How to make an image unique in Photoshop. Online Photoshop is difficult and not very complicated. Why do we need to make the image unique

Hello dear friends!
In this article, I decided to write about how to make a picture in just a few minutes in Photoshop. These operations can also be done in any other image editing program.

Why do you need to make pictures unique? Well, the advantage here is obvious, you will get traffic from the search engines. If you insert unique images into an article, plus also intelligently optimize them, you can safely count on good traffic from image search to your resource.

Another benefit is improvements in search results. I'm just sure that search engines somehow take into account the uniqueness of images when. And sites where the pictures are unique will always be ranked higher, all other things being equal.

On the other hand, if the pictures are not unique, then they may not even be indexed by search engines. Here's an example on my blog. It's been almost a year since I've been on the site, and Yandex has only 17 pictures:

I think there is no need to explain why this is happening. I just opened any image in Yandex or Google and inserted it into my article. Now, of course, I regret it, it was possible to spend a few minutes and make the images unique.

So let's get back to the question of how to make a picture unique. First, you need to find a photo that does not have very many copies on the Internet, preferably up to 100 pieces. For information on how to check the number of copies, see below. If you find a picture that has, for example, 1000 copies or more, then unfortunately it will not work to make it unique. And if it works out, then you need to twist it, twirl it very much, and in the end it will look like, you yourself understand how: smile :.

But where can I find pictures with few copies? In most cases, when you need a picture for some, then the webmasters do it simply, they open the Yandex or Google search engine, enter the main search query articles and download the first more or less normal picture there. Is not it? For example, I did just that, which can be hidden here.

But if everyone does this, then, as a rule, these pictures have a lot of copies, and as I wrote above, it is almost impossible to make them unique, and if possible, you will have to make something very scary out of these images: smile :.

It is much better to open some public in social network, there pictures will have fewer copies, at least I noticed that. I just checked 10 pictures from one public, and they all have no more than 100 copies on the Internet. You can already work with such pictures: smile :.

First, I'll check how many copies are on the Internet. I will say right away that I will check the picture for uniqueness only in Yandex and Google - these are the two main search engines and you need to focus on them first of all. All others online service I'm not interested in the type of, since the data can be very different. The service can show that the image is unique, and Google will find 30 copies, and then go prove to Google that it is unique: smile :.

So, I check the photo in Yandex, for this I go to the image search and press a special button:

As you can see, Yandex found only 1 copy, and in the group from which I downloaded it: smile :. This is exactly what I wrote to you above, the author posts unique pictures in his group. Of course, I was very lucky, but even if Yandex found one copy, the picture is still not unique.

Let's check the uniqueness of this image on Google. We load in the same way as in Yandex and look:

Google found 46 copies for us. Great, now our task is to make this picture completely unique, let's do it now.

So, let's load the images into Photoshop. I usually resize to start. It is best to download large pictures so that later you can reduce them. If you download a small photo, then you will not be able to increase the size in Photoshop without losing quality.

Also, I do not recommend loading large images on the page, as they will slow down the loading of this page.

To reduce the size, I choose Images -> Image Size... Next, I usually specify a width of about 350 - 400 px, and the height decreases proportionally. Then I just press ok. By the way, I wrote about this in detail in the article, I advise you to read it.

In the next step, we just need to rotate the images horizontally. For this I choose in Photoshop "Edit" -> "Transform" -> "Flip Horizontal"... Such a trick will significantly reduce the number of copies on the Internet, and if no one has done it yet, then the picture will become completely unique.

But this way It has significant disadvantage... If the picture contains letters or numbers, then something very funny will turn out. In general, try to download in advance images that do not have any inscriptions.

In principle, after mirroring the picture, you can already check it for uniqueness and it is quite possible that neither Google nor Yandex will find copies. But in order not to waste time, we will do one more trick, after which I am almost sure the picture will become completely unique. Well, if there weren't 1000 copies of: smile: on the internet.

So, choose in Photoshop "Editing" -> "Transformation" -> "Rotation"... Then just rotate the image in any direction. Here's the catch here. If you rotate it many degrees, then, of course, it will become 200% unique, but this picture will be very crooked, visitors will not like it: smile :. On the other hand, if you rotate it just a little, it may not become unique, but it will look normal.

