Ru.SaveFrom.Net - download any video from any site

Greetings, dear readers. Today I want to bring up a vital topic for millions of Internet users once again. A topic that worries you too, since you are reading this article.

Every second asks the question -? For this, many programs, applications and services have been invented and created, and if you list them, then it can take a couple of three pages. But there are other sites where you may need to download videos -,,, various news sites, and so on. Do you really need to install its own application or program for each site? Is there really no such service that would allow you to download videos from all known resources?

Site developers Ru.SaveFrom.Net claim that there is such a service. According to their words, allows you to download videos from more than 40 sites for free! Sounds impressive. Here is a list of supported sites.

There are several ways to download it. The first, and simplest, is to enter the address of the video page in the field on the main service and click Download... It looks something like this.

There is still an opportunity to install Helper ( Its essence is as follows - after installation, a button will appear on the pages of popular resources next to the video window Download... A very handy tool in my opinion.

Also Assistant can be installed as, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex Browser, Opera or Safari.

I would also like to note one of the main advantages This is the ability to quickly download from file hosting services, such as At the same time, you do not have to wait and watch a bunch of ads.

Summing up, I can say that deserves you to pay attention to it. Perhaps, not everything works as it is written there, but this site copes with its main functions perfectly.

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