Antivirus rating for android smartphones. Which antivirus is best for Android. No further payment will remain

For protection and ease of use. Antiviruses are sorted alphabetically.

AhnLab V3 Mobile Security

AhnLab V3 Mobile Security detected 99.8 percent of the latest Android threats in real time, well above the industry average of 95.7 percent. The antivirus detected all known malicious applications over 4 weeks old, although the average was 98.4 percent.

The protection app conserves battery power and does not cause performance issues. The antivirus has not issued a single false positive for reliable applications from Google play and third-party sites.

Built-in web protection features help prevent visits to fraudulent sites and sites with malicious applications. However, some anti-theft features are missing from AhnLab, for example, remote wipe of all data. Among the components that were not evaluated by AV-Test are the application lock and the privacy advisor.

Antiy AVL

The antivirus did an excellent job of detecting new threat patterns in real time and blocking known malware. In both tests, the product showed a 100% detection rate. Antiy AVL scored top marks for low impact on device performance and battery life and low data consumption. The product correctly handled secure apps from Google Play and third-party app stores.

AVL offers anti-phishing mechanisms and the ability to block calls from unknown numbers or numbers from the black list. Antivirus offers essential anti-theft features such as remote locking, data wiping, and device location.

Bitdefender Mobile Security

Bitdefender Mobile Security detected 100% of threats in both detection tests. Antivirus will receive high marks for economical battery consumption and minimal impact on device performance. In addition, the solution did not generate any false positives.

To protect against theft, Bitdefender Mobile Security offers remote locking, wiping, and device location. The product protects against malicious and fraudulent sites, but lacks a call filter and does not support all types of encryption. Additional features include an app blocker, privacy protector, and account protection.

CM Security Master

Cheetah Mobile Security Master found 100% in benchmarks. A high score for usability is the result of careful attitude to the battery charge and device resources. The anti-virus uses moderate traffic and does not abuse false positives.

Cheetah supports remote locking, wiping, and location. Other features include call blocking, phishing and malware protection, privacy cleanup, power boost, and Wi-Fi protection.

G Data Internet Security

G Data Internet Security offers more functionality than the competition. The user can remotely block, erase data and determine the location of the lost device, set up filtering of calls and SMS messages. G Data Internet Security has built-in parental control and encryption component. However, the product does not support saving personal data to SD card or cloud storage.

The antivirus detected 99.8 percent of the latest threats and 100 percent of known malicious applications over 4 weeks old. Excellent usability score achieved with minimal impact on autonomy, performance and traffic consumption. The product correctly handled secure apps from Google Play and third-party app stores.

Kaspersky Internet Security

Kaspersky Lab's mobile antivirus detected 99.8% of the latest Android threats and 100% of older samples. The product did not have a major impact on the battery and device performance. Kaspersky Internet Security offers remote blocking, data erasure and device location detection, message filtering, web protection, and anti-phishing protection. Additional features include privacy protection, anti-phishing text protection and an application blocker.

McAfee Mobile Security

McAfee Mobile Security detected 99.9% of new Android malware and 100% of known samples. The product received the highest score for usability. The feature set is rich: anti-theft features, call blocking, web protection and anti-phishing protection. It is possible to save personal data on an SD card or in the cloud. Mobile Security does not support all types of encryption and filtering of SMS messages. Additional features include a battery optimizer and an app blocker.

Norton Mobile Security

Norton Mobile Security is a full-featured antivirus for Android with anti-theft features, call blocking, web protection, anti-phishing protection and the ability to save personal data to an SD card or in the cloud. Additionally, the antivirus offers an app advisor and privacy control. Norton Mobile Security found all threats in both detection tests. The performance was top-notch and the impact on the battery was minimal.

Tencent WeSecure

Tencent WeSecure does not offer any anti-theft features, but includes challenge filter, web protection, anti-phishing protection, and the ability to save personal data to an SD card or cloud. Tencent WeSecure detected 99.9% of the latest Android threats and 100% of older samples, and scored the highest usability score.

Trend Micro Mobile Security

Trend Micro Mobile Security includes all the expected mobile antivirus features: anti-theft protection, call blocking, message filtering, web protection, phishing protection, and even parental control... Also here you will find a privacy scanner, messenger protection and network protection... The application detected 100% of test threats in both tests, was economical in using up battery power and was careful about system resources.

Android device security

Research by the AV-Test laboratory shows that the number of malicious applications for Android is increasing every year. If in 2014 there were 326 million registered mobile threats for Android, then next year there will be more than 470 million. In 2016, the AV-Test lab found nearly 597.5 million samples - nearly double the number two years ago.

If the trend continues, then by 2019 one in three threats will be mobile. Currently, only 7.5% of the total number of threats are mobile. Though iOS devices not protected from malware, the main risk is precisely Android devices due to their high prevalence.

Meanwhile, Android malware is getting more sophisticated. For example, the DoubleLocker ransomware detected by ESET can even change the device PIN, blocking access to the device for the owner.

