Error in crc torrent data. Errors while installing Windows. Data error (CRC). Cause and solution of crc error in data

Users regularly encounter various system failures arising from software or hardware reasons. One of the common problems is a CRC error, accompanied by a message with the corresponding text "Data error in CRC". It indicates a mismatch in the checksums of the downloaded file, which indicates its change or damage, and can manifest itself when using internal and external information storage devices. A common failure occurs when burning an optical disc, copying data from a disc to a computer, installing games and applications, or when working with torrent clients. The timing of the failure tracking is always important, since the way to solve the problem directly depends on the conditions under which the CRC error occurred.

Ways to fix CRC errors.

Cycle Redundancy Check (CRC) is an algorithm for calculating the checksum of a file used to check the correctness of the transmitted information. That is, as a result of information processing, definite meaning, which will necessarily be different for files, even one bit different from each other. So, an algorithm based on a cyclic code determines a checksum and assigns it to the transmitted data. In turn, the receiving party also owns the algorithm for finding the checksum, which makes it possible for the system to check the integrity of the received data. When these numbers match, the information is transmitted successfully, and if the checksum values ​​do not match, an error occurs in CRC data, this means that the file that the program accessed has been modified or damaged.

Causes of CRC error

In most cases, the problem is hardware-based, but sometimes it also occurs for software reasons. The message "Data error in CRC" may indicate a malfunction of the HDD, a violation of the file system, or the presence of broken sectors... It is not uncommon for a failure to occur when initializing a hard disk or solid state drive After connecting the SSD to a computer, despite the design differences and the difference in the way of functioning, this happens because the data cannot be read correctly. Then the problem may lie not only in mechanical damage, but also in a malfunction of the connection interfaces or poor contact. An error in PCI-E SSD devices also occurs due to accumulated dirt on the board. Problems with accessing external drives are often associated with faulty ports. Among the software reasons, errors in CRC data can be caused by device driver failures. The source of the installation problem software a torrent client is most often a corrupted archive. Thus, the following reasons for the CRC error can be distinguished:

  • Accidental crash during software installation.
  • Loss or corruption of data in transit.
  • Incorrect registry entries.
  • Incorrect device drivers.
  • Damage to the optical disc.
  • Defective connectors.
  • Damage to hard disk sectors, HDD file system.
  • Incorrect configuration of files and other reasons.

How to fix CRC error

There are not so few factors provoking the problem. Most often, you can determine the source of the trouble based on the conditions under which an error appeared in the CRC data, then you can narrow the circle possible reasons and figure out how to fix the crash. All actions aimed at troubleshooting will be effective in various situations.

Error in CRC data when connecting a device

In the event of a problem while working with external storage before treating the device with specialized utilities, the first step is to check the work with other connectors. If the port is faulty, then the issue can be resolved by connecting the media to a different port on the device. Another reason is poor contact, for example, this is often found in the SD card connection adapter, as well as when using HDD or SSD devices. A flash drive, SD card or other connected drive may also be faulty, special software is used to read data from damaged devices, for example, BadCopyPro, but if the media fails program methods powerless.

Crash when trying to access files on HDD

"Error in CRC data" is often manifested due to a violation of the integrity of the file system or bad sectors on the hard disk. Since it is not possible to read the information correctly, a number of failures can be associated with this, including a situation when the hard drive is not initialized. HDD can be diagnosed using built-in Windows tools or third-party programs.

In the arsenal of the OS there are many integrated services for solving various problems. You can check the file system for errors, as well as detect bad sectors, using the Check disk utility called from the command line. To scan the hard drive, do the following:

  • We open command line as an administrator. For this we use the "Run" console (Win + R), where we enter cmd command and hold down the Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys, after which we confirm our intention to use the tool. You can also start the service through the Start search line - we write a command line request, then by right-clicking on the application you want in the search results open context menu and select "Run as administrator".
  • In the window that opens, write the command chkdsk C: / r / f (here C is the letter of the partition to be checked, to check other disks, you will need to substitute the appropriate value), press the enter key.
  • If the system schedules a check at the next boot, we agree and restart the computer. The check will be performed automatically and will take certain time depending on the volume of the drive. Based on the results of the procedure, the system will display a report on the problems found and bug fixes (if possible).