I advise you to rotate it a little so it looks good, and if there are copies left, you can do some extra work. What else can you do with the picture? Crop the edges, change the color, add a shadow, change the brightness, add a frame, etc. If you apply all these methods together, then there should definitely be no copies left: smile :.

Let's check if Yandex or Google will find copies of the picture on the Internet after everything I've done. Uploading to Google:

As you can see, there are no copies. Let's see what the Runet Mirror will tell us:

And here are copies of it. As you can see, if you find not very popular picture without text, then it can be easily made unique.

Perhaps, when you are reading this article, these operations will seem complicated to you, but in fact, if you practice a little, then all this can be done in a few minutes, well, agree?

How else can you make unique pictures

Screenshot of something not very popular.
If you go now and take a screenshot of the Google logo, then don't think that you will end up with a unique picture. No, unfortunately the screenshot does not make the photo unique, but if you take a screenshot source code of this page, then I'm almost sure that you will get a completely unique picture, since hardly anyone else did it.

Screenshot of the video.
So, the instructions for what to do:

  • Find with few views;
  • Expand it to full screen and make the best quality;
  • Stop the video at the most interesting place;
  • Take a screenshot of the video;
  • Upload the screenshot to Photoshop, crop unnecessary edges and reduce the size.
  • Save images to your computer.

If no one has done this operation before you, then the picture will be completely unique. Therefore, I wrote at the very beginning what you need to find video with a small amount views.

In addition, you can also buy unique images for your resource. But, for example, I do not do this, so I will not give links to sites, if interested, look on the Internet: smile :.

This concludes this article. Now you know how to make a picture unique. All bye and see you soon!

Hello everyone!
I present to your attention my article for the second competition from ZennoLab.

1. Introduction

Today, making money on sites is one of the most stable on the Internet. But at the same time, a webmaster needs to spend a lot of time, effort and money before the site starts making a profit. Most of the resources go to content creation. Previously, the concept of "content" meant mainly the text of articles. But as you know, today search engines have already learned how to analyze not only text information, but also images (the next in line is video).

Now a unique site in the eyes of search engines is a site on a unique template, with a unique text information and images. If, for example, the images are not unique, then this will negatively affect the ranking of the site in the search results. That is why you need to pay attention to all the above components. But in this article we will only touch on the issue of image uniqueness.

Generally speaking, there are several ways to get unique images. This is creation from scratch, and processing in Photoshop, and storyboarding of video clips, and much, much more. But most of the ways to uniqueize images take a lot of time and effort. Being the owner of several sites, I wondered how can this process be automated? - and I managed to do it with the help of software package ZennoPoster.

2. Parsing the circuit

What is the method itself? - There are online services on the Internet that have the same functions as Photoshop. And with the help of ZennoPostera, you can put this process on stream. In the course of a suitable service for manipulating image uniqueness, I ran into one problem: most of them run on flash. Yes, you can create a template where you can use image search as a basis, but in this case you shouldn't expect stability of work (I checked it personally).

Still, I managed to find an online image processing service that is implemented in HTML code. This is

There are many ways to uniqueize the image in it, but in my template I limited myself to only horizontal reflection (the image becomes mirrored). But in this case, not every image can be uniqueized - pictures with some inscriptions will obviously not work. But if we take the statistics of results in Google or Yandex, then the share of such images is only about 20-30%. And considering that it will not be us, but ZennoPoster, that will work, then this option is very suitable.

First of all, when starting the template, you need to go to the input settings and enter there a key request (or several requests, each on a new line), for which images are needed, as well as the number of unique images that you want to receive in the output.

Now for the pattern execution algorithm.

So, in the template, the translation goes first. key request into Swedish. This was done in order to get as many images as possible for editing. Indeed, in Europe, as a rule, images are either simply copied, or bought in photo banks and photo stocks. The Russians, on the other hand, managed to process most of the images on the Runet. Therefore, this step was taken. By the way, Google Translate is used for translation and the resulting queries in Swedish are quite correct. Of course, if you wish and skill, you can change the target language or remove this step altogether.

