Windows 8 secure boot. Via system configuration

To solve many problems in the operation of the operating system, you can run it in "safe mode". In Windows 8.1, to enter the " safe mode"Pressing the F8 (or Shift + F8) key when starting the computer will not work. You will have to use other methods to do this.

1. If the operating system boots (the easiest way):

Open the shutdown menu and hold down the button Shift select with the mouse. This can also be done in command line:

shutdown / r / o / t 0

This will open the system recovery menu. Sequentially select the following menu items: "Diagnostics" - "Extra options" - Boot options... In the window Boot options need to click "Reload"... Next, select the required download mode. For example: F4- to start safe mode.

Windows 8.1 will then boot into "safe mode".

2. If the operating system does not boot (using the recovery disc):

When installed operating system does not boot, then you need to boot from the recovery disk. After choosing one of the keyboard layouts, you need to select the following menu items in sequence: "Diagnostics" - "Extra options" - "Command line" and enter the command:

bcdedit / set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true

After successful execution of the command, you need to close the command prompt window and press "Proceed".

After these changes, each boot of the system will take place with a choice of boot mode. To remove it, you need to enter the command in the command line in the same way:

bcdedit / deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions

What is Safe Startup Mode on Windows 8 and 8.1?

Safe Mode Windows startup performed using a limited set of files and drivers.

Safe mode does not run startup programs and installs only the basic set of drivers required to start Windows

And also for the competent elimination of various problems that may appear during the operation of the computer.

Such as caused by programs and drivers that may not load correctly or interfere with correct launch Windows.

If these problems do not occur when booting in safe mode, then from the list possible reasons you can exclude the default options and the base set of device drivers.

in Windows 8, safe mode is launched quite specifically, which can confuse inexperienced users who have recently become familiar with the eight.

That is why we decided to tell you how to enter the safe windows mode 8 different ways.

You can enter Windows 8 Safe Mode:

Using the F8 key (or Shift + F8)
By configuring boot options in the system configuration while the OS is running
By changing the settings for shutting down the computer while the OS is running
Using a bootable USB flash drive with Windows 8
Using a Windows 8 boot disk

As you can see, there are many ways and one of them will probably suit you.

Using the F8 key, you can very quickly enter Safe Mode on Windows 8. The disadvantages of this known method include the sad fact that it simply does not work on some computers.

So, after turning on or restarting the computer, we hold down the "Shift + F8" key combination several times. This will open a menu known to all, in which, using the arrows on the keyboard, you must select the "Safe Mode" item.

This convenient and familiar method does not work for everyone, but there is one trick that can fix it.

When the OS is running, using the keyboard, press the key combination "Win + X" and in the window that appears, select "Command line (administrator)".

Then enter the command "bcdedit / set (default) bootmenupolicy legacy" and press "Enter". In this case, a message about the successful execution of the specified command should appear.

Now you can safely restart your computer and press the "F8" key to enter the boot options menu.

If earlier the combination "Shift + F8" did not work, like "F8", now there will be no problems with entering safe mode.
If you want to return standard settings OS, then issue the command "bcdedit / set (default) bootmenupolicy standard" on the command line.

Second way implies changing the settings of the boot parameters.

This is a good effective method, but in some cases it may turn out to be useless (if the computer is seriously broken and the OS cannot start). Press the combination "Win + R" and enter the command "msconfig".

In the window that appears, we agree with the proposal to reboot the system. After restarting, the computer will start in safe mode.

Pay attention to the fact that the launch in this mode will be carried out until you uncheck the box previously set in the boot settings from the item "Safe Mode"

Be sure to do it!

The method can be used even in the event of a serious breakdown of the computer, since it is not necessary to start the OS in this case.

You will need a bootable Windows 8 flash drive that you can use to restore your OS. If bootable flash drive not at hand, do not worry, you can easily create it.

Writing Windows 8 to a USB flash drive using Rufus.

This program is very popular among users. Has a simple and intuitive interface, not cluttered with unnecessary additional features, does an excellent job with its direct task - recording an OS image to a USB flash drive.

Rufus does not require installation, after downloading you can run it and use it right away. You can download Rufus by this link.

After starting the program, you will see the main window.

Before recording Windows 8 / 8.1 to a USB flash drive, you need to make some settings. In the "Device" line, you must select the USB flash drive already connected to the computer, on which you plan to write the OS image.

You can see the rest of the settings in the photo below.

The next step is to select an OS image. For this purpose, click on the disk icon and indicate the location of the image with Windows 8 / 8.1.

