The impact of the phone and gadgets on work. “The influence of modern gadgets on the human body. I. The role of modern electronic devices in human everyday life and

Mobile phones, tablets and computers have long since lost their original purpose as communications and computers. Now, for most people, they serve as an entertainment function, the value and significance of which has completely overshadowed the original purpose of these devices. The functions of gadgets as a means of communication have also changed - they are used not so much for the transmission of voice messages as for communication in social networks. Moreover, these are probably not the only manifestations of the consequences of development. computing technology and communications.

It is worth remembering that speech and thinking in humans are inextricably linked. Back in 1887, English linguist, Oxford professor F. M. Muller wrote in his work "The Science of Language": “Nobody, I think, willable to dispute the fact that thought is impossible without language or some other embodiment. What we are accustomed to call a thought is only the reverse side of a coin, the front side of which is an articulate sound "... What impact can gadgets have on a child's development, given that today parents often begin to teach children to use them almost from the cradle?

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the report "Influence of gadgets on the speech development of children", which was presented by the St. Petersburg teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification category Emma Santrikovna Agopyan at scientific and practical conference“Towards a School of Health: Formation of Education in the Context of the Federal State Educational Standard”, which took place within the framework of the VIII St. Petersburg International Educational Forum.

The influence of gadgets on the speech development of children

Every summer I took the train to visit my parents with a child, or even two or three. It was a real test: two days in a confined space ... All the children in the carriage made noise, ran, talked, went to visit each other. Either their parents occupied themselves with reading books, coloring, board games, telling different stories, since the fairy tales had already been learned by heart, then the children themselves invented games, coming into contact with other guys in the carriage. I saw a completely different picture on the train this winter. As soon as an insignificant noise arose, parents gave their child a tablet and it was not heard for many hours. Great! Children do not make noise, mothers are calm. I wondered how such an early hobby for gadgets can affect the child's speech development? I want to emphasize right away that we will only consider speech development.

Let's go in order. Let's start with the intrauterine development of the fetus. The formation of the hearing aid is completed by 24 weeks of development; before this time, the fetus perceives sounds with the entire surface of the body. Therefore, first of all, he "feels" the sounds of the mother's voice: they are carried out in the form of vibrations of the tissues of her body and amniotic fluid. At the same time, words addressed to the fetus, husband, colleagues or someone else will be felt by the baby in exactly the same way.

Starting from the sixth month of intrauterine life, the baby already hears in the usual sense of this word for us; now he has the ability to distinguish the difference in intonation - the overtones of a sound and thus can distinguish between the sounds of his mother's voice and the surrounding noises. Therefore, having been born, the baby can really react more actively to the voices “familiar” from the prenatal period, the baby “recognizes” the mother, father or grandmother by intonation. This happens on the condition that people close to the child during his intrauterine development talk, and not necessarily with a tummy, but simply talk to each other. A modern mother is silent, she is online herself, and it is more and more difficult with grandmothers, young families mostly live separately. In the evening, dad will come home from work, eat and also go into the virtual world. Thus, the child is deprived of communication before being born.

Let's try to compare the early development of a child (since it is entirely related to speech development) of the recent past and the present.

0-1.5 years old

It was: a child in her arms, in an arena, on the floor, in a stroller. He crawls around the room, knocks on everything, brings down a mountain of ironed linen, tries to catch the cat, then sobs that it is scratching, they calm him down, take him in his arms, tell stories, kiss the place where it hurts. In a word, they show attention, sympathy, there is an interaction between an adult and a child.

The main significance of the pre-verbal stage in the development of a child's speech is that at this time conditions are created for understanding speech, they learn to distinguish the sounds of human speech among all sounds, during this period sensitivity to those characteristics of speech sounds that form the understanding of the meaning of a word will increase.

Now: the difference is small, except that mom has more free time and a lot of anxiety. Therefore, the child is mostly fastened: to the stroller, to the mother, to the highchair ... there can be no question of quietly crawling around the yard. All around the danger, dirt, cigarette butts, animals. In a modern city apartment, various gadgets, toys, "development" and "distractions" have been invented. Everything in order to prevent the child from exploring the world around him on his own. But in order to develop harmoniously, a child needs to run, climb, dig, pour and pour, break, sniff, wake up, that is, independently explore the world, gaining invaluable experience. Mom wants to calmly wander in social networks. Therefore, as soon as the child grows up to independent sitting, he is handed an old phone or tablet, or the TV turns on. Now the child is busy and mom has half an hour for herself.

We also switched to cars almost without exception. The child is bored in the car. He is capricious, trying to escape from the chair, to which he is tightly fastened. So that the parent is not distracted from driving and, for safety reasons, the child is handed a gadget.

In the queue at the children's clinic, in the subway, on the train, in any waiting situation, when the parents do not know how to occupy the child, or do not want to strain - an electronic friend will help out everywhere!

1.5 to 3 years old

It was : the child walks by the handle, walks in the yard or in the park, digs in the sandbox, collects cigarette butts, throws sand, falls and gets up, tries to catch a stray dog, finds a dead bird, and is in contact all the time; either with parents, or with the same kids. Is happening active communication- speech, tactile, emotional ...

The first, second and third year of a child's life is the so-called period that is sensitive for the development of speech. In other words, this is the period when speech is actively developing, the corresponding areas of the brain are developing. It is during this period that active communication with peers, grandmothers, and parents is necessary.

Now: fastened, spends more time with the gadget, since the games that the child has mastered have become more difficult, he has already formed a screen addiction. The child is encouraged, punished, brought up, promising or taking away the gadget. In tablet games, there are only bright, accompanied by music, changing pictures that are very captivating for children, shake the pre-verbal level of activity and fix the child on it. This pre-verbal world of images becomes very valuable, the child begins to prefer it to all other modes of functioning.

3-5 years old

It was: walks in the yard or on the playground, helps dad fix the car, fix shelves or a stool, helps mom wash the floor on Saturday, knock out a carpet in the snow. He travels with his parents to the dacha on four types of transport, this is almost a round-the-world trip ... And if he is lucky, the child will be left for a couple of weeks with his grandmother in the village: he runs after chickens, makes friends with a dog, helps his grandmother in the garden, crawls the whole district with local children and will receive so many impressions that it will last until the next visit.

Now: he watches cartoons, plays with gadgets, walks under the supervision of his mother, goes to educational games at the Development Center, goes to classes with a speech therapist. The screen becomes the main "educator" of the child. According to UNESCO, 93% of today's 3-5 year old children look at the screen 28 hours a week, i.e. about 4 hours a day, which is much more than the time spent with adults. This "harmless" activity suits not only children, but also parents. In fact, the child does not bother, does not ask for anything, does not hooligan, does not take risks and at the same time receives impressions, learns something new, joins modern civilization. Buying new videos, computer games or consoles for a child, parents seem to care about his development and strive to keep him occupied with something interesting. The home screen completely supplanted grandmother's fairy tales, mother's lullabies, conversations with his father.

I propose to complete the milestones of the speech formation of our children on this, since, ideally, by the age of 5, oral speech should be formed. By the age of 5-6, the sensitive period ends, the areas of the brain responsible for speech cease to be plastic and, if by this time the child speaks very badly or hardly speaks, then it will not be possible to teach him and correct the situation completely. Scientists claim that 70% of information about the world is obtained by children before the age of 5. The remaining 30% are collected for the rest of their lives.

The first generation of "screen children"

Speech is born only in the process of active interaction with the outside world, with people. The first function of speech is communicative, socializing. First, the child hears the parents 'comments about his actions and feelings, he connects the parents' words with his actions.

Further, the child himself wants to somehow influence the parents, inform them about his desires and feelings. The more actively the child interacts with the world, the more his speech develops. At the same time, activity should also be specific - it should be to a large extent communicative. The child's communication activity is very dependent on the parents.