WITH positive side, Android security is improving too. This means that more and more barriers are being created for cybercriminals to overcome in order to successfully conduct their campaign.

In March 2017, the independent AV-Test laboratory tested 20 anti-virus applications for protection against mobile threats on the Android platform (6.0.1). Antiviruses were used with the default settings.

general information

In testing we used latest versions mobile antivirus software available at the time of testing. Applications could update at any time and make requests to their cloud services. Testing was focused on detecting malware and evaluating usability, taking into account application performance and false positives. The functionality of each application was also evaluated. Antiviruses for Android had to demonstrate their capabilities using all components and layers of protection.

Tested antiviruses

  • AhnLab V3 Mobile Security 3.1
  • Alibaba Mobile Security 5.1
  • Baidu Mobile Security 8.4
  • NSHC Droid-X 3.0
  • ONE App MAX 1.0
  • PSafe DFNDR 3.11
  • Secucloud Endpoint Protection v0.6.5
  • Tencent WeSecure 1.4

Protection against mobile threats

To assess the level of protection (Protection), the level of detection on mobile real-time threats and a representative set of malicious applications detected in the last 4 weeks is checked, which is collected by the AV-Test laboratory. In March 2017, malicious samples were used: 3,135 and 2,599, respectively.

False positives and performance

The Usability parameter - usability - takes into account the performance of the mobile antivirus and false positives. It evaluates the impact on battery power, device slowdown during normal use, and the amount of traffic generated. In March 2017, false positives were tested on safe apps from Google Play (2,123) and other third-party app stores (940).

Test results. March 2017

The results of testing antiviruses for Android in March 2017:

Click on the image to view the full version on the AV-Test website

Column designation in the table:

  • Protection - antivirus protection level.
  • Usability - performance and false positives.
  • Features - the functionality of the application.

Today, users of mobile devices based on Android systems are increasingly faced with the need to install antivirus and antispyware software to their devices. And such software packages in the same repository Play Market or in other sources you can find quite a lot. But which one to choose from all this? Below is the rating of antiviruses for Android. However, it should be borne in mind that the placement of programs on the lines of the rating is very conditional, since any publications or even users themselves who evaluate the work of applications in practice, may have their own preferences and opinions. In addition, although most of the programs presented below contain, so to speak, a mandatory basic set of tools and modules that ensure the protection of a mobile device, nevertheless, not all applications are far from being as equivalent to each other in functionality as it might seem at first glance.

Why did you need to use antivirus software on Android systems?

The days when viruses and malware only attacked DOS and Windows systems are long gone. Today stationary operating systems Mac OS X and Linux remain invulnerable to viruses (even iOS is susceptible to infection).

So why, then, there was a need to protect Android systems, which are built precisely on Linux based? Virus developers use the most simple methods through which viruses can penetrate devices. This is a download as an installation APK file... But the virus just won't work - it needs to be installed. Since such threats are often disguised as official applications, users rush to install an interesting program and end up with a headache.

Basically, in the Android environment, Trojans are most often encountered (and at the same time ransomware) that steal personal data and confidential information, and finally encrypting files with blocking access to the system. Among all these threats, viruses such as Godless, Faketoken, Loki, Marcher and Triada are especially dangerous. The latter, by the way, was discovered quite recently - in March 2017.

Although all programs are thoroughly tested, threats have been detected there as well. But they managed to neutralize them. Therefore, the very first advice: in order not to install a paid or free antivirus for Android, never install applications downloaded from questionable sources. As you can see, you should be careful even with Play Market.

Antivirus rating for "Android"

As for modern anti-virus software, as one would expect, eminent developers of similar software for stationary computer systems turned out to be among the top ten, although there were some surprises.

The relative one for "Android" looks like this:

  • CM Security;
  • Internet Security from Kaspersky Lab;
  • ESET NOD32 Mobile Security;
  • Avast Antivirus (Mobile Security);
  • 360 Security;
  • Dr.Web v.9 Anti-Virus;
  • AVG Antivirus Free / Pro;
  • Avira Antivirus Security;
  • Norton Security& Antivirus;
  • McAfee Security & Antivirus Free.

Next, we will consider each software product in more detail, paying attention to some important aspects of functionality and use, not bypassing the issues of the possibility of downloading and installing free versions of applications.

CM Security

This package (full name CM Security AntiVirus AppLock) is a rather interesting development by Cheetah Mobile). It combines almost all the necessary tools to provide protection.

This free antivirus for Android phone in its functionality contains a regular scanner and monitor, anti-theft, blocker of URL links, unwanted contacts and access to installed applications, as well as a protection module network connections.

The most interesting here is the function of blocking access to applications AppLock, which allows you to restrict access to installed applets such as mail, correspondence using instant messengers, etc. (and not only from the side of a stranger, but also from the side of the installed software). The launch can be carried out with a password. True, there are also disadvantages. For example, in the application, at the start of the scan, there is no choice of the scan method, and immediately after installation, the user is prompted to register in cloud service... But in it you can save a backup copy of the system, bypassing Google services... In addition, the antivirus test showed the minimum load on system resources... In general, judging by the reviews of experts, it makes a very good impression.