In some cases, when there is no access to the entire disk or an error in the CRC data appears when accessing the software that used to work, the scan will need to be performed in recovery mode, which will require bootable USB drive or a disc with the corresponding Windows operating system. By changing the order of starting devices (set the priority for the removable drive to Boot) and starting with bootable media you can open the command line like this:

  • Select the keyboard layout and language, click "Install Windows", then go to the "System Restore" section.
  • Select "Troubleshooting - Advanced Options" and find the item "Command Line".
  • The command line interface starts, where you need to enter the same command chkdsk C: / r / f.

Scanning with the system disk check utility

You can check for errors in another way:

  • Open "My Computer" ("This Computer") by pressing the Win + E keys or in any other convenient way.
  • Among the displayed drives, select the desired one, press RMB and go to "Properties".
  • In the "Service" tab, click the "Check" button.
  • When a dialog box appears, check the "Automatically fix system errors" item and start the scan. The process will take some time.

When choosing system disk you will need to schedule a scan, in which case it will be scanned at the next booting Windows... For HDD recovery third-party software is also used, for example, HDD Regenerator, Acronis Disk Director, Victoria and others. Moreover, in the case of physical damage devices, it will not work to correct them programmatically, so it is better to copy in advance important information from the hard drive, it may be running out of time.

Problem when downloading from CD / DVD media

If an error pops up when copying information from an optical disc to an internal drive, it is possible that the disc is simply dirty or damaged. First you need to clean the surface of the media and try the procedure again. If it does not help, we are looking for another source of information, and if it is absent and it is necessary to recover data from the disk, you can use the BadCopyPro program, which reads and restores files from damaged drives, if possible. Unfortunately, if the disk is severely damaged, it will not be possible to copy files from it.

Error in CRC data when writing an optical disc, installing programs or games

If a problem arose during the process of burning an image downloaded from the Internet to a CD / DVD, it is worth checking the checksums of the recorded data before performing the procedure. For this purpose, the HashTab utility is used, after installation of which, the file properties will appear new tab"Hashes of files", with its help you can compare the value with the source. So, if the checksums do not match, you should download the image again.

You should also download the file or archive again when using the downloaded program distribution kit it is not installed on the computer. The data may have been corrupted during the download or not completely downloaded. It is convenient to use uTorrent for downloading, since the utility independently determines the checksum values ​​and downloads part of the information that was loaded with an error. If you download data from direct links, you can use Download Master... At the same time, it is possible that the archive or file was already damaged initially and in this form was uploaded to the resource, therefore you need to try to download it from an alternative source.

Error in uTorrent

When an error in CRC data appears in the uTorrent program, fix it by the following actions:

  • We are updating the client.
  • We delete the problematic distribution in the program, as well as the undelivered file in the folder on the computer.
  • We are looking for a similar distribution on another resource and download from there.

The above methods are enough to get rid of the CRC data error that occurs under various conditions. So, by identifying the source of the failure, you can purposefully eliminate the problem. In most cases, you can fix the error. by software, but when it comes to physical malfunction of the drive, you should think about replacing it.

When trying to format a flash drive (less often a hard disk) using the "DiskPart" command interpreter, the user encounters the error information " DiskPart program encountered an error, "followed by the reason for the error (for example," The media is write-protected "). In this article I will tell you about the most common errors in the operation of "Diskpart", as well as explain how to fix them.

DiskPart encountered an error (Access Denied)

Mistake # 1. The media is write protected

The user may come across the message "The media is write-protected" when trying to format his flash drive, while the latter may not have a special jumper for write protection (if there is one, just try to switch it).