From what they attach importance to it, from whether they talk to the child, whether they leave him space for communicative activity. If the child is already two, and even more so three years old, and the parents still continue to treat him like a baby, try to guess and prevent all his desires, without expecting any effort from him, then his motivation to speak decreases.

Why would he even speak, if it is already so good? The level of interaction with the surrounding people remains primitive, the interaction itself is passive.

Silent computer toys reduce motivation even more. If the TV somehow stimulates speech (pictures on TV are constantly accompanied by emotionally loaded speech), then a serious complex of efforts is needed to move to a higher and more complex level of mental functioning.

The more time a child spends with his eyes on the screen, the less he learns to communicate, accumulate the experience of communication, scanning and exchange of emotional states.

The consequences of early exposure to gadgets

Delayed speech development

This seemingly harmless occupation is fraught with serious dangers and can entail very sad consequences not only for the child's physical health (quite a lot has already been said about visual impairments, lack of movement, and damaged posture), but also for his mental development.

Nowadays, as the first generation of "screen children" is growing up, these consequences are becoming more and more evident..

The first of these is a lag in the development of speech. In recent years, both parents and teachers have been complaining more and more about delays in speech development: children begin to speak later, speak little and badly, their speech is poor and primitive.

Special speech therapy assistance is needed in almost every group kindergarten... As shown by special studies, in our time, 25% of four-year-old children suffer from speech disorders. In the mid-70s, speech deficit was observed in only 4% of children of the same age. Over the past 20 years, the number of speech disorders has increased more than six times!

However, what does television have to do with it? After all, a child sitting at the screen constantly hears speech. Doesn't saturation with audible speech contribute to speech development? What difference does it make who is talking to the child - an adult or a cartoon character?

The difference is huge. Speech is not an imitation of other people's words and not memorizing speech stamps. Mastering speech at an early age occurs only in live, direct communication, when the baby not only listens to other people's words, but responds to another person when he himself is included in the dialogue.

Moreover, it is turned on, not only by hearing and articulation, but by all its actions, thoughts and feelings. In order for a child to speak, it is necessary that speech be included in his concrete practical actions, in his real impressions and, most importantly, in his communication with adults.

Speech sounds that are not addressed to the child personally and do not imply a response do not affect the child, do not prompt action and do not evoke any images. They remain an empty phrase.

Modern children for the most part use too little speech in communication with close adults. Much more often they absorb TV programs that do not require their response, do not react to their attitude and which he himself cannot influence in any way. Tired and silent parents are replaced by a screen.

But the speech emanating from the screen remains a poorly comprehended set of other people's sounds, it does not become "our own". Therefore, children prefer to be silent, or use shouts or gestures.

However, external spoken language is only the tip of the iceberg, behind which is a huge block of internal speech. After all, speech is not only a means of communication, but also a means of thinking, imagining, regulating and mastering one's behavior, it is a means of realizing one's experiences, one's behavior, and consciousness of oneself in general.

In inner speech, not only thinking takes place, but also imagination, and experience, and any idea, in a word, everything that makes up the inner world of a person, his mental life. It is the dialogue with oneself that forms the inner form that gives stability and independence.

If this form did not take shape, if there is no inner speech (and hence no inner life), the person remains extremely unstable and dependent on external influences. He simply is not able to hold on to any content or strive for any goal. The result is an inner emptiness that needs to be constantly replenished from the outside.

Difficulty learning to read and listen to information

Many children find it difficult to perceive information by ear- they cannot hold the previous phrase and connect separate sentences, understand, grasp the meaning. Hearing speech does not evoke images and lasting impressions in them.

For the same reason, they hard to read- understanding individual words and short sentences, they cannot hold and connect them, as a result, they do not understand the text as a whole. Therefore, they are simply not interested, it is boring to read even the best children's books.

Children who are accustomed to, or are already dependent on gadgets often say that they are uncomfortable reading. Frequent and prolonged games on tablets and iPhones form the dynamics of the work of the eye muscles that are completely unnatural for reading and writing.

It is difficult for a child to focus their gaze and keep it on an object that is not moving, because the eyes are used to following moving bright objects in games.

Also, there is a violation of eye movements when tracing a line from left to right and returning eye movement with a transition to a new line. The chaotic movement of objects, which is used in computer games, does not in any way contribute to the formation of movements when tracing a line from left to right and from top to bottom.

In order for the learning to read and the process of reading itself to be comfortable and optimal for the child, the child must be able to move his gaze from left to right and be able to do this carefully and with concentration throughout the entire process of reading or writing. It is necessary to maintain attention and control the muscles of the eyes. Children who are already addicted to gadgets have a "running" look.

Autism spectrum disorders

Substitution and substitution of the human way of communication in the family with an electronic surrogate is a significant danger, since it violates the normal code and algorithm of the mental, social, cultural and spiritual development of children. Younger users of electronic toys become self-sufficient, their normal needs and motivations for contacts with parents and children weaken.

Gradually, adults lose their leading role in relation to mental, speech, emotional, communicative, social and spiritual development and lose the ability to influence the behavior of the child. This is one of the reasons for the significant increase in the number of children with manifestations of autism and autism spectrum disorders (ASD).

ASDs are gradually turning into an "epidemic" of the 21st century. In 2006, in Russia, there were, “even according to the most conservative estimates, at least 150 thousand children with autistic disorders”, in 2011 there were “at least 250-300 thousand children with ASD under the age of 18”.

The introduction of gadgets into the living space influenced not only the formation of oral speech, but also led to the emergence of a special type of written speech (SMS) without spelling and syntactic rules and forms of politeness, main feature which became brevity and minimum keystrokes.

As they grow older, modern children more and more often "listen with their eyes", reading SMS-messages and chatting, and "talk with their fingers." Leading neuropsychologists testify to the steadily and ubiquitous impending drama - "the loss of modern children of their native language - the bearing axis of consciousness."

Let's summarize

Evolutionarily, the child's articulatory apparatus is ready from birth to pronounce sounds, but it takes time to develop speech (i.e., the ability to express one's thoughts in oral and written form through words). The development of speech, actively occurring in the first three years of life, is impossible without child-parent communication.

The above does not mean at all a call to exclude the TV and computer from the lives of children. Not at all. It is impossible and pointless. But in early and preschool childhood, when the inner life of the child is just taking shape, the screen carries a serious danger.

Teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification category Agopyan Emma Santrikovna

  1. M.V. Belousova, A.M. Karpov, M.A. Utkuzov. Influence of gadgets on the development of communication, socialization and speech in children of early and preschool age.
  2. Karpov A.M., Chudnovsky E.V., Gerasimova V.V. etc. Computer activity of children is a risk factor for mental and personality disorders.
  3. Materials of the site
  4. Belousova M.V., Prusakov V.F., Utkuzova M.A. Autism spectrum disorders in the practice of a pediatrician.
  5. Kerdellan C., Grezillon G. Processor Children: How the Internet and Video Games Shape Tomorrow's Adults. Per. with fr. A. Lushanova.