This software product, apparently, needs no introduction. As for the antivirus itself, Kaspersky Internet Security, developed for Android systems, can be found in two versions - paid and free.

The trial version of the product in the arsenal has a scanner, anti-theft, web filter, contact blocker and SMS. After the 30-day period, some functions are disabled, and scanning must be performed manually. But the scanning itself is carried out quite quickly (in contrast to its stationary counterpart). The rest of the functions are standard. The only drawback of the whole package is the lack of protection for network connections and Internet traffic. But in configuring the modules of the protection system, the user is provided with a lot of parameters that can be changed at his own discretion, plus - a laconic interface that is not overloaded with unnecessary elements.

ESET NOD32 Mobile Security

ESET NOD32 Mobile Security for Android is another software product widely known to users for its similar development for stationary systems.

In this package, in addition to standard modules (scanner, anti-theft, etc.), you can find a special anti-phishing system, an application verification module, as well as a special tool for protecting a SIM card, which can be useful to many users, for example, in case of loss smartphone or tablet.

When it comes to scanning, the program offers three test options to choose from: Fast, Intelligent, and Deep. In the first case, only installed user applets are checked, system components, libraries and archives ZIP format up to the third level of nesting in directories. In the second case, a removable SD card check is added. In the third option, absolutely all files are scanned both on the internal and on the removable drive. In addition to this, you can choose a method to eliminate or isolate detected threats (as is done in a stationary scanner). But the main disadvantage is the lack of protection for network connections.

Avast Mobile Security & Antivirus

Before us is another well-known representative of antivirus software. Avast antivirus for Android is available in two versions: free and premium. However, both versions include a very interesting toolbox.

Among all that the free antivirus for "Android" Avast has, it is especially worth highlighting the presence of a firewall, a web screen, a geofessing system, a security advisor and even a system optimizer.

The geofessing function is quite unusual. In its settings, you can set the range in which the device can be moved. If it goes beyond its limits, the device is completely blocked with sound signal... A security advisor can be just as helpful, providing advice on how to fix problems when potential threats are detected.

In the Premium version, as additional tools, you can find a system for detecting and suppressing (disabling) ads, the ability to remote control, the functions of restoring and copying media files using cloud storage... But the optimizer, despite the developers' statements about its presence in the main package, must be loaded separately. But since in this case we are talking about an antivirus package, I think most users do not need this module.

360 Security

Antiviruses for "Android" in Russian cannot be considered without mentioning a relatively new Chinese development called 360 Security, which is absolutely free.

Basically, the possibilities software package look fairly standard, but scanning, along with the main scanned components, also affects temporary files located in the system. Another tool not typical for antiviruses is the ability to manage installed applications and transferring them to an SD card. Alas, there is no control of network connections, which, to put it mildly, simply scares off many users. But if you look at the program as a whole, there is the most necessary minimum of security features.

Dr.Web v.9 Anti-Virus

Anti-virus for Android Doctor Web, like many others from this list, does not need to be presented. The package itself is available in three modifications: basic (active for 14 days), extended Premium (completely paid) and Light (free).

Among the most interesting modules are the Internet filter (Cloud Checker), firewall and anti-spam module. Distinctive feature this application is that it allows you to unlock mobile device even if infected with blocking viruses. In addition, there is a specially configurable function complete removal data from the device in case of several unsuccessful attempts to unlock the gadget. Here, however, the presence of such a module can play a cruel joke with its owner. But most experts do not recommend using this applet as a scanner. The check is carried out for a very long time and with a significant load of system resources.

AVG Antivirus Free / Pro

This package is quite simple and has standard set tools. It can be downloaded at Free versions and Pro, but the problem is that the free modification only works for one month. After this period, you will have to purchase a license and switch to the Pro version.

Unfortunately, of the most interesting functions, one can single out not protection tools, but a system performance optimization module (process management, battery saving, memory cleaning, etc.), which modern antivirus software does not need in the arsenal at all.

Avira Antivirus Security

Before us is another antivirus package known from stationary systems with a set of standard modules, which is available in basic and premium versions. The basic version works for 30 days.

After the trial period expires, URL blocking and updating are automatically disabled anti-virus databases which is completely working version carried out once a day. The only, perhaps, interesting and non-standard function is address checking Email from the existing contact list. But even all the advantages pale against the background of the lack of network protection and localization for Russian-speaking users.

Norton Security & Antivirus

This antivirus is a pretty good tool for protecting a mobile device, although it has the most common tools at its disposal. The package is available in a free (trial) version and a paid modification.

If you look at it, by and large the user gets the most necessary minimum. True, to this minimum has been added the function of backing up and restoring files. But on the whole, the evaluation of the program may look like a well-known saying: "Simple, but tasteful." However, one of the main advantages is that the application does not in any way load system resources, and it does not require special attention even with the default settings, working in the background and not distracting the user from other things.