After that, we check the correctness of all settings. Things to check before recording:

Correctly selected removable media (empty or with files that can be deleted)
Selected file system NTFS
There is a tick in front of the "Create bootable disk" item
The window contains the parameter "ISO-image"
The image of the desired OS is specified

After the final check, you can start the procedure Windows entries 8 on the USB flash drive, for this we press the "Start" button.

Rufus will give a warning about formatting removable media, which you need to agree to. After the end, the program will display a corresponding message.

Click the "Close" button and use the created boot USB flash drive 8 for installation on a computer.

However, CONTINUE ..

We insert the created bootable USB flash drive into the computer and start from it. In the window for selecting the date and time, click "Next". When the installation window appears, click on System Restore.

Then go to the "Diagnostics" section.

Further in the section "Additional parameters". We have already got into this window, when using previous ways, but as you can see, it is somewhat different from the others. Go to the "Command Line" section.
Enter the command "bcdedit / set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true" and press "Enter".

Next, close the command line and click on the "Continue" button. The system will reboot and the already familiar window will appear on the screen, press the "F4" button and go into Windows safe mode

This window will appear every time the computer is turned on. Therefore, after troubleshooting, enter "bcdedit / deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions" at the command prompt and the Boot Options Selection window will not appear.

I think this information will help you troubleshoot problems in Windows 8 and 8.1.

Good luck Friends!

In Windows 8, Safe Mode has been significantly changed to make it more functional and user-friendly. Now, if problems arise with the operation of the operating system, the user has access to several utilities that simplify the diagnosis and recovery of the operating system.

Booting into Safe Mode is one of the most important steps in troubleshooting computer problems. It is it that most users use when errors appear in the system. but standard way load Safe Mode in all operating systems Windows systems up to the eighth version - this is a restart of the computer and repeated pressing of the F8 button, after which a black screen appears with a list of OS boot modes, among which you can select Safe.

In Windows 8, the way to boot Safe Mode has been slightly changed, so users who tried to get into Safe Mode in the usual way encountered some difficulties. The fact is that pressing the F8 key while Windows 8 boots up triggers the automatic recovery mode.

In order to open the menu of modes and system recovery, you should press not F8, but the Shift + F8 key combination. When the system boots, you need to hold down the Shift button and press the F8 key several times.

However, due to some Windows features 8 it can be difficult to start Safe Mode in this way, so if the system on the computer is working, it will be much easier to use the special utilities built into the system.

Opening Safe Mode from a running Windows 8 system using the msconfig utility

Safe Mode can also be started from a running operating system. To do this, call the window for requesting the execution of programs with the Win + R keyboard shortcut. In the window that appears, enter msconfig and press Enter. In the window that opens, go to the Boot tab and check the Safe Boot box.

In the list below, you can select one of the Safe Mode types. The Minimal mode is the normal safe mode. Another Shell (Alternate Shell) is Safe Mode that supports command line. Network is Safe Mode with Networking.

After you have selected the type of Safe Mode that suits you best, click OK and confirm the need to reboot the system.

After that, the system will automatically boot into Safe Mode. After you have set these settings, Windows 8 will always boot into Safe Mode when you turn on your computer. To stop this, reopen the msconfig utility window and uncheck the box next to Safe Mode.

Opening the Diagnostics menu in Windows 8

There is another way to open Safe Mode in Windows 8, which also requires a working operating system. Press the key combination Win + I and in the blue window that appears, click on the Shutdown option while holding down Shift key... A small menu will appear where you should select the Restart option.

In the next windows, in order, select Diagnostics - Additional parameters - Boot parameters.

Reboot the system, after which you will see a window indicating several modes, you can select one of which using the F1-F9 keys.

Let's take a closer look at each of the available modes.

By pressing the F4 key, the most limited Safe Mode is available, in which, after starting the system, only the drivers necessary for Windows 8 work. Neither the Internet nor the local network will not be available to you.

Use the F5 key to start Safe Mode with Boot network drivers- the optimal solution for solving most problems. You can go online and continue looking for a solution to your problem or download the necessary patches and utilities. This mode is most often used to update the antivirus.

The F6 key starts Safe Mode with command line support. This mode does not support graphical interface, so you will need to enter all the necessary commands in the command line.

To return to the start window from Safe Mode, press the Alt key.

Windows 8 Safe Mode boot keys

To return the Safe Modes menu boot option to the F8 key, you must modify the BCD boot configuration data file. To do this, open a command prompt as administrator and enter the bcdedit / deletevalue (current) bootmenupolicy command into it.

After the message "Operation completed" appears in the black window, close the command line and restart the computer. Press F8 several times while booting. A familiar window will appear where you can select Safe Mode.