Next comes the parsing of images for the desired request. Rather, there is no parsing of the images themselves, but only links to them (this way everything happens much faster and, moreover, the computer does not clog up). My template implements parsing in Google Images. But if you are more or less versed in zenoposter, then you can easily use the same Yandex, or some other image storage for parsing.

After parsing, the images are unified by flipping horizontally. After that, each image is checked for uniqueness. In my template, this is implemented again through Google Images. But you can also do this using the service (but there is a limit on the number of checks from one ip-address).

So, if the image, after all the manipulations, is successfully checked for uniqueness and no copies are found, then only then it is saved to your computer. In the project directory "unique" is created separate folder for each entered request and in these folders, unique images are already saved. We take them from there and use them as needed.

This template is implemented for one stream (when I created it, I used the demo version of the zenoposter, and even now one stream suits me). But if you want, you can use it in multi-threaded mode as well.

3. Monetizing images

Now for monetization. There are two ways here: either create unique images for yourself personally, filling your sites with them (with proper image optimization, the site's position in the search results will grow, as well as traffic from Google Images and Yandex Images will increase, and traffic for the site is money in the future); or you can create custom-made unique images.

You need to look for clients on webmasters' forums, on freelancing exchanges - fortunately, there are a huge number of them and there is where to turn in this regard. But before looking for clients, I would advise you to create a simple website for yourself, publish 20-30 articles on it and add unique images to them (you already know how to do this using the ZennoPoster software package). Be sure to optimize these images (use in the Title and Alt tags keywords, for which the articles are written) and it will not hurt to promote them (creating announcements on various sites using this image - be sure to link to the picture that is on your site).

These steps will create an example of your work. Wait until everything is indexed and traffic flows, in particular from Google Images and Yandex Images. Capture conversion statistics in a screenshot and attach to your unique image ad. Thus, you will be able to easily bypass competitors, which is what I wish you!

Hello, friends! Today on the blog we will consider the question of how to make a picture unique for search engines. Bloggers often ask this question. For example, you have found good pictures or photos on the Internet and you want to use them in an article on a blog. But pictures from the Internet are usually not unique. In this article we will learn how to make unique images from non-unique pictures (photos).

Why do you need uniqueness of photos and images

The uniqueness of photos and images is also important. Of course, for not exceptional photos and pictures, search engines will not impose a BAN on the site, but will lower it in the search results. As a result, the site will be poorly promoted, and the positions of articles will be low.

We often take photos and pictures from the Internet for our articles. At the same time, we do not always think about whether the picture is unique or not. Although it only takes a few seconds to check a photo or a picture for uniqueness, we often ignore it.

To check the uniqueness of the picture, there are also programs and services. In the previous articles "" and "", we examined in detail two services, ETxt and TinEye, for checking images for uniqueness. If you have not done this work yet, I advise you to look at the above articles, by the way, there is also a video there.

Now let's get down to practice on how to make a picture unique to search engines. There is a video at the end of the article that shows you step-by-step how to change the uniqueness of an image. For those who prefer to work according to the text of the article, there will be a description below.

So, you have downloaded photos and pictures from the Internet, have chosen the most relevant ones for your article on the blog (website). Now let's move on to fixing the uniqueness. We need to open the TinEye program and determine the uniqueness of each picture. If an image or photo is repeated on the Internet at least once, then it can no longer be unique. Unique pictures are usually found on paid exchanges and various photo stocks.

Suppose, as a result of checking an image for uniqueness, it turned out that it needs to be made unique. To do this, you need to use either the photoshop program, or the Pixlr program (online photoshop), or any other graphics editor, which has the function "Transformation". It should be remembered that simply resizing the image does not change the uniqueness in any way. Of course, if you work with layers, overlay images on top of each other, you can get the result, but this is time consuming.

To make the image unique, we will use the online Photoshop program Pixlr. Links to articles on working with the Pixlr program will be given at the end of this article. We open online program and load the image we need into it. Next, select the "Edit" mode and select "Free Transform" (see the screen, shown with white arrows).