McAfee Security & Antivirus Free

The paid Premium version is additionally equipped with a backup system, but for some reason only multimedia data. But the anti-virus scanner, in addition to the main objects in the system or on removable media, is also able to check QR codes. Another interesting feature is the automatic forwarding of a photo of an intruder who has stolen a mobile device. When the battery is low, you can set up automatic memorization of the last geolocation via the GPS module.


Only one most important question remains open: "What antivirus to choose for Android?" User reviews on the Internet are divided. Some people install antiviruses of only well-known brands, not paying attention to functionality... Others categorically do not accept shareware and paid versions (including unnecessary additional tools). So what software product can be called universal, and such that it suits both? Based on the opinion of experts and software tools, the CM Security AntiVirus & AppLock antivirus is still recognized as the best today due to the presence of the most powerful functionality, free distribution and the fact that it is not burdened with unnecessary tools, because in this case we are talking about providing the most full protection of the Android device, and not about systems designed to back up or optimize device performance.

However, the world ratings also testify to this. But, be that as it may, the choice is always up to the user. But also user preferences in favor of one or another software product may not always be objective. But the most important thing is that, if the need to install anti-virus software is already ripe, it should be downloaded only from trusted sources, otherwise, instead of protection, you can launch malicious programs into your system, and then you will have to restore not only your files and applications, but the entire system as a whole.

These are the ten programs that are most effective in protecting your device from malware. Most of them are distributed free of charge.

The essence of the problem

Like any devices, tablets and smartphones on the Android operating system can be affected by viruses. At the same time, there are all the same types of threats as for a stationary PC and laptop. These are threats such as:

  • Malicious files that cause malfunction of the device, copying information entered from it;
  • Phishing sites that copy your account data;
  • The action of "beacons" on sites that collect information about your activity on the network, including for the formation of targeted advertising;
  • Viruses that violate the confidentiality of payment transactions, copy data on the card and can cause real material damage, etc.

Therefore, a high-quality antivirus must be multifunctional and protect against a number of threats. Also, often such antiviruses have additional functions - they indicate the rating of sites, their potential danger, etc. Also, additional functions sometimes include automatic cleaning of the cache, residual files RAM, etc.

<Рис. 1 Вирус на Андроид>

If you choose the right software, then it not only protects against various types of network threats, but also optimizes the entire operation of the device.

No. 1. Dr. Web

One of the most downloaded antiviruses currently. Its assembly of the Light format is distributed free of charge. Compared to the full version of the program, the lightweight version has slightly fewer functions, which does not prevent it from meeting all the requirements for protecting the device.

Several versions are implemented, depending on the type of device and the type of firmware. They are selected automatically (subject to download via Google Play).

  • The software has the following advantages:
  • A stable working set of basic functions;
  • High efficiency in protecting both the device from malicious files and the user's privacy on the network;
  • High speed of work even on fairly old systems;
  • There are many versions of the program for various devices and firmware;
  • Easily integrates into the operating system and works stably on any device;
  • Updates are released regularly to protect the device from the latest types of network threats;
  • An easy-to-use application that, at the same time, has great possibilities fine tuning and easily adjusts to "itself", it is also very easy to choose the types of scanning, etc .;
  • Has general deep scan, general quick scan, and check mode certain files and folders.

However, there are also disadvantages to this program. Among them, there is no filter for spam in free version... This feature is only available in the paid version, which costs $ 30.

The program has a high rating. It has been downloaded over 50 million times at the moment, which is a very high figure for this type of software. Google Play software has a 4.5 rating, with nearly a million users giving it five stars.

<Рис. 2 Dr.Web>

No. 2. CM Security

Another free and effective program that is popular. The number of its downloads is almost equal to the previous software. It has the main advantage - from the very beginning it was developed specifically for work on mobile devices, in contrast to many other applications of this rating, which "grew" from conventional PC software.

A Lite application is sold free of charge. The version weighs less than 2 MB. Possesses a set necessary functions to protect your device and keep your internet surfing safe.

Has the following advantages over competitors:

  • Most well adapted for smartphones, both in terms of visual design and menus, and in terms of functionality;
  • It has additional functions to work with the operating system (blocking applications, traffic control and management, file and program manager, etc.), moreover, in a light version;
  • Allows you not only to scan, but also to clear the device memory from residual files;
  • Differs in speed;
  • Constantly updated and optimized for new versions of Android;
  • The database of threats is constantly updated, which guarantees the safety of your phone or tablet even from the latest viruses, etc .;
  • Real-time work;
  • The application is translated into 26 languages ​​for easier work with it for foreign users;
  • Anti-theft service, which provides remote access to the device, which allows you to take a photo with the front camera if the password is entered by mistake or pattern key etc. (however, all this makes sense only with the appropriate device settings);
  • Informative interface.