Usoltseva D.D. 1

Paramonova N.E. 1

1 Municipal budgetary educational institution Lyceum №6 MBOU "Lyceum №6", Ivanovo

The text of the work is placed without images and formulas.
Full version work is available in the tab "Files of work" in PDF format

1. Introduction

1.1. Relevance of the study of the research topic

Modern technologies have become an integral part of the life of modern adolescents, which accompany us everywhere: at school, at home, on the street. Many of us can no longer imagine our existence without technical innovations of the modern world - gadgets, the meaning of which in our life can be very different. The word “gadget” is derived from the English “gadget”, which translates as “device, device”. For teenagers, the greatest importance is now given to the Internet and the telephone, which, on the one hand, allow people to be constantly in touch and provide themselves with modern knowledge, on the other hand, this is the constant existence of a parallel world with many opportunities: communication, trade, play, entertainment. 59% of the population of Russia is present on the World Wide Web every day. This is approximately 53 million people, or every second inhabitant of our country. Schoolchildren combine the real and the virtual world, and every year the number of children spending in the virtual world is increasing more and more. According to the Internet Development Fund (2014), on average 91% of Russian children aged 10-17 use the Internet and go online anytime and anywhere where there is such an opportunity. The time spent on the Internet becomes part of their daily routine and defines a new lifestyle for them. The amount of information received by schoolchildren cannot but influence the psyche and personality development of children. Internet addiction among adolescents is a common problem in the modern world. With all the useful qualities of a computer - a source of information, films, logic games, puzzles, the development of communication skills, a way to find new friends around the world, this is a source of danger to get into addiction networks, since it is teenagers, due to age characteristics, who are most susceptible to the development of psychological disorders ... An even more serious problem is adolescent addiction to cell phone because you can take your phone with you anywhere and anytime without restrictions in time and space. Schoolchildren are drowning in a “mobile virtual world”, not noticing anyone around them. Various gadgets have firmly entered our daily life and we cannot imagine our life without them, therefore the relevance of my work is to assess the dependence of schoolchildren on modern gadgets on the territory of our school. Since observing my classmates during lessons and at recess, communicating with friends, I noticed that the guys do not break away from their gadgets: smartphones, tablets, phones, practically reducing real communication to zero. I think that this attachment can turn into addiction, and for some of my friends this diagnosis is already a reality. It is important to identify the reasons for this addiction. This can be a fear of real communication, family problems, lack of positive emotions, problems communicating with peers, loneliness or overprotection of loved ones.

1.2 Purpose and objectives of the work

Purpose: to determine the degree of dependence of school students on the use of modern gadgets

Research objectives:

    Examine the literature on the research topic

    Conduct a questionnaire survey among school students for gadgets - addiction and analyze the results

    Present the results of the research at the pedagogical council in the school and general school parent meeting

The subject of the research is the dependence of students on the use of gadgets

The object of the research - students of MBOU "Lyceum №6"

Project hypothesis: Modern gadgets have a negative impact on the health of schoolchildren.

1.3 Materials and method

The survey was carried out among all schoolchildren from grades 3-11. The questionnaire was developed by me independently, then it was analyzed by the head of the work and the school psychologist. During the work, the following methods were used:

1. method of selection and analysis of literature on the stated problem;

2. method of questioning;

3. survey method;

4. method of comparative analysis;

5. method of mathematical modeling.

The practical significance of the study lies in the visual substantiation of a significant problem. Research results can be used to prepare for parent-teacher meetings and class hours.

2. Literature review

Working with the textbook "Human Ecology", I understood the danger of addiction for adolescents to modern gadgets. First of all, the constant use of gadgets causes the strongest mental and emotional stress. This can lead to the development of fatigue, which is accompanied by a feeling of tiredness. Fatigue is the result of strenuous and prolonged work.

The decrease in performance and the development of fatigue during mental work occurs gradually. At the first stage, a person copes with mental stress and volitional efforts. Further fatigue increases.

Fatigue that occurs on a daily basis can accumulate and turn into overwork. In the body, profound changes become noticeable. There is a violation of the rhythm of heart contractions and blood pressure, loss of appetite. As a result of this, irritability, moodiness, unreasonable fears, insomnia appear. There is a persistent decrease in the efficiency and resistance of the body. Then stress may arise, which is dangerous for schoolchildren in that, not finding a way out of the stress state, a teenager may attempt suicide. The doctrine of stress was created by Canadian researcher Hans Selye. He found that stress factors cause a complex of protective reactions of the body, proceeding in three stages.

In the first stage (the stage of anxiety), all the body's defenses are mobilized to counteract the stress factor.

At the second stage (resistance), the body resists an unfavorable and strong environmental factor. Immunity is significantly weakened.

The third stage (exhaustion) the body is unable to resist the acting factor, and various diseases arise.

In the Book "Methodological guide for workers of the general education system." - M .: Center for Book Culture "Gutenberg", 2013, there is a list of some diseases that are a consequence of gadget - addiction (addiction).

Constant use of gadgets can lead to a number of diseases:

    Photoepilepsy, which occurs from frequent screen flickering.

    Constant sleep deprivation quickly leads to physical and emotional exhaustion, as the glow of the screen disrupts the synthesis of the hormone melatonin and adolescents stop sleeping.


    Damage to the nerve trunks of the right hand associated with muscle overstrain

    Headaches, "Nomophobia"

    Cyber ​​disease and cyberchondria As the researchers note, despite the far-fetched problems, a person with cyberchondria experiences real mental and physical torment, up to the fear of death.

    "Google Effect". Its meaning lies in the fact that a person is sure: any information can always be easily found on the Internet. For this reason, a modern person simply does not need knowledge. This conviction is especially characteristic of children and adolescents. The brain refuses to remember information, knowing that it is much easier to rediscover it than to spend some effort.

    Phantom call syndrome. A person develops auditory and motor hallucinations, it often seems to him that the phone is ringing or vibrating in his pocket, although in fact this does not happen.

In the textbook Social Studies for the 7th grade by A.I. Kravchenko and E.A. Pevtsova, published in 2012, I found out that teenagers are considered schoolchildren 11-15 years old. In psychology and pedagogy, it is customary to consider this as adolescence, which corresponds to the middle school age.

In the book of N.E. Potemkina "Features of the development of adolescence", I learned about the features of the development of adolescents at the time of adolescence. During adolescence, psychological deviations, increased sensitivity and stress are possible. Not many people can hold back their emotions. How can the transition age be connected with modern gadgets? The development of adolescents is unstable, they want to seem adults and independent. Undoubtedly, virtual networks are a great advance in the modern world. Thanks to the Internet, we can communicate with people who live overseas and are thousands of kilometers from us. In the networks we find old friends, relatives and work colleagues, as well as find new ones. Everyone, probably, noticed that at the end of a meeting with any person, we ask not for a phone number, but for a nickname on the site in order to continue communication in virtual. The main paradox of social. networks - it brings people who are far away, but moves away from those who are near us. Social networks have become progress for society as a whole, have become a regression for the individual. Even living in the same city, on the same street, it is much easier for us to send a message than to meet with a loved one. Real feelings and emotions turned into emoticons. Games in networks are a separate topic. They make real zombies out of people. These are inexplicable phenomena - a gamer from Japan married a hero of a virtual game, and a girl from Britain was going to marry a laptop.

Opinions about virtual networks different: some consider them a big step forward to new technologies and developments, others think that people because of social. networks people cease to reason correctly, speak beautifully; the sense of reality disappears, thus, people try to get away from various problems and responsibilities. The researchers found that the role of networks is especially important in the life of the younger generation, almost 75% of respondents have accounts in the networks, while not considering themselves dependent on them. Networks destroy us, take away time that we could spend on more exciting activities. Using the example of people's dependence on gadgets, consider the favorite game among teenagers and young people, Minecraft. At the moment, there are interesting genres of Ati - grief show. On the server, everyone has their own territory - priva, BUT as such may not be. Then simple beginners ask someone to "Live". Griefers are people who rub into trust and steal another person's items. Youtubers - millionaires create their own servers on Minecraft, and then ask someone to "shelter them". After this process, they begin to laugh at them, take things themselves, break houses, and then ban the person, because griffing is prohibited. As often happens, at that time both interlocutors are in contact, that is, they communicate, via Skype, for example. These scenes lead to tantrums, suicide, which proves the negative impact of gadgets on teenagers. In the book "Modern gadgets and their impact on children", IA Zhukova cites UNESCO data that 93% of modern children 3-5 years old look at the screen 28 hours a week, ie. about 4 hours a day, which is much more than the time spent with adults. This "harmless" activity suits not only children, but also parents. In fact, the child does not bother with questions, does not ask for anything, does not hooligan, does not take risks, and at the same time receives impressions, learns something new, joins modern civilization. I hope that the results of my research will help me and my friends answer the question: how do modern gadgets affect our lives and our health.