Markers appear on the picture (see screen 2). Now you need to move the marker with the mouse, for example, from left to right, and you will flip the image 180 degrees, make it mirrored.

Not all images can be flipped this way. If you flip an image with text in this way, then the text will not be readable. In this case, it is enough to slightly rotate the image or photo (by a few percent). After that we save the resulting image. You can also move the image vertically or rotate it.

We return to the TinEye service page and load the resulting image into it, check the uniqueness. If the service shows a result in the search of 0, then the work can be considered finished. If you have not received the result, the work on changing the uniqueness should be repeated. As you can see, you can quickly make photos and pictures unique in a few seconds.

Hello dear image lovers.

We continue to improve our images and this will be the fourth article on this subject.

Now we will talk about how to make a picture unique, and also we will analyze the concept of uniqueness itself in order to understand why you need to do something at all. I also note that this article will be in the form of an experiment, that is, I will take a picture right now and check the most popular methods on it. All data is not taken from the ceiling!

I gave links to the first 3 articles about images at the end of the article to go straight to the discussion of the above issues. In the article, I described everything in great detail as an experiment. I recommend that you study everything, but first I give a short video lesson with the process of checking a picture for uniqueness, as well as with in effective ways its increase.

What is a unique picture and why is it needed?

The concept of uniqueness of an image can be viewed from 2 angles:

  1. The concept of uniqueness, as uniqueness, that is, there is only one picture and no one else has it. These include personal photographs or design graphics, as an option;
  2. The second point concerns the definition of uniqueness in terms of the perception of search engines. If you run your site and use pictures there that you take from the Internet, then be sure that your images are not unique. And search engines see it. We will consider how this can get out for you further.

Based on these 2 factors, 2 obvious conclusions can be drawn:

  1. You need to make the images unique, that is, the only ones. To do this, either make pictures yourself (if you are good at graphic editors) or order them from professionals. You can also take your own photos, if your field of activity allows it;
  2. If you take images from the Internet, then you need to transform (change) them so that search engines do not consider them non-unique. This is very simple to do, which we will consider in the third paragraph of the article. It is enough to do 1-2 actions and the problem is solved.

As for the first point, if you take your own photos and screenshots, then you can not worry. Such a picture will be unique by definition. But, if you want to make an already existing picture unique, then you need to suffer. You need to either change its content, or give it a personalized look.

Many bloggers use this option when writing articles on some topic. They create a kind of frame for the main image of the article and place graphics downloaded from the Internet inside it. Thus, the images seem to be the same, but served under a different sauce. Here are just a few examples of such processing.

As you can see, in essence, these images are identical in structure. Only the framework has changed, inside of which there are pictures from the Internet, lying on hundreds of thousands of sites.

Bloggers make such images to somehow stand out from the rest of the mass. Someone succeeds, but someone does not. As you can see from the pictures above, in fact only the colors and some small points (colors, size, frame) have been changed. But there is no uniqueness as such.

Therefore, think carefully when you are going to copy someone, but change the original version. Will it play into your hands?

Now let's move on to the second point, which assumes the uniqueness of the picture in the search engines. We will talk about how to check this moment in 1 minute.

If you take the images provided above, then they may not be unique in the opinion of search engines, since Yandex and Google perfectly recognize images, even if they are placed in some kind of frame. We will be able to verify this further.

That is, if I take some picture and place it in another picture, then after checking the search engines will still give the result in the form of non-unique and show similar results on the Internet in the form of the picture that was inserted into the frame.

Therefore, the uniqueness of a picture in the first way does not make it unique in the opinion of search engines. But you should not be afraid of this, as there will be no harm from non-unique images to your site. Honestly, I have not researched this moment, but I trusted the words of experts in this field.

Such images will only have a bad result when ranking them among other images, which will affect the traffic that can be obtained from image search. That is, if we constantly devote time to the uniqueization of images, then in the end we can count on their high positions in image search and receive a certain number of visitors to the site.

It is up to you to take advantage of this moment! Now let's see how this happens in practice.

Checking a picture for uniqueness

To check, we will use the service tineye as well as search for images from google (

For example, I found an image on the internet that I will use as a thumbnail for this article.