Unlike many programs on this list, CM Security is not a simple antivirus, but a comprehensive software for working with the OS. Protects against both online and offline threats. Allows you to prevent unwanted calls and more.

<Рис. 3 CM Security>

No. 3. Kaspersky Internet Security

Relatively recently, Kaspersky Lab has developed a version of its software for Android. The new antivirus, or rather the security system for the device, has proven itself well and is popular.

It is especially effective for protecting against virus programs. Also has very good characteristics regarding protection against online theft. According to the second indicator, it surpasses almost all programs presented in this rating.

For quite a long time, it was Kaspersky that was considered the optimal antivirus for Android. But at present, most users note a rather narrow functionality, in comparison with others. free software such an appointment. The uncomfortable and somewhat "clumsy" interface and unpleasant design are also striking.

Although the most recent versions of this software are already more optimized and advanced. They are more convenient and enjoyable to work with. It has the following undeniable advantages:

  • Highly effective protection against network threats and malware and files;
  • Anti-theft format functions;
  • SIM - notifications (not the most popular function, but many users are still used to working with it);
  • Anti-phishing system;
  • Hide contacts of a certain type;
  • Blocker of unwanted calls, etc.

Differs in some aggressiveness, especially when blocking the device. However, it has a 4.7 rating on Google Play. At the same time, about one and a half million users rated it 5 stars.

<Рис. 4 Kaspersky>

No. 4. 360 Security

This antivirus is very similar in functionality to CM Security, but slightly inferior in functionality. Perhaps that is why it is downloaded a little less often. It was also developed specifically for Android, not optimized.

Has the following functionality:

  • Memory scan;
  • Protection against malware, phishing sites and other network threats;
  • Acceleration of the device;
  • Scanning memory and cleaning from residual files, working with RAM and optimizing the device;
  • Closing unnecessary processes and applications (on request) in order to save battery power;
  • Blocking unwanted calls and sending messages to short, potentially paid numbers (which is not always convenient);
  • Anti-theft.

There are no such functions that are present in most other antiviruses, such as traffic control, real-time work (that is, direct tracking of Internet surfing and checking files received in the course of it). Antivirus is designed for more or less old devices, which can be regarded as a plus.

<Рис. 5 360 Security>

No. 5. AVG Antivirus Free

Also popular enough. It has many varieties and firmware for a particular type of OS and version. Protects against a range of network threats as well as malicious files and viruses. Allows you to configure the system, protects against unwanted calls, etc.

Has over 100 million downloads, is very popular with users. Works in real time and can scan both phone memory and removable media. Equipped with the Anti-theft function, which allows you to track the device on Google maps, as well as clear all data in the device, block it after changing the SIM card.

There is a function for setting up private applications. If you have such an antivirus installed, then access to certain software can be carried out only by entering the PIN code. This is convenient, for example, if you have programs for working with documents.

<Рис. 6 AVG>

No. 6. Avast Mobile Security

The desktop version is very popular. Liked by users and a new version for mobile devices. Has the following set of functions:

  • Quickly scan the external and internal memory of your phone or tablet in real time;
  • Scanning on demand;
  • Drawing up black lists, both sites and contacts;
  • Protection from malicious files, phishing, etc.

There is a function for remote control of the program's functionality when setting up root access. Equally effective in most popular browsers.

It also has some disadvantages. For example, there is no Anti-Theft and Spy Camera function. In addition, the interface and access to the functionality in the program is quite confusing and you need to get used to it.

<Рис. 7 Avast>

No. 7. Norton Mobile Security

The anti-virus has a wide range of functions for protecting personal data, as well as protecting the device from network threats. However, the free trial version available to the user only for one month. After that, you need to issue paid subscription, costing 900 rubles per year.


  • Real-time traffic control;
  • Creation backup all data;
  • Anti-theft and remote access to the device (including blocking when withdrawing a SIM card);
  • Setting up blocking calls and SMS;
  • Application Advisor reports on threats from software;
  • Convenient functionality and nice design.


  • Relatively few settings;
  • Short trial period;
  • Quite a high price.

<Рис. 8 Norton>

No. 8. Avira

Demon paid version implemented through Google Play. In principle, it is sufficient to ensure the normal level of safety of the device. Nevertheless, there is a version with advanced functionality, the cost of a subscription in this case is about 400 rubles per year.

Especially no different from analogues. It is efficient enough and works quickly. Protects against malicious files and network threats, has functions for interacting with the system and its settings.

Allows blocking unwanted numbers (both calls and SMS from / to them). Works with blacklists, which can be created in automatic mode with certain settings. Can restrict access to certain applications.

There is an Anti-Theft function with interesting functionality. It allows you not only to remotely access and take a picture on front camera but also turn on the siren. It is also possible to remotely lock the device and data from it.

The downside is that many basic features are only available by subscription. For example, the free version lacks real-time scanning. Also, the program does not respond to downloads of suspicious files if there is no subscription.