3.Results of practical research

Figure # 1

As can be seen from the diagram, almost all respondents have telephones, computers, televisions, and a minority of the surveyed schoolchildren have tablets.

Figure # 2 How do you use your phone?

As can be seen from the analysis of the diagram, most of the respondents use their phones for conversations and games. Every fourth respondent plays on the phone and, as my observations show, many do it during lessons.

Figure №3 How do you use your computer (tablet)?

As can be seen from the analysis of the diagram, most schoolchildren use home computers to search educational information, for games, for communication in social networks. I think that the time spent at the computer is controlled by the parents.

Figure №4

How long do you watch TV?

One in five respondents answered that they do not watch TV, most likely because they can watch their favorite programs and films using a telephone or computer. Two-thirds of respondents spend at least 2-3 hours watching TV.

Picture No. 5

How much time do you devote to study sessions?

As can be seen from the diagram, schoolchildren devote different time to their studies. 40 people are obviously not doing enough, from 30 minutes to 1 hour. Every 5 respondents teach lessons from one to two hours, half of the respondents study for 2 hours or more.

Figure 6

How much time do you spend helping your parents with household chores?

Analyzing these diagrams, we can conclude that almost all respondents help their parents to cope with household chores at home.

Figure №7

How long do you read?

The diagram shows that half of the respondents clearly do not read enough. Almost one in five reads less than 30 minutes a day, or up to 1 hour. During this time, it is impossible even to read the material assigned to the house in oral subjects; for fiction, time is no longer allocated. It is good that most of the respondents read a lot, from 2 hours a day or more.

Figure №8

What time do you go to bed?

It can be concluded that most of the students clearly do not get enough sleep. Since they go to bed at 23 o'clock and later. Teenagers who sleep less than 7 hours later get tired faster, have difficulty assimilating educational material, and get irritated.

Figure №9

How long does your dream last?

Analyzing these diagrams, we can conclude that only one fourth of the respondents sleeps 8-10 hours a day, that is, the norm. But the risk group is made up of guys whose sleep lasts less than 6 hours. This data can be confirmed by my observations of the presence of my friends on social networks. I was observing at 2 am for 7 days. The results were as follows:

Figure №10

As you can see from the data in the table, at night the guys actively communicate on social networks instead of sleeping.

Figure 11

How much time do you spend outdoors?

Only 300 respondents spend enough time outdoors. 50 people are in the fresh air only when they go to and from school, the rest walk from 1-3 hours.

Figure No. 12

Do you think your daily routine is correct, contributing to the maintenance of health?

Most of the respondents do not even think about whether their daily routine contributes to maintaining health. Only every tenth student considers the daily routine to be correct, and every fifth understands that it is causing harm to their health.

Figure No. 13

Do you have:

As can be seen from the analysis of the diagram, many children suffer from headaches, one in five experiences fatigue, anxiety, unwillingness to go to school, communicate with friends, and apathy. Sixty people indicated that there is sudden aggression, unreasonable anxiety, which indicates that these adolescents are developing a depressive state that is dangerous not only for their health, but also for life.

Figure No. 14

Distribute the above symptoms according to the following columns:

The respondents indicated that 230 people have headaches often, and 170 wrote that they are constantly tired and sleepy. Only 10 people answered that they do not have headaches, fatigue and drowsiness. Thus, 400 out of 500 respondents already have health problems.

Figure 15

Does your information load lead to conflicts with parents and teachers?

Almost every second student answered that information load leads to conflicts with parents and teachers (200 people every day, 150 people - quite often, 70 people indicated that there are). And only 80 respondents answered that there are no conflicts or they are rare enough.

Figure №16

Does your information load affect school performance?

From the analysis of the diagram, it can be seen that for 500 students out of 500 surveyed respondents, information workload affects school performance. It can be assumed that the information load does not affect the guys. primary school whose homework is even more controlled by their parents.

4. Conclusions from the research results

1. The research was conducted on the basis of the results of a survey of 500 respondents.

2. The analysis of the survey showed:

a) all respondents have telephones, computers, televisions, a minority of the surveyed schoolchildren have tablets;

b) the majority of respondents use their phone for conversations and games. Every fourth respondent plays on the phone and, as my observations show, many do it during lessons;

c) two-thirds of the respondents spend at least 2-3 hours watching television;

d) 40 people are obviously not doing enough, from 30 minutes to 1 hour. Every 5 respondents teach lessons from one to two hours, half of the respondents study for 2 hours or more.

e) half of the respondents clearly do not read enough. Almost one in five reads less than 30 minutes a day, or up to 1 hour. During this time, it is impossible even to read the material assigned to the house on oral subjects; for fiction, time is no longer allocated. It is good that most of the respondents read a lot, from 2 hours a day or more;

f) half of the respondents clearly do not read enough. Almost one in five reads less than 30 minutes a day, or up to 1 hour. During this time, it is impossible even to read the material assigned to the house on oral subjects; for fiction, time is no longer allocated. It is good that most of the respondents read a lot, from 2 hours a day or more;

g) most of the schoolchildren clearly do not get enough sleep, as they go to bed at 23 o'clock and later. Adolescents who sleep less than 7 hours later get tired faster, have difficulty assimilating educational material, and get irritated;

h) only one fourth of the respondents sleeps 8-10 hours a day, that is, the norm. But the risk group is made up of guys whose sleep lasts less than 6 hours;

i) only 300 respondents spend enough time outdoors. 50 people are in the fresh air only when they go to and from school, the rest walk from 1-3 hours;

j) the majority of respondents do not even think about whether their daily routine contributes to the preservation of health. Only every tenth student considers the daily routine to be correct, and every fifth understands that he is causing harm to his health;

k) many children suffer from headaches, every fifth one experiences fatigue, anxiety, unwillingness to go to school, communicate with friends, apathy. Sixty people indicated that there is sudden aggression, unreasonable anxiety, which indicates that these adolescents are developing a depressive state that is dangerous not only for their health, but also for life;

m) 230 people have headaches often, and 170 wrote that they have constant fatigue and drowsiness. Only 10 people answered that they do not have headaches, fatigue and drowsiness. Thus, 400 out of 500 respondents already have health problems;

m) information overload leads to conflicts with parents and teachers (200 people every day, 150 people quite often, 70 people indicated that there are). And only 80 respondents answered that there are no conflicts or they are quite rare;

n) for 400 students out of 500 surveyed respondents, information load affects school performance. It can be assumed that the information load does not affect the children of elementary school, whose homework is even more controlled by their parents.

3. The hypothesis of the project was fully confirmed. Modern gadgets negatively affect the health of schoolchildren and school performance.

4. The telephone has a greater impact, as children use it both at school and at night. It is the phone that affects vision more than other gadgets, since a small screen causes constant tension in the eyes and hands when typing SMS and can provoke photoepilepsy and diseases of the hands, damage to the nerve trunks of the right hand associated with muscle overstrain.

5. It is not the gadgets themselves that have a negative impact on health, but schoolchildren's failure to comply with the rules for using and working with the phone, computer, tablet.

1. To acquaint with the results of the research of the parents of the school at the school-wide parent meeting and at class parent meetings.

3. Discuss the research results with the school psychologist and the deputy director for educational work to plan activities aimed at promoting healthy way life and conscientious observance of the daily routine.

4. Conduct a discussion of the results obtained with adolescents on social networks in order to study the opinion of society.

