How do I update Internet Explorer to the latest version?

The Internet Explorer (IE) browser first saw the light back in 1995 and was released bundled with the Windows operating system. Despite the fact that the share of the browser is declining relative to competitors, IE is still the most popular browser in the world, according to Wikipedia. In Russia, however, it is only in fifth place.

In the old days, IE could even be installed on operating systems such as Linus or Mac, but for some time, support for the product has been discontinued. Nevertheless, on other operating systems it is still possible to install using the WinAPI Wine emulation environment.

On the Internet, you can find many horror stories that tell what a bad browser this IE is. Is it so? It depends on what the speech is about. Experts from leading companies have repeatedly stated that this browser is really less resistant to various malicious files and software, and in addition, it works much less productively than competitors. Finally, it is far from the most user-friendly. For these and not only reasons, users choose observers from other companies, and I am one of them. Nevertheless, in our country there are a huge number of people who prefer IE and the article you are reading now is dedicated to them - I will tell you how to update this browser.

At the moment, version 11 of Internet Explorer has been released. Unlike other browsers, IE cannot yet be updated directly through the interface, so the first step is to go to the Microsoft website at A window will open in front of you, in which the "Download" button will flaunt at the top of the screen. Click on it and the download of the file will begin.

After it's downloaded, just launch it.

Follow all necessary instructions that appear on the screen. Perhaps the system will ask you to close all programs that are in one way or another related to the installation of the browser. Close them yourself and then proceed with the installation.

You should also remember that, depending on the version of the browser, it is either fully downloaded to your computer, or only a small file is downloaded first, which, after launch, will start downloading the necessary files for installation from the Microsoft server. In this case, the installation may take a little longer, since it depends entirely on the speed of your connection.

In addition, danger can lie in the most inappropriate place - recent versions of IE do not support some versions of Windows operating systems. For example, Windows 7 is not supported without SP1. You can get it, OS.

Finally, you need to restart your computer to start using IE.

It is worth noting that the latest versions of this browser turned out to be not only interesting in appearance, but also quite convenient. True, I did not dare to use them for a long time, keeping in mind the not very pleasant words expressed about this browser.