<Рис. 9 Avira>

No. 9. McAfee

Quite a popular application. However, it has strange functionality. Although it has many functions to protect the device from viruses, a significant part of its functionality has nothing to do with this area of ​​activity.

The functionality is clear enough, and the interface and the menu are convenient. However, the visuals are not very pleasant. However, you can get used to it.

There is an Anti-theft function. As well as a wide range of functions to protect the device, such as entering a PIN code, security questions and other. Restricts access to applications using a PIN code or key, has blocking from unwanted calls and SMS.

<Рис. 10 McAfee>

No. 10. ESET

The same company has developed NOD32 antivirus for PCs. And his mobile version and is presented in this rating. The application is free and is sold through Google Play, and its paid version with wider functionality costs 400 rubles per year.

The software can scan the system, move files to quarantine, and check the device on schedule. There is advanced protection against phishing. Very functional and impressive Anti-Theft module.

Useful Tips

Android is the most popular operating system in the world, which means that it is extremely important for every user to take care of the protection of their device.

There are many antivirus software for all devices running on the system from Google.

It doesn't matter which smartphone and / or tablet you use, it's important to have antivirus, or security program.

In this article, you will learn about the most popular, effective and reliable anti-virus programs, and tools for devices running on Android (Android) - and these are almost all phones.

Many of these programs do much more than just scan your smartphone... They prevent infection with Internet pages and open or downloaded files.

It is also worth noting that almost all of these antiviruses can be downloaded absolutely free from google play.

Antivirus for android phone

WhatAntivirus forAndroid

Antivirus is a program (application) that protects your smartphone and tablet from various malicious programs. More specifically, the antivirus protects against such types of programs as worms, trojans and spyware.

To better protect your device from malware, you should install only the best antiviruses that can dig deeply and find what hidden in distant folders on your device.

In fact, there is no specific answer to the question, which antivirus is actually the best... However, if you research various user and professional reviews, as well as study research on this topic, you can determine a list of the highest quality antiviruses.

How important is it to install antivirus on your phone?

Many people will wonder whether it is worth installing an antivirus on their smartphone at all. This question is quite logical, and it concerns not only anti-virus programs, but also programs for cleaning and speeding up the phone.

There are many opinions on this matter. It's hard to argue about what the Internet is many virus threats, and you need protection from them. However, according to the manufacturers, Android system and so reliably protected from viruses.

Remember: The virus will only get into your device if you download it yourself.

Popular types of viruses

Trojan- this malicious program impersonates itself as a harmless program.

Spy- a program that collects data from your bank cards, passwords and other personal information.

Ransomware virus- is able to block your device, and then demand payment from you to unlock it.

When are you required to install an antivirus?

1. When downloading games and applications from third-party sources, not from Google Play.

2. When using applications related to electronic money, including WebMoney, Mobile Bank and online payment for goods.

3. If you want to install additional functions, including programs for cleaning and accelerating the device.

When is it not necessary to install an antivirus?

1. If you use programs exclusively from the official Google store Play.

2. If you are not using Mobile bank and other programs related to money.

What are the disadvantages of antivirus software?

1. In order for your smartphone or tablet to be always protected, you need to have the antivirus always on. In this case, it will not only occupy a part the operating system but also drain your device's battery.

2. Many antiviruses that are offered for free have limited functionality, and in order to use the program at full capacity, you will have to pay for the full version.

3. From time to time, some antivirus programs signal the danger of applications from Google Play. However, all apps in this store are rigorously tested and free of malware.

Of course, you decide for yourself whether to install an antivirus or not, but one thing is for sure - this program will definitely not make your phone or tablet worse.

Free antiviruses for Android

Here is a list of the best quality antivirus for smartphones and tablets:

1 ... AvastMobileSecurity

Free antivirus that checks the operating system of your device and notifies you of the threat of infection in time. When automatic start, this program instantly blocks the path to the infected file.

In addition, Avast for Android protects your device from potential vulnerabilities wireless network Wi-Fi.

Additional functions:

Call blocking

Access protection system (firewall)

Anti-theft protection (allows you to remotely lock your device if you forgot or lost it somewhere).

Previously, the program was paid, but now many functions can be used for free in exchange for some advertising within the program.

To get the most out of the Avast Android app, you can pay a small monthly or yearly fee to get the premium version.

V full version you can also put a "lock" on some applications, and each time the device will ask for a PIN to open a particular application. This prevents malware from automatically launching applications such as Mobile Banking.

Download antivirus at Avast


If you want a more comprehensive version that has a system wipe, password management and VPN (a completely secure channel that allows you to connect your smartphone or tablet to another Internet-facing device), you can use Avast Ultimate.

The best antivirus programs for Android devices

2. BitdefenderAntivirusFree

A lightweight app from a trusted brand. Minimum load and very easy installation, but you have to program a check for malware.

The program provides real-time protection, proactive monitoring and scanning of HTTP traffic in order to protect against phishing and various malware.