6. List of literature sources

1. IA Zhukova, "Modern gadgets and their impact on children", Moscow: 2012

2. "Methodological manual for employees of the general education system." - M .: Center for Book Culture "Gutenberg", 2013

3. A.I. Kravchenko and E.A. Pevtsova, Social Studies, M .: "Bustard", 2013

4. N.E. Potemkin "Features of the development of adolescence", M .: "Education", 2012

    N.M. Chernova, V.M. Galushin, "Human Ecology", M .: "Bustard", 2012

Appendix # 1 Photo appendix

Appendix # 2

Questionnaire for schoolchildren

    What modern technical innovations do you have?

a) phone, b) computer (laptop), c) tablet, d) TV, e) your answer

2.How do you use the phone?

a) for conversations and SMS, b) for games, c) for communication in social networks, d) your answer, e) for selfies ( )

3. How do you use your computer?

Put next to the letter as a percentage of the amount of time spent in this kind of activity. For example, b) I play, 70% of the time)

4. How do you use your tablet?

a) to search for educational information, b) for games, c) for communication in social networks, d) your answer, e) for watching movies, f) for reading books ( Put next to the letter as a percentage of the amount of time spent in this kind of activity. For example, b) I play, 70% of the time)

5. How long do you watch TV?

a) from 1 hour to 2 hours, b) from 2 hours to 3 hours, c) from 3 hours to 4 hours, d) your answer

6.How long do you teach lessons?

7. How much time do you devote to household chores, helping parents, older relatives?

a) from 30 min-1 h, b) from 1 h-2 h, c) from 2 h. - 3 hours, d) over 3 hours

8. How much time a day do you read?

a) from 30 minutes to 1 hour, b) from 1 hour to 2 hours, c) from 2 hours. - 3 hours, d) over 3 hours, e) less than 30 minutes.

9. What time do you go to bed?

a) at 20-21, b) at 21-21, c) at 22 - 23:00, d) after midnight

10. How many hours do you sleep?

a) 8-10 hours, b) 7-8 hours, c) 6-7 hours, d) less than 6 hours, e) Your answer

11. How much time do you spend outdoors?

a) from 30 min-1 h, b) from 1 h-2 h, c) from 2 h. - 3 hours, d) over 3 hours

12. Do you think your daily routine is correct, contributing to the maintenance of health?

a) yes, b) no, c) didn't think about it, d) your answer

13. Do you have:

a) headaches, b) drowsiness, fatigue, c) unreasonable anxiety, d) apathy, e) sudden aggressiveness, f) unwillingness to go to school, g) unwillingness to communicate with friends, parents, h) your answer option

14. Distribute the above symptoms according to the following columns:

often rarely does not happen all the time

15. Does your information load lead to conflicts with parents and teachers?

a) yes, b) no, c) quite often, d) your answer, e) rarely

16. Does your information load affect school performance?

a) yes, b) no, c) your answer option


Topic: Influence of gadgets on children and adolescents.

Speaker:teacher of history and social studiesA. I. Sopov

Influence of gadgets on children and adolescents.


    What is a gadget?

    Gadgets and academic performance

    Gadgets and Russian language

    Impact on health

    Addiction symptoms



In any queue, in the subway, on park benches, at tables in cafes, we can see the same picture. Young people are sitting staring at the screen of a phone, tablet, laptop. They look at something, answer someone. Sometimes they look very busy and focused, sometimes - frankly bored. But, unfortunately, it is very sad to watch how a group of friends "claps" their phones together instead of communicating with each other live. In public transport, it is rare to find a person without headphones in their ears, from where loud rhythmic music is heard. On the streets of the city, every person you meet speaks on a mobile phone. People stopped seeing what was happening around them. They stopped thinking, because they simply have no time to do it.

What is a gadget?

"Gadget - small device designed to facilitate and improve human life. "

But is it really so? Do gadgets really improve our lives? Of course, in their use, you can find not only disadvantages, but also advantages. But in order to fairly assess the impact of gadgets, let's look at all sides.

Pros of using gadgets and PCs

PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones are good because they provide access to information on the Internet and allow you to use various programs. The following positive aspects of using these devices can be highlighted:

    The development of fine motor skills. Working on devices with a joystick, buttons and a touchscreen (touch screen) allows you to develop fingers and train fine motor skills. And tracking the movement computer mouse on the screen allows you to train the baby's attention.

    Teaching younger students. It occurs with the help of special educational programs and games that use visual images and active forms of the child's work. Very good games in which the child is offered a problem situation and needs to find its solution by analyzing the initial data, doing search and research activities. For example, it can be games with building letters from lines, correlating concepts with images, etc.

    Access right from home to a lot of useful information. On the Internet, schoolchildren can read latest news, find the texts of books, find interesting information about a great discovery, traveler, historical event, etc. The advantage of the Internet over the library is the instant receipt of new information.

    The opportunity to develop and improve. You can turn on a training lecture, watch a lesson on YouTube, read a book anywhere and at any time. This is convenient for those who spend several hours a day on the road or, even worse, constantly get stuck in traffic jams. You can find a book that is not in the library.

    Formation of students' skills in searching and filtering information. This skill is most actively formed in adolescence. The abundance of various information sites puts the student in front of the need to analyze all the information received and select reliable from them. In addition to the skills of searching and filtering information, this also develops the ability for critical thinking.

    The ability to fix a specific moment ... Take a picture or shoot with a camera. Now all modern gadgets are equipped with a built-in camera. This is actually very convenient;

    Connect with classmates and teachers. Special blogs and groups in social networks created for students of a certain class are very good. Here the teacher and students can exchange information and news, discuss controversial issues, discuss the read works.

    Completing assignments. The teacher can issue tasks to students remotely and they can perform them, both personally and jointly. Joint preparation of projects, abstracts and other assignments.

Cons of using gadgets and PCs

Frequent and irregular use of gadgets can lead to a number of negative consequences:

1. Avoiding reality. In the modern world, people are enveloped in so many fears, internal complexes and anxieties that they literally cannot be alone with themselves. The feeling of fear makes them run away from reality, distracted by gadgets. Music, games, constant viewing social networks helps to drown out your inner voice and create for yourself the illusion that everything is in order in their life;

2. Addiction. Dependence on the use of gadgets can be traced among the majority of their users. Scroll through the news feed of social networks, view photos on Instagram, put likes, write comments. Or, on the contrary, put up another photo of yourself somewhere, and then go in every minute and see if a new comment has appeared on it.

3. Life in the virtual world ... Chat with friends not in person, but on Skype. Send SMS, meet on a dating site. Maintain the status of your page on social networks, edit new and new photos for your profile. The virtual world has completely captured all of our time.

4. Race for novelties. The creators of gadgets benefit from such a massive insanity, releasing more and more new models. More comfortable, perfect, functional. And they are not cheap at all. Outdated models go out of fashion, are removed from sales, and on TV we are shown all the advantages of new technologies. And we light up, waste valuable time of our life in order to buy a more perfect gadget with the last money.

5. Personality degradation ... Many games are not created for the development of logic or the enrichment of the intellect, but for the burning of time. On the net they are called "time killers". And they are used, they are played. They go through level after level instead of knowing this world, playing sports, developing spiritually, in the end. A vicious circle of daily "likes" of photos on social networks, useless games, correspondence with friends "about nothing."

Gadgets and academic performance

Many parents try to purchase a personal computer for their child as early as possible, which, in their opinion, is the primary educational assistant. However, scientists argue that having a computer at home has a negative effect on school performance.

In 2010-2015. conducted a study of 150 thousand schoolchildren aged 10 to 14 years, in which they studied information about the owners of computers and compared the annual marks in major disciplines before and after buying a home computer. As a result, a moderate, but quite noticeable negative effect caused by the availability of a computer was established.

The reason for this situation is explained by the fact that mainly schoolchildren use a computer for gaming and communication activities through the Internet, and only a few use it to find useful information.

Excessive obsession of teenagers with gadgets and global network certainly affects academic performance. Gadgets impair students' attentiveness and prevent them from concentrating on what is happening in the lesson, experts say. Thus, educators, psychologists and researchers around the world are increasingly talking about the detrimental effect of social networks and the Internet in general on the consciousness and academic performance of schoolchildren.