To undo your changes, reopen the Command Prompt and enter the command bcdedit / set (current) bootmenupolicy standart.

Another way to make changes to the BCD boot configuration data file is to type bcdedit / set (bootmgr) displaybootmenu yes at a command prompt.

You can return the system to standard boot using the bcdedit / set (bootmgr) displaybootmenu no command.

The latter method is most suitable for devices and PCs where Windows 8 boots so quickly that it does not have time to respond either to pressing F8 or to the Shift + F8 key combination.

Why doesn't the F8 key work?

In some cases, open Safe Mode or automatic recovery does not work after pressing either the F8 key or the Shift + F8 combination. After reading the message on the official Microsoft website, you can find out that this is due to too fast booting Windows 8, which does not even have time to detect the pressing of the F8 or F2 keys.

Fast modern computer equipped with UEFI BIOS and solid state drive The SSD where the operating system is installed may prevent you from using the function keys to open Safe Mode. However, booting the OS on older computers from standard BIOS and installed on hard HDD disk the operating system is not fast enough for Windows 8 to detect keystrokes.

How to Avoid the Difficulty of Fast Booting Windows 8

To prevent problems related to Booting Safe Mode by pressing Shift + F8 in advance, you should modify the BCD boot configuration data file with the above bcdedit / set (bootmgr) displaybootmenu yes command, rather than roll back the changes.

In this case, you will always be able to easily get into Safe Mode, even if Windows 8 does not boot into standard mode... This solution, of course, has the disadvantage that now every time you boot the system, you will see a black screen and press the Enter key to start it. You will have to decide on your own which solution is more convenient for you.

Some users prefer to intentionally crash the operating system by turning off their computer or laptop using the power button. In this case, during the next boot of the system, a window for its recovery and diagnostics will appear, where you can select Safe Mode.

but this way is extremely dangerous not only for installed system, but also for the data stored on the computer.

Entering Windows 8 Safe Mode using a recovery disc

If the system does not boot, and the Shift + F8 key combination does not allow you to access the system recovery menu, the best solution would be to use boot disk Windows to help you open Safe Mode when other methods have failed.

After you boot your computer from the recovery disc or installation disk Windows 8, click Next.

A window will appear in front of you, at the bottom of which there is a link to System Restore. We click on it.

The familiar Action Selection window opens.

We go along the path Diagnostics - Additional parameters.

There is no Boot Options icon in the window, so open a command prompt. In the black window that appears, enter the command bcdedit / set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true.

Close the command line. We select the menu item Continue.

Now, Safe Mode will always start when the system boots. To fix this, enter the bcdedit / deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions command on the command line.

There are several methods to start Safe Mode on eighth generation Windows operating systems. And the very first one is to press the F8 button while the computer turns on. But this moment is easy to miss because software loads very quickly thanks to modern technologies... How do I enter Windows 8 Safe Mode at these speeds? Thank the developers, there are several ways to do this, and now the screen resolution with this option is 1024 by 768 pixels.

system configuration

On many operating systems, you can use the System Configuration utility, which is called msconfig.exe by advanced computer users. Need to run this program, go to the Safe Mode tab and click on the OK button.

It should be remembered that safe start after these steps is enabled only after a reboot.

Keyboard shortcut

You can press the dedicated power button when you enter Windows. It is also possible to click on it in the Options panel. Hold the Shift key for a long time and select in context menu Reboot.

  • We select the Diagnostics item and wait for the next window.
  • The second step is the More Options button.
  • The next button will be Boot Options.
  • Finally, the last window will come out with the option Enable Safe Mode, you should click Restart.
  • After rebooting, several secure login options will appear.

Here, if you press F4, you can enter simple safe mode, F5 - to enable secure boot with network drivers connected, F6 - with the command line. Once the selection has been made, the operating system will rush to enter the required functionality to work.

Recovery disc

And there is a situation when it is generally impossible to enter anywhere, but you need to continue working to correct errors. In this case, a specially created physical recovery disk helps. To create it, you need to search for the recdisc application. A special menu will appear in which you should select optical drive... After booting from disk, the same menu will appear as described above.

After that, you can start the security mode by simply inserting the physical disk into the drive.


The previous method is very similar to this one, only here instead of physical disk used by USB stick... It is enough to create a recovery card. To do this, go to the Create recovery disc menu (you can find it Windows search), will boot from it, and a standard menu will appear.

Follow simple instructions and Windows will create the required USB tool by itself. Then we insert it into a special port, select boot from the memory card in the BIOS, and this helps us start the security mode. Naturally, it's a good idea to do all of this before problems arise.