Bitdefender is a well-known name in the online security world. Antivirus for Android from this company does not work in the shadow mode, which saves you battery power and does not load once again RAM your device.

However, this also means that the program will only run at your request, that is, you have to always start it manually or program the scan time of the device.

Key features of the free Bitdefender antivirusAntivirusFree:

1. Real-time protection - the program protects the device while accessing the network. It checks all files when they are launched, moved or copied.

2. Cloud - the program uses cloud scanning technology. Thus, new threats are detected faster, while most antiviruses do not see new malware.

3. HTTP scanning - antivirus analyzes and then blocks websites that have been suspected of fraud and phishing.

4. The program is periodically automatically updated.

1. Scanning web pages in real time.

2. Ability to remotely block the device and delete all information from it.

Antivirus for Android free download

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Downloadfrom the official online storeGooglePlay

Antivirus for android: which is better

3. McAfeeMobileSecurity

McAfee is another well-known name in the field of antivirus software, not only for smartphones and tablets, but also for ordinary computers.

This antivirus offers multi-layered security - it not only serves as an antivirus, but also as a privacy tool and also provides protection against thieves.

The program gives you the ability to block applications that have privacy settings above the level that you consider acceptable for yourself.

You can also block any phone numbers, not only the numbers from which the calls came, but also those from which the messages came.

The antivirus also scans applications to find out if it is leaking your personal information to a third party and, if necessary, blocks it.

Anti-theft protection:

1. One of the anti-theft features is called "capturecam". With its help, your smartphone automatically takes a photo of the thief who took your device. After that, the program sends the photo to the email address you specified earlier.

2. McAfee Mobile Security gives you the ability to track your device, delete all information from it from any computer, and activate an alert that on high level volume will signal the loss of the device.

Verified by McAfee

The program offers you maximum antivirus protection, and the McAfee seal of approval will inform you of this. Its presence indicates that you can safely open the site from any browser.

Download antivirus

Download from the official website of the developer

Downloadfrom the official online storeGooglePlay

Antivirus for Android for free in Russian

4 ... KasperskyMobileAntivirus

Kaspersky, on a par with Bitdefender, is a big player in the antivirus market. The free version of the app has many impressive features. According to testing, it is capable of detecting malware with a 99.9% rate.

This free mobile antivirus can protect your data from viruses, spyware, Trojans and other malware.

The mainantivirus features:

1. You can manage antivirus software from using Android Wear - operating system for smart watches.

2. The ability to block potentially dangerous sites.

3. Ability to block calls and SMS.

4. Search for a lost device (Anti-Theft).

Like most antiviruses, this program provides many additional features for an additional fee.

Kaspersky Internet Security for Android offers additional security features for those who purchase the premium version. Among them: automatic scanning, anti-phishing, privacy function, as well as the function of filtering calls and SMS.

In the premium version, you also get:

1. Ability to set a password for applications.

2. Protecting personal information from unwanted eyes.

Download antivirus Kaspersky

Downloadfrom the official online storeGooglePlay

5. NortonSecurityandAntivirus

This mobile antivirus will protect your mobile device from viruses, malware, and will also help if your smartphone or tablet is lost or stolen.

Norton Security and Antivirus allows you to remotely block, and also allows you to delete your confidential data, see the location of the device, block phone numbers and do backup data.

In one test conducted a few months ago, this antivirus showed 100% success in detecting malware for Android devices.

Antivirus also lets you manage all of your devices from one website.

A few more useful tools:

1. The ability to remotely block your smartphone with one SMS if it was stolen or lost. Also, the device is automatically blocked after 10 attempts to enter an incorrectly entered password or in case of removing the SIM card.

2. Norton not only detects viruses inside applications, but also automatically removes them.

3. Ability to scan and remove programs containing dangerous code or viruses.

In the premium version, you also get:

1. Blocking calls and SMS messages.

2. Thanks to the application advisor, created on the basis of NortonTM Mobile Insight technology, the antivirus itself checks it for potential threats of personal data leakage even before downloading the application, and also analyzes how much battery resources the application is using.

3. Using the " hidden shooting", you can get a photo of the person using your lost device. The photo is taken with the front camera.

4. Antivirus blocks any attempts by malicious websites to gain access to your personal data.

5. You can find your lost device at online map... Also, a loud signal is heard when the phone is lost.

Download antivirus for free

Download from the official website of the developer

Downloadfrom the official online storeGooglePlay

6. AviraAntivirusSecurity

Avira's mobile offering not only scans the files you download, but also the content in your phone's memory.

It's worth noting that this antivirus doesn't use up a lot of your device's resources. This means that the smartphone will not slow down, and its battery will not be drained too much.

It can also scan external storage such as your SD card. Apps are rated using a privacy scale to help you decide how much to trust.

Built-in identity protection "Identity Safeguard" regularly checks to see if your contact list has any email addresses that were previously highlighted in serious violations.

The app is controlled by a web portal, which is extremely useful if you want to set up a general privacy policy across multiple of your devices.

