result, about $ 1400 "dripped" in 10 months, which is actually pretty much nothing, especially considering the fact that this is completely passive earnings and I practically did nothing for this, but only gave topics to the authors - what articles to write and gave out the keys.

Digression: if you work hard on this and write at least 3-5 articles every day for the right keys, you can easily get $ 300 per month from the Aliexpress affiliate program.

But is everything so good?

And here's the catch. You have to wait a long time for what you earn. And you do not pay attention to the fact that the 70-day hold is indicated in the offer rules, in fact it is more than six months. Yes, yes, no other way! Admitad literally has to beg for the money earned, and the approved applications can freely “lie” in the statistics for several months. In my case, I was able to receive the earned over the summer of 2014 only in March 2015 (70 ??? days) 🙂

Actually, this does not bother at all - waiting for your $ 500 for six months is quite a common thing for a site owner, but in the case of arbitration it turns into stupidity. Judge for yourself: borrowed money, sold a car, leaked a budget of $ 5k, for example, earned $ 7k on AliExpress and that's it, now wait six months for your money and eat akrid + wild honey 😀

What are the alternatives?

Of course, I began to look for alternatives in Riddick's public a kind person suggested to me another AliExpress affiliate program - As I understand it, the guys are serious and work directly with AliExpress. They even visited the Alibaba Group office in China (Hangzhou) and spoke with the store management.

It should be noted right away that some sellers are greedy and do not pay more than 2.4% of the sale, which is of course mere pennies on cheap goods, but there are also those who pay 50%.

To do this, the affiliate program has a special option “Select products with the highest commission”. Here the idea itself comes into my head - how to make money on it, but I'll tell you about this next time 🙂

What are the other pluses?

One of interesting moments- payout directly to your account. Why is this good? It's simple - you can order a Mastercard debit card in this payment system get money the most in a simple way- directly to the account in the system, and from there to throw on the card and withdraw at any ATM around the globe.

In the next article I will do detailed review of this affiliate program, I will tell you how to form affiliate links, how to bind a domain and how to effectively make money on it, but for now, register.

! 2017 Update

Guys, a few updates, since the article was written a long time ago.

1. Admitad now pays quickly, that is, there are no such long delays as before. The hold is much smaller and you can get money in quick payout.

2. In the current harsh time, Aliexpress has completely changed the policy of its affiliate program and now there are a number of products for which they pay 6%, and there are a lot of products for which there is no payment at all. Epn came up with special tool, which allows you to check if the product is paid for by the link. Also sellers on Aliexpress change policies frequently.

For example: you sell a phone, at the time of publication of the link, you checked the product and it was in the paid category, but after a while, go in and check - it may become unpaid. That is, you will not receive a dime for the sale. This should be taken into account, and yes, in 2017 Aliexpress "took" about 90% of earnings from webmasters, the remaining conditional 10% is successfully divided between the cashbacker (buyer) and the webmaster (you and me). According to some information, about 35% use cashback (again, as of today, November 2017).

These are the things guys 🙂

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