Gadgets and Russian language

According to experts, the Internet and SMS messages have a great influence on the literacy of schoolchildren. The popular "Albanian", or "Padonkovskiy", or rather the distorted language, passes from game to life. The "game of illiteracy" becomes really illiteracy, because, carried away, newcomers in ordinary life very often do not distinguish, and do not attach any importance to whether they write competently or not. The negative influence of the spoken language, the language of forums and chat rooms is obvious, the warped language is spreading like a virus. Using words from it, adolescents consider themselves "theirs". The consequences of this process are deplorable, getting used to the wrong language in communication, they also write at school. And they are very surprised when the teacher gives a two for the "correct" spelling.

Impact on health

Researchers at the Russian Center for Electromagnetic Safety say that electromagnetic radiation from modern communication devices has a negative effect on the central nervous system. Moreover, it is the child's body that is most susceptible. An analysis of groups of schoolchildren showed that children who regularly use tablets and smartphones are distinguished by distracted attention and a decrease in the coefficient of IQ development.

Scientists and psychologists note:

At first , children who spend hours at the touchscreen begin to have problems coordinating actions between brain commands and hand movements. There have been cases when such guys cannot even throw the ball in a straight line, since the upper limbs do not adequately respond to signals from the head.

Secondly , constant gazing at small objects on the screens of smartphones and tablets develops myopia (especially in those who bring the screen close to their eyes), and dryness of strained eyes can lead to their inflammation and infection.

Thirdly , regular use tablets and smartphones are harmful to the spine (especially the cervical spine), which in children still has a pliable structure and quickly bends.

fourthly , a constant and unnatural tilt of the head down and pressing the chin against the neck can lead to a deterioration in the blood supply to the brain, inflammatory processes on the skin and subsequently to its faster aging.

Addiction symptoms

Experts identify the following symptoms of computer, gadget or Internet addiction:

    Fanatical tracking of new products and an uncontrollable desire to receive them (frequent requests to buy a device, whims and tantrums, if this does not happen)

    The emergence of a feeling of euphoria when using the device - the child feels happy only when he has the opportunity to hold the gadget in his hands, sit at the computer, access the Internet, etc.

    Lack of other interests, goals and aspirations - the student forgets about everything and has no other joys, spends all the time only with the device

    Neglecting family and friends: family members and friends fade into the background - the child practically does not communicate with them

    Having problems at school (behavior problems, absenteeism, poor grades, etc.)

    Negative reaction (crying, aggression, hysteria, resentment, etc.) to attempts to limit work with the device

Of course, schoolchildren rarely develop a real addiction to gadgets. But if at least one of the above symptoms appears, then this is already a wake-up call for parents. In this case, it is necessary to urgently distract the child from the harmful effects of a PC or gadget.

What to do?

Rules for the use of computers and gadgets by children

To avoid unnecessary problems from too frequent or improper use of PCs and gadgets, you must remember that:

    At an early age, work should be carried out under the supervision of parents.

    The distance from the eyes to the display of the device should be 50-70 cm

    Display brightness should be low

    When using the device, the child's elbows should not hang - support is required

    When working with the device, the student's back should be straight

Try to give a gadget to a preschool child as little as possible. It is necessary to explain that this device is designed for work, and instead of watching cartoons, it is better to run educational programs and videos. For older children who use computers on their own, it is necessary to emphasize that information on the Internet is not always reliable. Therefore, you need to choose it very carefully. To limit the time of using the device, you can set "parental control".

Parents should strictly limit the time their child spends with modern multimedia gadgets. It is necessary to focus more attention of children on outdoor games, on spending time in nature and playing sports.

It is worth remembering that the child does not have to constantly sit in the virtual world. Time for a computer should be limited by a parent and be 6-8 years old - no more than an hour; at 9-16 years old - no more than 2-3 hours a day for schoolchildren. This time is enough for the child to keep up with their peers in technical knowledge, but also not to form a computer addiction. Also, special attention should be paid to what exactly the child is doing on the computer. Pay attention to age restrictions.

In especially difficult cases, when the child behaves completely inadequately when the tablet is prohibited, it is best to seek the help of a specialist - a child psychologist.

How to prevent addiction

In order for the hobby for the device not to develop into a real craving or in order to correct an addiction that has already begun to form, it is necessary:

    Reduce the time of working with the device. However, remember that you do not need to strictly prohibit the child from sitting at the computer or take away the tablet from him. This will cause a negative reaction and can only aggravate the situation. Come up with some clever move, for example, give assignments, ask the child to participate in business, emphasizing that it is difficult to cope with them without him. In more serious cases, you can give the device "for repair" in order to instill in the baby a love for other activities during this time.

    Find other interests for the child. Try to captivate him with something unrelated to electronic devices. This can be walking, cycling, reading books, beading and much more. See what your child is most interested in and cultivate it.

    Try to spend more time with your child. Joint walks, games, conversations, discussions interesting questions(books, films, music, stories, etc.) will help the child not only avoid dependence on the gadget, but also improve your relationship, and allow the child to feel their importance.


Computers and gadgets are very useful devices for learning. However, they can become evil if misused or used too often, if all interests are focused on them. To avoid this, parents need to pay more attention to their children and, if necessary, monitor the use of devices.

All-Russian competition of abstracts "Krugozor"

Municipal educational institution

secondary school number 9

Full address: 666784, Irkutsk region, Ust-Kut city,

School lane, 2.

Research topic:

"Influence of gadgets on human health"

Galeeva Ekaterina Alexandrovna

Grade 11

Scientific adviser: Fedotova Irina Vitalievna,

Physics teacher.

2013-2014 academic year

Relevance …………………………………………………………………… .3

Purpose and objectives ………………………………………………………………….… 4

1. Research ……………………………………………………………… .5

1.1. Questionnaire …………………………………………………… ..... 5

2. Diseases caused by gadgets .. ……………………………………… 7

2.1. Somatic diseases ………………………………………… 7

2.2. Mental disorders ……………………………………… .10

3.1. Somatic diseases ……………………………………… ..12

3.2. Mental disorders …………………………………….… ..12

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………… ...… 14

List of used literature ………………………………… .. ……… .15

Appendices …………………………………………………………………… ..16

Appendix 1 …………………………………………………………… ..16


Over the past two decades, gadgets have become an integral part of human life. Various devices, such as computers, computer tablets and phones, are very helpful to a person in everyday life. For example, quickly find necessary information or send some text message to the other side of the world, but don't people overestimate the usefulness of gadgets and do they spend a lot of time on them? We think it will be interesting to do some research and find out if people are addicted to their gadgets and how gadgets can affect their health.

Targets and goals

Conduct research

Find out how many people have a tendency to addiction or have an addiction

Communicate to people how gadgets can affect human health

Give advice on how to get rid of addiction

  1. Study
  2. Questioning.

We set ourselves the task of finding out how gadgets have a profound effect on children in such a technologically advanced age. Are modern schoolchildren really so addicted to a variety of devices? To answer this question, we conducted a study. We invited the children, students of the seventh, tenth and eleventh grades, to answer the questions of the questionnaire (Appendix 1), the main task, which was, to find out how many children have a tendency to addiction or already have an addiction. A total of 100 people participated. Children from six grades, namely 11th, 10th and 7th, were given a questionnaire with simple questions (Appendix 1), to which they had to answer only "yes" or "no". Then we analyzed the responses of each student and evaluated the research results on the following scale: 0-4 positive answers meant that there was no cause for concern, 5-6 - there is a predisposition to addiction, and 7-10 - the child is completely dependent on gadgets. In the course of the work, it turned out that out of 100 people, 52 are completely free from the influence of electronic devices, 28 have a tendency to addiction and 20 people cannot imagine their life without devices. We converted this data into a percentage and reflected it in the diagram.