1. Finding a lost or stolen device.

2. Blocking programs trying to gain access to your applications.

3. Automatic scanning of the memory card, external drive and other external devices.

4. Remote blocking of the device in case of loss or theft, as well as remote cleaning of all files on the device.

5. Activation of a loud sound signal in case you cannot find the device (for example, if you forgot where you put it, or it just fell over the back of the sofa).

6. Ability to send a message to the person who found your phone.

7. Blocking calls and SMS.

In the premium version, you also get:

1. Even more additional support.

2. Automatic blocking of malicious sites.

3. Frequent updates.

Download Avira Antivirus

Download from the official website of the developer

Downloadfrom the official online storeGooglePlay

7. EsetMobileSecurity& Antivirus

This mobile app has the following functions: Anti-Virus, Anti-theft, Anti-phishing, Anti-spam, and it is also able to scan the application and the system for malware.

This antivirus will protect your device from known and emerging mobile threats, as well as phishing sites.

Here are some other features this antivirus offers you:

1. Protects against viruses in real time and sends you a report.

2. Allows you to scan the device offering Fast, Smart, or Deep Scan.

3. He is able to block unwanted calls and SMS messages.

4. It allows you to control your device remotely, and block or delete its contents from any computer.

5. Opportunity remote inclusion sirens.

In the premium version, you are offered:

1. Scanning the device on a schedule.

2. Automatic update.

3. The function of detecting dangerous or unwanted applications

4. If you lose your phone, you can see its location on the map.

5. The ability to take pictures with the front camera of a person who uses your smartphone.

6. Ability to receive notifications about a SIM card change or an attempt to unlock the phone.

7. Ability to contact the person who found your device.

8. Filtering calls and SMS messages.

Antivirus download on Android in Russian

Download from the official website of the developer

Downloadfrom the official online storeGooglePlay

8. SophosMobileSecurity

This free antivirus, using cloud technologies, checks all the applications that you decide to install on your device.

In case you have lost, or your phone or tablet has been stolen, you can use the remote blocking function.

Unlike many other free antivirus programs, Sophos is ad-free.

This antivirus is also capable of blocking sites with illegal content or spam.

You can program the day and time to scan files and folders, and the malware database is updated periodically without your intervention.

In addition, the program has a QR scanner that can be used to establish secure Wi-Fi connections.

The program also contains a recognition program that can automatically generate one-time passwords for multi-level identification.

Main functions of SophosMobileSecurity

1. Scan applications and APK files installed both in the phone or tablet memory and on the SD card.

2. Ability to remotely block and locate a lost Android device.

3. The ability to remotely erase data, as well as turn on the siren on a stolen device.

Antivirus offers multi-layered comprehensive protection, hunting Trojans, viruses, as well as phishing and adware.

CM Security for Android keeps your data confidential and allows you to set passwords for certain applications. This way you can protect against prying eyes all your contacts, photos and correspondence in social networks.

Main functions of CMSecurity

1. Using the local and cloud core for scanning information.

2. Regular updates to anti-virus databases.

3. Providing real-time protection. Antivirus monitors all downloaded applications and updates, as well as all open sites.

4. The program scans not only internal memory smartphone or tablet, but also external memory cards.

5. Antivirus takes pictures of an intruder who took possession of your device, if he entered the password incorrectly three times.

6. The program also cleans up the device from the remnants of applications and optimizes its memory.

Recently, a lot of advertisements have been appearing in the application, which has led to many complaints from users. Hopefully the developers will fix the bug. Moreover, developers themselves can complain about inconvenient ads.

Where to download antivirus

Downloadfrom the official online storeGooglePlay.

10. 360 SecurityAntivirus

With the help of two-level protection, this free antivirus for Android has the ability to monitor the security of your device in real time, as well as fix vulnerabilities in the system, and prevent leakage of personal information.

The program can also clean your smartphone or tablet from unused background applications to significantly speed up the device.

Despite the abundance of functions, the antivirus is made as clear as possible for any user.

Main features of 360 Security

1. Two-level protection against malware. This uses cloud technologies to scan for viruses, which allows you to find very "fresh" malware.

2. Thanks to a new type of antivirus engines, the program scans any device very quickly.


Dr.Web Anti-virus Light is a simplified version of one of the most popular anti-viruses for the Android system.

Dr.Web Light and Dr.Web Security Space are two versions of the same anti-virus with great capabilities, which allow you to provide your device with comprehensive protection against all types of malware.

The main functions of Anti-virusDr.WebLight:

1. Ability to select a fast or full (deeper) scan of the device.

2. Traffic control and online check of all the files you download.

3. The "Antispam" function makes it possible to block unwanted calls and SMS messages.

4. The "Anti-theft" function makes it possible to track the device in case of its loss and remotely erase all personal data and important information.

5. The ability to unlock your device if it was infected with a virus, even when the phone was completely locked.

Download antivirus for Android

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