Moreover, it is not just a picture. This is a cut out icon from the general image, where there were many icons. In theory, it should be unique. But what will happen in practice?

We go first to the first service tineye and immediately upload this picture by clicking on the "Select file" button.

After selecting a file on the computer, the check will immediately begin, as evidenced by the download icon on the right side (highlighted with a blue frame).

After completing the check, it will give the result. Surprisingly, only 7 matches were shown. this service and showed similar options, which in the opinion of the service are identical.

Now let's check the image through the google image search service. We pass by this link and click on the camera icon.

According to Google, my picture appears as many as 57 times on other resources.

In fact, these results are good, because if I took another picture (not cut), I would get an option not in tens, but in hundreds or even hundreds of thousands.

Now let's talk about ways to make a picture unique.

Making the picture unique

If you read other articles on this topic, you will see many options for how to make an image unique. But from my practice, I have identified only one option, which really always works. and does not require the creation of any wireframes and sketches.

In fact, here's what you can do to try to achieve uniqueness.

  • Adding third-party elements to the image;
  • Placing an image inside another (see above);
  • Overlay text inside the picture;
  • Image transformation (resizing, display along the X and Y axes, rotations).

What do you think works and what doesn't? All methods do not work that do not change the location of the main elements in the image itself, its outlines, and so on. That is, the first 3 ways do not work when we try to add something to the image (other pictures, signature, watermark, text).

Of course, it’s impossible to say that they don’t work at all, as they may help to reduce the number of results found when checking. But we strive for the perfect result when the picture is 100% unique?

If so, then the really effective methods are actions that change the position of the image as a whole and its main elements. These include:

  • change of size;
  • horizontal and vertical display;
  • turns in different directions.

Let's experiment.

I always make all my thumbnails for posts from a wireframe, into which I always insert the found image. I have a simple frame. It just has a light-colored background, from which the frame is ultimately obtained. There is also a shadow offset to the bottom-right edge.

Now I will place the image that I found earlier inside this wireframe. It turned out the following.

The results after verification decreased, but 100% uniqueness was not achieved (tineye - 5, google - 41).

Now let's try to overlay the text on top and check if it worked. Yes, there is a result, but here's what it is worth saying.

The uniqueness of 100% is achieved in both services only if the text completely overlaps the main content of the picture. That is, if you just overlay the text somewhere on the sidelines, the effect will not be complete. But if you overlay text on the entire image, then there is an option that the picture will become unique.

The result is excellent, but I had to sacrifice image readability. We don't need that. Therefore, if this cannot be done in your picture, this method can be thrown away.

Now let's try the remaining options with changing the display of the picture. Let's start by enlarging the image. Having slightly increased it, I did not get the desired effect, and even worse on google data- 100 results. This is due to the fact that the network already has a lot of variants of this picture and, apparently, it is on this scale that it occurs more times than before.

Having tried to reduce the image, I already got more results (tineye - 0, google - 31).

From these experiments, it can be concluded that the method takes place, but in some cases it is very difficult to implement. If a picture is very common, then there are many options for its size on the network and it is difficult to achieve uniqueness.

So, the next step is to check the transformation of the image and its rotation. Let's start with the first one. I displayed it horizontally and after checking it received a comforting verdict in the form of zero repetitions.

On google, the situation is the same! I did not give a screenshot, because in google, if there are no results, it does not write anything. There is emptiness.

What conclusions can be drawn from the experiments carried out above? Let's summarize this article.

  • Placing an image inside other images, as many bloggers do, doesn't work;
  • The text overlay works, but only partially. Upon reaching full uniqueness, the image may not be readable;
  • Resizing also works partially. It all depends on the prevalence of the picture on the network. The more variations there are, the more difficult it is to achieve uniqueness in this way;
  • Horizontal and vertical display works 100%;
  • Rotation works 100%.

The last 2 methods may not work. Again, it all depends on whether someone has done this before you.

Knowing these conclusions, I can make the final thumbnail for this post. And here's what I'll do:

  • I will enlarge the picture so that it completely fits into my frame;
  • turn it slightly to the right.