You need to use the security mode in cases where the system does not boot, or boots with defects. The point of such a procedure is to turn on the computer at least in some way so that it is possible to correct the errors that have occurred. If the download fails even in this case, you need to dig into the computer components. Perhaps something burned out and ordered to live long.

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Safe mode (English - Safe Mode)- diagnostic mode, in which all unnecessary drivers and Windows functions are disabled. It is used to troubleshoot PC problems. You just need to run Safe Mode and fix the errors, after which the PC will work as it should again.

When might you need to enter Safe Mode? For example, to solve a problem when.

Also in this way you can remove viruses, reset your password, fix errors (incl. blue screen death), restore the system, etc.

There are several ways. Plus, they differ slightly depending on which operating system you have. Therefore, below we will consider all available ways how to enter Windows Safe Mode.

There are 2 universal methods that work for everyone. Windows versions- XP, 7, 8 and 10. They are also the simplest. Let's start with them.

Login via msconfig utility

The first way is through a special utility. To do this, you need to follow a simple instruction:

  1. Press Win + R (the button between "Ctrl" and "Alt") and enter the word "msconfig".
  2. In the new window, select the "Download" tab, indicate the desired OS and put the checkbox in the "Safe Mode" item. There are a couple of sub-items here - it is recommended to choose either "minimal" (standard) or "network" (in this case, there will be access to the Internet).
  3. Click "OK" and restart your PC - now it will turn on in safe mode.

When you fix the errors, do not forget to return the computer to normal startup mode! This is done in the same way - using the msconfig utility (only now you need to uncheck the box).

There is a small nuance here: in this way, you can enable safe mode in Windows only if your OS boots normally. If you can't even load the desktop, then use the second method.

Login with F8

This method is suitable for those whose PC or laptop does not turn on (the desktop does not load, the monitor goes blank, etc.). V this case do the following:

  1. Turn on your PC (or laptop) and immediately press the F8 key repeatedly until a menu appears (in some cases, you need to press Shift + F8).
  2. If the Windows logo appeared or the screen went out, you did not succeed. Wait for the system to fully boot, then restart your PC and try again.
  3. When you do everything right, a menu will open, where, using the arrows, select the "Safe Mode" item (the best option).

P.S. This method does not work on Windows 10! This function disabled by developers.

Special boot options for Windows 10

If Windows starts, then you need to do the following:

What if Windows 10 won't start? If the PC boots before the login screen, then the "Special Boot Options" can be opened in another way. To do this, click on the power button icon (in the lower right corner), hold down Shift and select the "Restart" item.

We use a disk or flash drive

This is the most reliable way boot Windows 10 in safe mode. But in this case you need a DVD or (you can burn them on any PC or laptop).

Plug in a USB stick or insert a disc, load them (), and then do the following:

  1. After loading, press Shift + F10.
  2. After opening the command line, enter - bcdedit / set (default) safeboot minimal.
  3. Then close it and restart your PC. It will turn on.

To return to normal PC startup, write the following on the command line: bcdedit / deletevalue (default) safeboot.

This can be done in the same way (or as administrator ) .

You can also enable the mode in Windows 8 in 4 different ways.

The first two are detailed at the beginning of the article. The other two are quite similar to the options that are suitable for Windows 10, but we will still look at them in more detail to make it easier for you to navigate.

Diagnostic tools

So, the first way is to activate the buffer format (only suitable if the OS is working properly). To do this, do the following:

The PC will start in Safe Mode, and you can carry out the necessary manipulations.

And one more simple option for starting Safe Mode in Windows 8 - through a bootable USB flash drive or DVD with Windows files... The procedure is as follows:

How to be on Windows 7 and XP

You can enter Safe Mode in Windows 7 or XP using one of the universal methods described at the beginning of this article. The first option is suitable in cases where the OS is working normally, and the second - if the PC or laptop does not turn on.

It is worth noting that the operating system is in no way tied to the BIOS. It also doesn't matter what brand of laptop you have - Samsung, Asus, Lenovo, HP, Acer, LG, etc.

What if Safe Mode won't launch?

Sometimes a PC or laptop will stubbornly refuse to enable Safe Mode. The reason is banal - viruses damaged the Windows registry. In situations like this, there are only 2 options:

  • restoration of the PC (rollback of the system to the checkpoint);
  • installation of special programs.

The best, of course, will be the first way - restoring the computer from a checkpoint. If you have not saved them (for example, disabled), then only the option with installing programs for restoring the Windows registry will remain. In this case, you can use the free Safe Mode Repair or SafeBootKeyRepair.