Solution # 1

  1. Run Command Prompt as Administrator, type there:
  2. DiskPart - and press enter.
  3. Then type: list disk press enter again.
  4. A list of disks available on the PC will be displayed, mark what letter the problem disk (flash drive) has.
  5. Type: select disk X - (replace X with the letter of the problem disk) and press enter.
  6. Type: attribute disk and hit enter.
  7. You will be shown information whether the problem disk has a "read only" status.

Here the flash drive has the status "Read only"

If so, type: attribute disk clear readonly and hit enter. This status will be changed to “No”. Try to format again desired disk using DiskPart.

Solution # 2

Click on the "Start" button, in the search bar enter regedit and press enter. Follow the path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ StorageDevicePolicies - and set the value of the "WriteProtect" parameter there to 0 (zero).

If you do not find the endpoint of the "StorageDevicePolicies" branch, then you need to create it. Right click on the previous step of the branch (Control) - "New" - "Section". Give the name to the section “ StorageDevicePolicies"(Without quotes).

Right click on the created section on the left - "Create" - "Parameter Dword (32 bits)". Rename the parameter to "WriteProtect" (without quotes). Set its value to "0", click on "OK", and close system registry... Restart your PC and try running DiskPart again.

Mistake # 2. Access denied

DiskPart encountered an access denied error usually occurs when you try to clean up your USB flash drive using the "clean" diskpart command. In the error message, the system recommends viewing the logs, which can detail the cause of the problem.

Solution # 1

View the system logs (Control Panel - System and Security - Administrative Tools - View Events - Windows Logs - System). Perhaps the cause of the dysfunction will be indicated there, you can identify and correct it.

Solution # 2

Run the command line only as administrator, and already in it enter the command "diskpart".

Mistake number 3. DiskPart encountered an error parameter is set incorrectly

The error parameter is set incorrectly usually occurs in a situation when the file structure of the disk is damaged or the encryption driver of the disk in Windows OS has been changed.

Solution # 1

Go to "My Computer", hover over the problem disk, right-click, select "Properties" from the menu that appears. In the menu that opens, go to the "Service" tab - "Check". Check both boxes and click on "Run".

Perform disk check with CHKDSK

Solution # 2

Download, install, and run the program "Partition Guru" Click on the problem disk, then click on the "File Recovery" button, and then on the "Start" button. Wait for the end of the file recovery process.

Use Partition Guru to check your disk

Mistake # 4. CRC data error

It occurs due to the presence of bad (bad) sectors on the device.


Use CKDSK as described above, or run "Partition Guru", select the problem disk, select the "Disk" menu section, and in it "Verify Or Repair Bad Sectors" - "Start Verify". When the check is over, click on "Repair".

Check for bad sectors on the disk using "Partition Guru"

Mistake # 5. The request was not fulfilled

Usually indicates a hardware problem with the drive itself.


  1. If you have such problems with a flash drive, then go to Device Manager (click on the "Start" button, in the search bar enter devmgmt.msc and press enter).
  2. Find there " USB controllers", Open a subsection by clicking on it, and uninstall all its contents (click on the first subdevice in the queue, press the right mouse button - Delete, and so on until you delete all the contents of" USB Controllers ").
  3. Then reboot your computer, and try again to start DiskPart and do it.
  4. If it does not help, then most likely your flash drive is hardware defective.

Mistake # 6. Device I / O error

A device I / O error occurs when a device (flash drive or hard disk) cannot write and read data.


Check the hardware connection between the device and the PC. If it is a USB flash drive, use another USB connector; if it is a hard drive, check the cables and plugs, as well as the tightness of the connection of the latter to the corresponding connectors.


The appearance of the message "DiskPart has encountered an error" can be caused by a number of reasons, most of which I have listed above. Concretize the problem and then follow the steps I indicated to fix the "DiskPart has encountered an error" on your PC.

Many users are familiar with the situation when the system generates various errors. How to fix data error CRC hdd? What caused her appearance?