Thus, we conclude that the lives of almost 50% of children (taking into account 28% of those with a tendency to addiction) gadgets have a significant impact. Every year, the number of schoolchildren using modern technologies in daily use more often than it should for a healthy lifestyle is growing. The guys prefer computer games and virtual communication, instead of walking in the fresh air and live contact. Therefore, we would like to show what such computer "slavery" can lead to and offer some recommendations to avoid serious illnesses.

  1. Diseases caused by gadgets
  1. Somatic diseases

BlackBerry Thumb Syndrome.

BlackBerry Thumb Syndrome (BlackBerry Thumb). The disease got its name thanks to BlackBerry smartphones with QWEPTY -keyboard. The cause of the disease is the constant use of thumbs for typing on smartphones. The disease is classified as an inflammatory process of the thumb. Its main symptom is severe throbbing pain in the thumbs. First of all, such symptoms were manifested in persons for whom typing electronic texts on portable keyboards is very frequent. Physicians have found that pain is a consequence of the disease, which is expressed in the clamping of the nerves passing through the wrist, tissue edema and musculoskeletal injuries. There are no exact statistics on this disease, but the number of such cases is growing. That is why some manufacturers of such devices already include in the instructions a warning about the risk of injury to fingers in cases of abuse when using the keyboard.

Acne and dermatitis.

After analyzing many studies of microbiologists, one can come to the conclusion that gadgets are the main breeding grounds for microbes and bacteria. Mobile phones are just completely covered with bacteria that move to your face while you put it on your cheek and ear for a conversation, namely pathogens cause various skin diseases, one of which is acne.

Also, with frequent use of gadgets, especially laptops, a disease such as erythema ab-igne may appear. Erythema ab-igne - chronic dermatitis due to prolonged exposure to heat (above 50 Celsius) on the skin, accompanied by elastosis in the dermis. Previously, this disease was common among older people who constantly sit by stoves and other heating appliances, but now this disease has "rejuvenated". The reason for this is that young people keep their laptops on their laps when using laptops. Symptoms are itching and burning.

Back and neck pain.

The incidence of osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine is increasing. One of the main reasons is the constant and widespread use of mobile phones, tablets, laptops and smartphones. This is because tablet devices make us look down. Because of this, the neck is in a non-physiological position. If the work is delayed for several hours, muscle spasm occurs, in some cases - pinching of nerve endings. This is what causes pain.

In support of the existence of this problem, one can cite the work of scientists from the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the Hong Kong Association of Physiotherapy, who conducted a joint study on the health effects of smartphones and portable electronic devices. The results showed that out of 1,049 respondents, 70% of adults and 30% of children and adolescents experience problems with the musculoskeletal system due to the use of electronic devices.

Deterioration of vision and hearing.

Doctors say that prolonged concentration of vision on a small object can irritate the eyes, which, in turn, can lead to inflammation or infection. Also, almost all schoolchildren who look at the screen all day have poor eyesight. This is confirmed by statistics: already 5% of first-graders have vision problems, but by the 10-11th grade this figure rises to 25-30%.

As far as hearing is concerned, loud music in headphones can cause so-called induced hearing loss, when it is difficult for a person to make out speech, especially in the presence of background noise. The fact is that many of the headphones that come with the device do not provide close contact with the ears, so people are forced to turn up the volume in order not to be distracted by extraneous sounds. Also, listening to explosive tunes through headphones can lead to hearing impairment.

Headaches and sleep disturbances.

Eye strain from staring at a computer screen for long periods of time can cause not only visual impairment, but also headaches. All gadgets are radiation sources. Electromagnetic waves negatively affect the functioning of the whole body and can cause headaches, insomnia and even disorders of the immune system.

If we talk about sleep disorders separately, radiation is not the only cause of insomnia. The same culprit for restless sleep is the artificial light from the screen suppressing the production in our body of melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleep.

  1. Mental disorders

Narcissistic disorders

Research shows that people who are addicted to social media develop narcissistic personality disorders. A person with such disorders has a belief in his own uniqueness, special position, superiority over other people, an overestimated opinion about his talents and achievements. He needs to constantly talk about himself and hear someone else's approval and admiration. On social networks, this disorder is expressed in a person's dependence on retweets, likes, admiring comments. In life, however, such people almost always have many complexes and fragile self-esteem, so they are especially prone to stress and depression, which are expressed in a feeling of emptiness and insignificance of life.

Phantom call syndrome

Phantom Call Syndrome is when a person hears a call or feels vibration from a mobile phone even when the phone is not present or is disconnected. According to research by Dr. Larry Rosen, author of the book iDisorder, 70% of people who cannot imagine their life without a mobile phone do hear a signal or vibration from their device from time to time - even though there is no signal at that moment.


The essence of the disease is that a person is afraid to be without the Internet or without mobile communications... Confirmation of the existing disorder is such feelings as irritability, fear and anxiety, which appear if the mobile is forgotten at home, or is discharged. Also, the patient does not part with his gadget for more than a minute, he takes it everywhere and constantly holds it in his hands. Danger of illness: the boundaries of personal space are erased, because the call can be heard at any time. Irritability, poor sleep, hallucinations. This is how nomophobia haunts those who are addicted to smartphones.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is also common among gadget addicts (especially adolescents). Due to the constant flow of information received daily from the Internet, a person cannot highlight the most important thing, so the information is assimilated in “chunks”. As a result, a person has insufficient attention span, a low degree of concentration, distribution problems and poor switching of attention, increased activity, inappropriate behavior and strange expressions of feelings.

Schizoid disorders

Very often, addiction to the Internet, social networks and online games is associated with the development of schizoid personality disorders. This type of psychopathy is characterized by a significant decrease in social contacts... Patients show a low level of emotionality. They do not have friends and any social circle, as they like to be alone. Young people immerse themselves in virtual worlds, completely isolating themselves from reality. Recent studies show that the more a person surfs the Internet, the higher their risk of developing schizoid symptoms.

Decreased mental capacity

Gadgets can also lead to decreased mental performance. With regular use of the Internet, a person has a need for constant clarification of any information, his knowledge and memory are replaced with computer ones. The main danger is that a person reads a lot, but remembers practically nothing. An example is the drivers who constantly use GPS-navigators, over time they lose their orientation skills. Just like the students looking for an answer to every question in " Google decrease their learning ability.

  1. Recommendations

3.1. Mental disorders

Learn to minimize the use of your phone as much as possible, pick it up only if you really need it.

Set a time frame for when other people can call you (for example, from 8:00 to 23:00).

Stop looking at yourself with someone else's eyes and constantly thinking about "how it will look on my social. Page".

Choose live communication, not playing on your smartphone or computer.

Arrange days without a computer - don't turn it on at all.

For questions of interest, please contact professional people or just the older generation, and not the Internet.

3.2. Somatic diseases

Speak on speakerphone or use a headset and keep the phone away from your face.

Disinfect your smartphone, player, tablet or keyboard with disinfectants.

Use a touchscreen phone if you have a lot of text messages.

When working on the computer for a long time, do simple exercise from time to time.

Use a dedicated tablet stand to avoid holding it on your lap

Choose the right headphones for you.

When listening to music through headphones, do not increase the volume by more than 80 decibels.

Do not use gadgets in poorly lit areas.

Increase the text font to a comfortable one for you.

Choose to read a printed book instead of an electronic one before bed.

When going to bed, place your devices as far away from you as possible.


We hope that this work will help students find out what excessive enthusiasm for various gadgets can lead to, what diseases they can cause, teach them to minimize the harm they cause, and make it clear that even in our information age, there is no need to put various technical means at the head of human life.

List of used literature

1. M.G. Weight gain, N.K. Lysenkov, V.I.Bushkovich. Human Anatomy. - 12th ed., Rev. And additional - SPb .: Publishing house SPbMAPO, 2010.-720s., Ill.