You don't need to do anything else. No text and so on. Here's what happened.

Uniqueness - 100%. No matches found.

On this I will finish the article. An unusual format has been released! I hope you enjoyed it. Not just empty words, but real arguments and real-time experiments.

Until I forgot! If you know more ways to make a picture unique, then please read the comments below.

Everyone, friends, see you in new materials. Bye.

Best regards, Konstantin Khmelev!

How to make a picture for a website.

How to quickly make a beautiful and unique picture for a website or blog. Greetings, dear readers of the Cool Internet site, I propose today to talk about how to quickly and most importantly simply make a beautiful and of course unique picture for your blog, site or group on a social network.

Moreover, you will not need any special skills, and you will not have to study long and tediously. specialized program for image processing such as Photoshop, Coral and similar photo editors. Rather, we will just touch Photoshop, just not everyone's familiar Photoshop, but let's say it is a stripped down version of Photoshop Online that is most suitable for us.

Why making a picture is more convenient and easier in Photoshop Online.

Agree for someone who maintains a blog, is engaged in a website or the development of a group on a social network. The most important thing is to give your readers interesting material, and interesting material should be designed accordingly, that is, have a beautiful and memorable picture. This raises the question of how to do it? Of course, you can master, for example, the same Photoshop or another graphic editor, but this takes time, and actually purchase the program itself, well, unless of course you respect a law-abiding citizen, copyrights and do not use pirated software... But by and large, the point here is not even in the programs for their purchase and the time spent on their development. We need what? Just a beautiful picture for a post, and in some cases there is no point in delving into the intricacies and wisdom of the standard Photoshop work, unless of course you have plans to understand it at a semi-professional or professional level. Photoshop Online has, albeit truncated, but quite sufficient functionality for our tasks - it is simple and quick to make a picture for a website or blog.

How to make a picture in Photoshop Online.

And so we move on to creating the picture itself. Find Photoshop Onliane in the browser search engine or follow the link How to make a picture for a website in Photoshop Online. Open the file tab and click create a new picture. A window will appear in which you need to set the dimensions of our image. I will make a picture for my site on the pages of which you are now. And we will make the very first image a thumbnail for the post that you saw at the very beginning of the article. In order for the picture to look normal, I need to set its size, width 1000 by 250 height. You, of course, set your sizes that you need, depending on where you then insert the finished picture.

Will open working window to create a picture. To make the picture for the post more interesting, you need some image that fits the topic of your article. I'll take, for example, a picture of an artist as an example. The image can be downloaded from the Internet, for example, from Yandex Pictures.

Some might say that then the image will not be unique. No, this is not so, as a result of our actions, we will get a unique picture a little later, we will return to this issue.

So, let's save, for example, the image we like on the desktop. Now go to the layer tab and find the sub-item open image as layer

Now an image has appeared in our working area. There is, for one moment, see that the dimensions of the added image correspond to the size of your future image. For example, my dimensions are 1000 by 250, which means that the image that I insert should be approximately 200 by 200, whatever it goes beyond the frame or is not too small.

On the left side of the toolbar, we find the movement arrow (the top line, the most right button with an arrow). With its help, you can drag the image to the desired place in our future image. By the same principle, we will add, I will take one more image, for example, a palette with brushes. Subclause open image as layer find our saved image and click open.

Now you need to add some kind of inscription. I will add as make a picture for the site well, and you something relevant to the topic of your post. We find on the toolbar the button with the letter " A»Choose the font you like and its size and write the inscription.

That's all our picture is ready, it remains to click save file and specify the storage location.

Agree, it's just nowhere easier in a few seconds, we very simply made a beautiful and most importantly unique picture, which we can now place on a blog or in a group.

Now let's talk a little about the uniqueness of pictures. Search engines they understand perfectly well that when you have used a picture already posted by someone on the Internet, those who are engaged in website promotion know that this is not good and may not affect the position of the article in which such non-original images are posted. What we get is exactly a unique picture in view of the fact that we worked in the editor and there will be no complaints from the search engines, although we partially took the fragments already available on the Internet. There are various services for checking the uniqueness of pictures and photos, but this is a topic for another article.