As a rule, it occurs when copying CD / DVD information and indicates that the disc is damaged or the ability to make the necessary copies has been lost. Naturally, there is nothing pleasant about this, but you should not panic about this either. Through existence special programs you can correct the problem and read the data that contains the damaged discs.

Why does CRC hdd error appear?

The reason for the appearance may be mechanical damage to the disc or its "wear" due to its long service life. To accurately determine the cause of the error and the condition of the disk, you can try copying it to third party computer... If you repeat the error, you can talk about damage to the media itself.

If there is damage in the part of the disc where the inscriptions are made, you can use a marker and sketch them. Do not be surprised, but sometimes such a measure is effective!

BadCopy Pro program

It will help very much to fix the problem. useful program BadCopy Pro, which we recommend to install. Thanks to special algorithms that recognize bad sectors, the program has the ability to read information from damaged media.

Using the BadCopy Pro program, you can recover information, the carriers of which are unreadable disks, floppy disks, hard drives, flash drives, etc. The program provides recovery of graphic, text, executable files, archives and so on. Having a simple, understandable and user-friendly interface allows even beginners to use this program.

If the disk is severely damaged, recovering information will require your patience and time. The likelihood of success depends on how badly the media is damaged.

Using BadCopy Pro you can solve the following tasks:

  • access unreadable files
  • recover lost photos on digital devices
  • recreate files from floppy disk that were deleted by quick format
  • recover lost files on floppy disks, CD / DVD-R and CD / DVD-RW, CD / DVD-RW discs.

If you are not sure that you can cope with the "treatment" of the hard disk yourself, contact service center for qualified help. I wish you success!

When installing programs or games, it gives an error " Data error CRC file could not be copied". The same happens when copying some files from a disk or flash drive to a computer.

Most often, this error occurs for one of three reasons:

  1. The file you are trying to open or copy is damaged.
  2. Damaged media, flash drive, portable external HDD etc.
  3. The computer's RAM is damaged.

File damaged

If you downloaded from a torrent, then delete the files related to this distribution and the torrent file. Then download again and try to run again. If the error persists, then the problem is possible with the distribution and you need to find another uploader and download a new torrent file.

If you download from a flash drive or external hard disk and you get given error most likely, the file must be copied to the media again, since it will no longer be possible to restore it.

Damaged media, flash drive or external hard drive

Click on it right click mouse -> Properties -> Service -> Check for errors. If you're lucky, you should be able to fix bugs in automatic mode, after which everything will work fine. If the check does not help, then the file cannot be restored, and the media will have to be changed.

RAM check

To check the RAM, download the MemTest program or an equivalent. It will help confirm the memory problem and then you will need to replace this module with RAM... You can find the MemTest program or an analogue in Google or Yandex in a couple of minutes on the request "Diagnostics of RAM".

If this article helped you, please write in the comments about it. If something does not work out, write, I will try to help.

External hard Seagate Backup Plus 1 TB USB Portable was acquired almost two years ago.
All this time he worked without complaints, did not fall, there was no damage.
Perhaps several times it was incorrectly disconnected from the computer by unsafe removal, but by simply pulling out the cable from the USB connector ...

Hard was used primarily for storage the information you need(software, source codes of work performed, etc.), was often not used, periodically filled with information and sent to the distant shelf (where it is dark and dry). Was slightly more than half full.

Once again, when it became necessary to use it, an inscription appeared - " You need to format the disc in the drive before using it. Format?"After the appearance of this message, there was a growing feeling of panic and the first thought - how to save data from external HDD?

I must say that the disk was identified as a regular removable disk and when trying to open it, it gave a message about the need to Format.

Always connected via usb 2.0 to a laptop.
After refusing to format the hard, I saw the message " CRC data error 23"

In "Disk Management" (For XP: Control Panel-Administrative Tools-Computer Management), it was also detected, but file system he had RAW!

After a long reading of various resources, advice was found on how to save information using the program R-Studio .

In the disk panel, select the device and click "Scan", the default settings, that is, scan the entire disk for files of any type.