2. Sapin M.R. Atlas of Human Anatomy: Textbook.

Publishing house "Medicine", 2006.-252s. silt

3. Big Encyclopedic Dictionary (edited by A. Prokhorov) Publishing house. 2nd, revised, add.

4.B.G. Meshcheryakova, V.P. Zinchenko. A large psychological dictionary.

Publisher: AST Moscow.

5. Natalia Fursova. An article from the newspaper "Argumenty i Fakty": "Readers, mobile phones, tablets: What spoils eyesight least of all?"

6. Malvina Korzh. An article from the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda": "Three mental disorders caused by the Internet"

6.Internet resources:

Test to determine the degree of addiction. schizoid-personality-disorder


Annex 1

  1. I cannot spend a day without a computer, smartphone and other technical means.
  2. When I don't use a gadget, I get nervous.
  3. I can't limit the time of classes, I always sit with my smartphone more than I plan.
  4. I prefer playing on a smartphone, a computer meeting with friends, walking.
  5. Sometimes after spending time for technical devices I have a headache, my eyes cut and water, and my sleep is upset.
  6. I require parents to purchase (install) new versions of games and other modern devices.
  7. When I devote time to a smartphone, a computer, I have a good mood, a feeling of euphoria.
  8. I dream of being alone with my gadget, I always want to use it.
  9. I lie to my parents how much time I spend with my gadget.
  10. I put off important things, lessons to do something on the gadget.

Elena Faroyan
Influence of gadgets on the socialization of preschool children

Influence of gadgets on the socialization of children

preschool age

"Ok Google, engriberds game!"- a five-year-old boy says loudly into his

tablet. Looking at this picture, I just want to to tell: "What progress has come!".

Gadgets(tablets, gaming consoles, mobile phones) now can be seen in the hands of not only adults, but also babies. On the one hand, the parents of this

rejoice: “Oh, how clever! He understands better than me! ", with another - worried: "This is harm to health, computer addiction?"

Let's try to figure out how to preserve the health of the child in this situation and at the same time not deprive him of something important, not hinder his development.


Child-parent relationship

Many parents specifically give their children gadgets... Objectives can be

different: for the development of the child, suppressing his whims and tantrums, during long waiting in lines or to carve out some free time for himself. At the same time, acquaint the child with gadgets they start from the first year of life. And in vain! Since early preschool age the child has a special emotional relationship with loved ones. This is the time when the role of a loving parent is irreplaceable and any "Electronic nannies" can irreversibly harm the child by forming autistic traits in his behavior. During the period preschool childhood, the child learns the most important skill - role play, during which he reproduces the behavior of adults. In the game, the child is first emotionally, and

then intellectually masters the whole system of human relations, and the meaning of actions and actions is formed from the attitude to another person. So, the evolution of action according to D. B. Elkonin is as follows way: the child eats with a spoon, then manipulates the spoon ( "Feeding the doll", like a mother, then his actions are more and more schematized, feeding turns into care, in relation to another person. A computer game performed by preschooler has a different psycho - social structure... For a computer game are characteristic:

the predominance of mechanical adherence to the game protocol with immersion in the polysensory world of sounds and vivid color effects;

repeated repetition of an action to achieve a result;

meaningless progress through difficulty levels;

attempts to catch, sort or collect something, overcoming obstacles of the same type, destroying obstacles on the way.

Such a game does not require high intellectual potential, creativity, the ability to talk, negotiate and cooperate, to show personal spiritual and moral qualities. At the same time, she attracts the child with sensory effects, the illusion of control ( "I want to turn on, I want to turn off", a primitive script that is understandable without words, the ability to fill your own leisure time, regardless of friends and parents. A child's play on a computer or tablet does not require the parent's emotional involvement in this process, his participation, help and assistance, which is reflected in the degree of child-parental affection. Parent's role transforms: gradually the child perceives him as "Keeper gadget» or an annoying obstacle on the way to your favorite device.

Speech development

Researchers of the Kazan State Medical Academy M.V.Belousova, A.M. Karpov, M.A. children of early and preschool age, in order to identify factors influencing on the speech development of the child. Have 50 children the manifestations of general speech underdevelopment in combination with autistic-like disorders were diagnosed. In families such children there was an unjustifiably early acquaintance of the child with electronic devices (smartphones, tablets, prolonged and uncontrolled interaction with them. celebrate: “If the child is early and preschool age uncontrollably and for a long time "freezes" with the tablet, if the computer becomes his best friend, favorite or the only way to occupy himself and fill his free time, if the family's lifestyle allows the computer to integrate into it as a constant companion of the family system, if the time spent at the computer, has a greater value for a child than joint communication with parents, reading books, walking and playing sports, which means that the evolutionary and civilizational algorithm of the life of families and upbringing has been violated children... Irresponsible use of the achievements of civilization becomes a risk factor for disintegration and degradation of mental functions and behavior children, families and society ”.

Positive the impact of gadgets on child development

Many modern preschool educational organizations

equipped with tablets and computers. Entering the office of a specialist (teacher-psychologist, speech therapist, they, despite the variety of toys, first of all notice the computer, ask to turn it on, press the keys. Playing on the computer serves as a good stimulus for the development of cognitive processes in the child and other useful After all, when a child sits at a computer, his eyes burn from genuine enthusiasm and interest, he becomes more collected and attentive, as a result of which the volume of memorized information increases, mental activity turns on, and fine motor skills of hands and eyes develop.

There are a huge number of developmental and educational computer

programs for preschoolers... Is not "Walkers" and "Shooters", and games that help specialists (teachers - speech therapists, typhlopedagogues, teachers - defectologists and pedagogical psychologists) develop the child's abilities and correct the impaired functions. In addition to these games, there are educational programs for training preschool children in foreign languages, for the development of creativity children... For example, training programs are very popular computer graphics in which the child becomes an animator and creates his own cartoon. Many kindergartens are widely used

computer programs designed to develop skills in managing a psychoemotional state by the method of biological feedback (Biofeedback)... Such "communication" with a computer is very useful for children with attention deficit disorder, with hyperactivity, with emotional and volitional disorders (aggression, fears, anxiety, with increased emotional fatigue and many others.

Naturally, it is necessary to follow the rules of working at a computer, children should be aware of the benefits and harms that it brings. A computer game is an element of the activity, and not just entertainment. 15 minutes after the start of the lesson (or games) at the computer with children it is necessary to spend

special gymnastics to relieve eye tension, and at the end of the lesson (games)- exercise minute to relieve muscle tension. The duration of the lesson at the computer is determined by the sanitary norms: 25 min - for children 5-6 years old, 30 min - for children 6-7 years old... As the results of diagnostics show, only such classes, regulated by certain rules, are beneficial.

How to determine the degree of dependence of a child on


Parents can do a simple test to determine the degree

depending on their child's computer.

To do this, they must ask the child, for example, So: "Please help me to make a present for my grandmother." or "Please help me pick up the scattered beads."... You need to make a request exactly at the moment when the child is sitting at the computer (or with gadget in hand) and plays. Reaction options baby:

A. The child easily responds to a request, helps, in the process can get carried away, switch to another matter, get distracted, forget about the computer - this behavior demonstrates complete freedom from the computer at the time of testing.

B. The child responds from the second or third time, reluctantly fulfills the request,

demonstrates dissatisfaction, snaps - such a reaction can be with the 1st

degree of dependence within the first month of mastery new toy... At the initial stage of the 2nd degree of dependence, a similar reaction can also be observed.

B. The child does not respond to the request, clearly does not hear, does not interrupt the game - this behavior is characteristic of dependence of the 2-3rd degree.

If the child behaved according to the scheme B or C, it is necessary through some

a period of time, for example, the next day, turn to him with a detailed, reasoned request, for example: “Son, help me, please. I can't cope alone. I need your help! Please stop your work and help me. " If the response to the request is the same, then we can conclude that the child is addicted and the need for qualified assistance.