After scanning (it took me more than 4 hours), click "Show disk contents", mark the files for recovery and click "Recover marked".

After that, in the next window, select the path where to restore the files. Here we indicate another HDD installed in the system and click "Yes":

Everything worked out, R-Studio helped to solve the main task - to save (extract) data from the HDD, while it was connected via USB. The panic began to recede, but there was still a misunderstanding of what had happened to the device.

Then I read that there are often reading failures due to a malfunction of the SATA-USB adapter inside the HDD box. To eliminate this, I disconnected the adapter and connected the Seagate to the SATA connector in the system unit.

When turned on, the system launched Scandisk in order to check the newly connected HDD:

During the check, several messages of the form were received:
Deleting index entry ...
and Inserting an index entry into ...
After passing the check, the system booted and Seagate became available for opening.

Miracle! The information on it before the glitch was available for viewing.
It also has a folder found.000
Such folders contain files or their recovered fragments.
The next step was to run a Seagate virus scan.
No viruses were found.

Next, you need to find out the technical condition of the hard disk using S.M.A.R.T.
S.M.A.R.T. is a self-testing and reporting technology, present in all modern hard drives. S.M.A.R.T. data can be obtained using specialized software.

How to work with Victoria for Windows

To get started, in the "Standart" tab, click on the right on the required device:

Information about the hard disk appears on the left, the so-called device passport.

After that, next to the "GET SMART" button, the overall result of the HDD self-testing will be displayed, in my case it says "GOOD". This is already good.

On the right, the self-diagnosis test is described by indicators with their values ​​for the current HDD.

In the column "Health" (level of health, if literally) the value of this or that parameter is clearly displayed in the form of colored circles.
An acceptable value is shown in green, and a value that needs to be paid attention to and, if possible, take steps to improve it, in yellow.
Red rounds indicate that the value of the indicator does not correspond to the normal range.

The parameter " Reallocated sector count"- The number of transferred sectors, that is, those that S.M.A.R.T. considered bad and from which the information was transferred to the backup area. Accordingly, if the parameter value is more than 0, then there are" bad blocks "on the disk and its aging process has already started.

In general, if S.M.A.R.T. turned out to be GOOD, then go to the next tab "Test", where Victoria allows you to conduct a thorough analysis of the disk surface for the presence of (bad) clusters. This process took me 2 and a half hours.

Here we select the "Ignor" mode (ignore the found bad blocks, that is, do not take any action with them yet, but only show information about their presence or absence.)
We indicate the information about which blocks we want to receive:

All blocks are marked with colors depending on the amount of reading time:

After that we press the "Start" button.
While the check is in progress, he can go about his business, the main thing is not to work with the hard on which the check is running, otherwise it will noticeably increase the analysis time.

On the left in the window, the process of scanning the disk surface in blocks is clearly going on, and opposite the colored blocks, the number of certain sectors is displayed.

If, upon completion of the check, there are red and blue sectors, this indicates that bad blocks have appeared on the hard and it is necessary to perform remapping, that is, replace the bad sector with a sector from the reserve area.
This can be done by turning on the "Remap" scan mode and restarting the process.

In this mode, scanning will take even longer, because in addition to checking, bad sectors will be overwritten.

In my case, completing the disk check, I found 1 sector of blue color.

Where it came from is not clear, whether due to a logical failure, or physical damage.
In any case, almost every case of failure of the working hard has individual characteristics. A lot of different factors can affect from power outages to system glitches.

As it became clear to me from a hundred or two read articles on information recovery and bad block detection, some hard drives continue to fail with increasing frequency, and some work flawlessly over the next years.
But in any case, you should not rely 100% on the device and especially important information, if possible, must be duplicated on another medium.
And if you have found bad sectors, then periodically check the readings of S.M.A.R.T. and test the hard surface every six months to avoid unpleasant surprises.

I hope the note will be useful to someone and many thanks to the developers. R-Studio, God grant you health!